Chapter 16

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Kendall's P.O.V.

We were driving to six flags and I decided to make small talk.

"Hey Cam?" I asked him

"Yeah kitten?" He replied

"I know it's not really my business but uhh I'm dying to know, how are you and Alana?" I asked

"Uhh she cheated on me"

"Oh, umm I'm sorry to hear that" I said in a sympathetic tone

"Its okay!" He said with a smile before turning the radio on.

Stitches came on and we freaked out. So did Shawn.

"I MADE IT ON THE RADIO OH MY GOD!!!" He freaked out

We all took vines and said how proud of him we were or like say congrats and stuff.

10 minutes later we arrived at the amusement park. We payed for our ride bracelets and went in.

I saw I ride that was a Egyptian Boat that swung back and forth but I went really high and you almost go upside down you go halfway then go back down and it looked really fun.

"Guys! Guys! That one! That one!" I cheered pointing to the ride.

"Okay let's go!!" Shawn said excited

"Your gonna puke" Matt smirked

I shot him a glare and Taylor laughed and held my hand walking towards the ride.

"Come on Taylor!!" I said jumping up and down pulling him towards the ride.

"Okay I'm coming I'm coming" he said chuckling

Once we reached the ride I sat in the middle of it cause I didn't want to sit at the top because it would be even scarier up there.

"Oh no Kendall you have to sit on the top!" Hayes shouted

I rolled my eyes and me and Taylor walked to the top. He held my hand and the ride started and squeezed his hand tighter.

"Someone scared?" He asked me

I shook my head but he knew I was.

At first it starts low then it gets higher.

We got to the highest point.

"TAYLOR IM GONNA DIE IM LITERALLY FALLING OUT!!" I screamed. Okay maybe I was exaggerating but u really felt like i was once we got to the top.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" Hayes screamed at the top of his lungs.

I got used to it and had a lot of fun.

Once the ride was over I was so excited to do more. But Hayes looked like he seen a ghost.

"Hayes were you scared?" I teased

"Shuddup" he mumbled under his breath

I laughed and we looked for another ride to go on.

"Let's go on this one!!!!! PLEASEEEEE??" Johnson begged he pointed to a HUGE roller coaster the had a huge drop and went underground and did full loops and and turns that jerked you.

"I'm not going on that." Nash refused

"Yeah same" Aaron said.

"I will go on with you Johnson" I said

"Me too" Hayes said

"Same" Gabby said

Matt stood there thinking.

"What? Matt are you scared? You gonna puke?" I smirked at him

"Nope. I'm going!" He said trying to be excited but he was terrified I laughed as Johnson, Me, Hayes, Gabby and Matt went on. And Cam, Nash,Taylor,Aaron, Jack G, and Shawn stayed down to wait for us.

We got on the ride and I was shaking, I was next to Johnson and Matt. And Hayes and Gabby were with each other behind us.

The ride started and Matt instantly clinged  onto me and I clinged onto Johnson. Johnson wasn't scared at all we started going up and I freaked out, we dropped and Matt and I screamed so loud, Hayes was trying not to cry for Gabby. Johnson was laughing and Gabby was screaming for dear life. This is my least favorite ride by far.

We got off and I was so happy to be alive everyone laughed at me and Matt and I realized that I was in matts arms, he put me down and Taylor walked over to me laughing.

"Scared?" He asked me

I nodded my head.

"I never want to do that ride again." I said terrified.

Next we went on the tilt-a-whirl, then the Ferris wheel, then we went on one called the jumping jack where you up as the ride clicks and you drop and go back up, it was my favorite.

After like 15 hundred more rides (it felt like) we all got hungry and walk on the other side of the amusement park and exited and walked to the pier.

We saw subway and went there to get something to eat.

After subway we decided not to go on anymore rides because we basically already rid them all and we were tired from walking, so we got in our cars and drove home.

We walked through the front door and I went upstairs to take a shower, but someone stopped me. I turned around and saw Matt.

"Here you go" he said handing me a five dollar bill rolling his eyes.

I laughed and took it.

"Thank you Mattchuew!" I said going to Taylor's room.

I walked in and saw him on his bed watching something on his Mac book.

"Hiiii" I said plopping down on his bed

"Hey babe" he smiled to me

"Whatcha doin?" I asked

"Watching some old YouTube videos of magcon" he replied

"Oooo can I watch too?" I asked

"Of course princess" he smiled to me

We watched some YouTube videos and it was already 8:53.

"Hey Taylor I'm gonna go take a shower" I smiled to him.

"Okay see you later kitten" he said kissing my cheek

"I love you" he said smiling

"I love you too" I replied

I walked upstairs to my room and got in the shower the warm water felt so good on my back, all of sudden my foot slipped and I screamed.

Before everything went black.


Long chapter!!

Sorry for any mistakes!!

Okay and I read the begging of my book and it's horrible😂 everything was so unorganized so that's why I'm trying to make my chapters better now. So I really hope you enjoy my book!



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