Chapter 22

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Gabby's P.O.V.
"Kendall stay with me, you have to stay with me" I said holding her hand but in the middle of my sentence she already closed her eyes.

I was trying to keep mine open but it was no use I couldn't do it so I just let my eyes close.
Nash's P.O.V.
Me and the guys were sitting in the living room messing around laughing and making vines.

When I got a phone call.

I answered

(The bold will be the phone call. N=Nash O=operator)


O- hi is this Nash Grier?

N-Yes this is, Can I help you?

O- sir, I'm afraid I have terrible news, Your sister Kendall Grier and Her friend Gabriella Smith have been in a car accident and they are at the local hospital right now.


O-Sir are you there?

Line goes dead.


We all piled into separate cars.

We sped to the hospital.

I jumped out and ran inside.

"I need to know where Kendall Grier and Gabriella Smith are now!" I said through tears.

"Room 107 they are sharing a room in level 2" the lady said

I sprinted for the elevator and the guys were following behind me.

As soon as the elevator stopped I ran out almost running into somebody but I didn't care, all I cared about was Kendall and Gabby and Yes, I cared about Gabby as much as I did Kendall she was like a little sister to me, and I can't imagine how Hayes feels.

"105, 106, 107!" I said to myself

I quietly opened the door and first I saw gabby.

She was all cut up and bruised and he was unconscious, she had a wrap around her wrist and her stomach.

I started to cry, I can't believe this happened.

I next went to Kendall afraid of what I'm about to see.

She had scratches all of her body and she was all bruised she looked pale and she was also unconscious, she had a wrap around her stomach also, and she had one around her ankle too.

I hated seeing her like this.

I stormed out of the room balling my eyes out. What did she do to do deserve this she was just in the hospital however many days ago.

Oh my god. I hadn't even thought about that. The doctor said to take it easy and I'm pretty sure getting into a car accident isn't taking  it fucking easy.

I leaned against a wall and slid down and put my hands in my face and just cried. My baby sister. I just want to see her bright blue eyes and her smile that can make you smile even when your sad.

Taylor's P.O.V.

Seeing Kendall like this broke me so much, I walked over and sat down and held her hand in mine.

"Kendall.. I love you so much, please stay strong for me and everyone else, we love you too much to let you go." I said with tears streaming down my face.

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