Chapter 15

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I woke up in my bed all by myself, somebody must've carried me here. 

I was really hungry so I decided to go downstairs to get something to eat. I looked at the time, 6:57am.

Wow I must've went to bed early last night or something.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the cupboards and got my favorite cereal.

Fruity pebbles.

I poured my milk and grabbed a spoon and ate my cereal while scrolling through Twitter.

I felt somebody's arms wrap around my  waist I turned around and saw Taylor.

"Good morning sunshine" he said in raspy morning voice, it was adorable.

"Morning sleeping beauty" I said putting my bowl in the sink.

"So do you want to go to a amusement park with the guys and I today?" He asked me.

"Sure, sounds fun I need to go shower though" I said giving him a quick peck on the lips before running up the stairs then walking down the hallway then running up another flight of stairs.

I walked into my bathroom and got in the shower. I sang some nights by fun and I don't even know your name by Shawn.

I got out and wrapped my hair in my towel, and wrapped a towel around my body, and walked to my closet to pick out my outfit.

I grabbed a pair of white high waisted shorts and a one of Taylor's white muscle tees with a white bandue under it and tucked his shirt in.

I walked into my bathroom and straightend my hair then put it in a ponytail and pulled out some baby hairs to frame my face.

Then I went back to closet and looked at my shoe rack and decided on a pair of lime green vans.

I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen around the island and sitting on counters.

"Okay so we are going to an amusement park that is on the pier so first we are gonna go on some rides then we will grab something to eat then do some rides again, then probably lol around at the shops then come home" Cameron said all organized.

I chuckled at him.

"So is everyone ready?" Taylor asked

Everyone nodded or gave a thumbs up and we walked out the door.

"Hay Kendall" Hayes said nudging me

"What?" I asked lightly shoving him

"Are you gonna be a pussy today?" He asked me

"Nah I decided that I will be some other day, today I'm gonna be a big girl and go on big girl rides!" I said like a four year old.

"I bet you 5 bucks you puke today" Matt said joking the conversation

"Looks like I'm gonna have 5 dollars today" I said proudly

"That's what you think little kitten" Matt said patting my head.

"Matt! Hayes! Kendall! Come on!" Nash shouted everyone was already in separate cars.

I got in and sat next to Taylor and he intertwined our fingers.

"Are you excited princess?" He asked me

I nodded excitedly but I actually kinda nervous.

But I'm gonna prove Matt and Hayes wrong.

And I will end up with a 5 dollar bill today.😂

Short chapter!

But it's my 15th chapter whoop whoop!! This is honestly the longest I have made a book before because I usually give up because I feel like my books aren't good enough I guess, but I really like this one!!

I honestly don't know when this book will end but it will probably be pretty long, because I know I love long books because I don't like when the end so suddenly.

But if this book ends and it isn't long there will most likely be a sequel!!

Sorry long authors note!




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