Chapter 5

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3 Days later.

Nash's P.O.V.

It was 3:30 am and our flight was at 6:30 and we wanted to get to the airport early cause of security and all that jazz.

I went into Kendall's room to make sure her and Gabby were awake.

I knocked on her door twice.


"Wattttt?" She said sounding awake.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yup" she said opening up her door.

She walked out along with Gabby.

"Let's go then" I said smiling

"Why did you pick such an early flight?" Gabby said frowning

Kendall nodded her head agreeing.

"It was the only one for today" I said

Kendall's P.OV.
As all of us were ready to walk out the door Hayes picked Gabby up bridal style. And of course I had to carry gabby's suitcase.

We all got in separate cars and headed to the airport.

After security and stuff we sat down and waited for our plane number  to be called and I was sitting next to Taylor I had to admit i kinda had a crush on him.

"Hey Best franddd " he said

"Hii Taylor" I said with a smile on my face

"I'm hungry and I want Starbucks" Taylor said with a pouty face it was really cute.

"Me too" I said lying my head on his shoulder

"We should ask if we can go get Starbucks I saw one when we were walking in" Taylor said excited

"Okay let's ask Cam" I said grinning.

"Hey Cam" Taylor said tapping Cam.

"Watt" he said half asleep.

"How long do we have until our flight?" Taylor said.

"Leaves in 1 hour its leaving earlier than we thought" Cam said.

"Okay well can we go get Starbucks?" Taylor asked

"Pweaseee Cammy" I said with a puppy lip.

"Yes but be back in time" Cam said

"We will!" I said walking away with Taylor towards Starbucks.

"Hey can we join?" Hayes asked along with Gabby.

"Sure" he said smiling

Once we got to Starbucks me and gabby had to pee so we told the boys what we wanted and headed towards the bathrooms.

When we got back the boys handed us our drinks and Taylor was recording.

"Why are you recording?" I whispered

"Shhh just watch" he said tilting his head towards Hayes and Gabby.

Hayes handed gabby her cup and it said Will you go out with me Gabby? And of course she said yes, it was so adorable.

We headed through the airport and sat in our seats.


We heard over the intercom.

"Let's go guys" Nash said.

*in the airplane*

I say in my seat as I waited for the spot next to me to be filled I was praying it wasn't an old man or a crazy lady.

I think my prayers came through cuz Taylor sat right next to me.

"I'm happy you sat here" I said laughing

"Why? Does little Baby Grier have a crush on me?" He said smirking

"No. I just didn't want a creepy person siting next to me" I laughed, trying not to blush.

Didn't work, I felt my cheeks firing up.

Taylor just laughed at me knowing I was embarrassed.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked me.

"Sure what one? I asked him

"How about Divergent?" He said getting excited

"Yassss" I said smiling

About 20 minutes into the movie I fell asleep and rested my head on Taylor's shoulder.

I feel like this will be a long flight.



Sorry this chapter kinda sucks the next on will be wayyy better! I promise💘

Thanks for reading!


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