Chapter 25

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I decided not to tell Taylor about last night only because I didn't want any drama and I didn't want to ruin his and Sammys friendship.

I scrolled through Twitter before finally  deciding to get out of bed.

I went downstairs and starting cooking some  pancakes and eggs for everyone.

I felt two arms snake around my waist.

I expected to see Taylor. Nope. It was fucking Sammy.

"Dude let me go, me and Taylor are dating" I said pushing him off.

"Come on Kendall I know you like me, why can't we be together?" He asked me.

"Sammy I'm not trying to be a bitchy and shit and you seem like I sweet guy but you have to fucking back off, why can't you understand me and Taylor are together okay? So your just gonna have to deal with being friends. And if you didn't act all flirty and shit we could probably be really good friends." I ranted off to him, hoping i wasn't being too bitchy or mean.

Sammy looked shocked at the words that just came out of my mouth.

"Uhh okay, I'm umm really sorry... I really hope we can be friends then." He said to me.

"Yeah me too." I said to him

"Why don't we start over?" He asked me.

"I would like that." I said smiling to him.

"Hi I'm Sam Wilkinson but you can call me Sammy." He said sticking out his hand for me too shake it.

"I'm Kendall Grier, and umm I don't really have a nickname besides Kitten" I said laughing.

"So wanna do a little Q/A?" He asked me.

"Sure why not" I said flipping a pancake.

"Okay I'll go. Favorite color?" He asked me

"Mint green." I answered

"Favorite book?" He asked

"Uhh either Paper towns or The fault in our stars" I answered

"Favorite Food?" He asked

"Pizza duh" I answered

"Favorite Magcon boy?" He asked me

"I have no favorite" I answered back.

"Favorite thing to do in free time?" He asked me.

"Uhhh Hang out with friends, shop, watch Netflix, swim, penny board, eat, go to Starbucks, you know typical while girl stuff." I said laughing a little bit.

"Okay, you ask me some questions." He said to me

"Do you like unicorns?" I ask

"Who doesn't" he replied

"Favorite food?" I asked

"Umm Tacos or Lasagna" he said back

"If you could fly or be invisible which would it be?" I asked him

"Fly." He replied

"Good answer Wilk." I said back to him

"Favorite movie?" I asked

"Umm either Grown ups or the heat" he said

"Great now are you hungry?" I asked him

He nodded a yes.

"Good cause the foods done." I said

He chuckled and grabbed some food.


Guess who the first one was to come down.


"I heard food I came as soon as possible" he said with his eyes wide.

"Yeah I made food." I said grabbing te plates down.

"Great!" He said getting some food and sitting at the island with Sammy and I.

Soon everyone came down and got some food and we all scarfed it down.

"Okay so I made the food.. So guess who gets to do the dishes."

"Umm the dishwasher" Aaron said

We laughed at him being a smartass.

"Yeah no. Aaron gets too! Whoop whoop!" I said

"What why me?" He pouted.

"Because you were the first to say something" I smirked getting up to go upstairs and get ready for my day.

Short Chapter!!

Whoop whoop Sammy and Kendall made up!!

Sorry for any mistakes!



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