Chapter 6

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Taylor's P.O.V.
We were landing in like 20 mins so I decided to wake up Kendall,

"Kendalllll wake upppp" I said in a baby voice

"Whyyyy?" She said back

"Cause we are landing in 20 mins" I said to her.

"Okay I'm awake" she said looking out the window probably looking at the sun rising. It was beautiful, but not as beautiful as Kendall. I think I love her maybe, idek.

Kendall's P.O.V.

We got to the airport and I was looking for Gabby when I saw her, her and Hayes were holding hands and walking side by side, honestly they are a really cute couple.

I took out my phone and went on snapchat and took a picture and said #Realtionshipgoalsaf💞 

I decided to find Nash.

"Hay Nashty" he said nudging him

"Hey baby sister" he said back

"So what are we gonna do today" I asked

"Well everyone pretty much wants to relax but me Hayes wanted to do something wanna join?" He asked me

"Yes! We could have sibling bonding time!!" I said with pure excitement

I feel like I hardly ever see Hayes and Nash they are always on tour or busy with friends so I'm pretty excited about today I wonder what we are gonna do.

*skipping car ride to the hotel*

We all walked up to the front desk and told the lady what we were here for.

"Umm we are apart of magcon, I think we have a floor rented out." Nash said more like a question

"Names?" The girl said rudely. She looked about 17-18 and she was fake as hell, it looked like a crayola box puked on her face.

"Grier and Dallas" Cameron said with the same amount of rudeness.

She rolled her eyes and handed us our room keys.

She saw Taylor and immediately pressed her boobs up and out with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Hey hottie" she said to Taylor

"Um hi" he said not knowing what to do.

When she wasn't looking he mouthed help to me and i laughed and walked over there.

"Sorry to interrupt this, but babe we have to go" I said to Taylor I was acting like I was his girlfriend.

"Umm who are you?" She said giving me a dirty look.

"I'm his girlfriend" I said smirking.

Taylor was shocked that I said that but then played along and put his arm around me.

"Byeee" he said walking away with me.

Once we were out of her sight we both died of laughter and high fives each other.

"Good acting" he said

"I know right" I said flipping my hair acting proud.

Once we caught up with everyone Cam turned to us

"Okay everyone gets a key just find someone to share a room with or you can have one of your own cause we have the whole floor"

He handed everyone a key.

"IM GOING WITH GABBY!!" Hayes said right away

"Nash and I will share a room" Cameron said

Everyone spilt off which left me and Taylor.

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