Chapter 33.

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Kendall's P.O.V.
Today was Saturday and i was tired af.
I got up and looked in the mirror I look like a bus just hit me. I crawled back into bed where Taylor was still sleeping.

I went downstairs and I heard crying.
I walked into the bathroom where the crying was. It was Gabby.

"Gabby what's wrong?" I asked shutting the bathroom door.

"I-I think I might be p-pregnant" she said crying harder.

"Wait you and Hayes, uhmm had you know what?" I asked.

She's nodded.

Lord what did I miss.

"Come on let's go get a pregnancy test" I said helping her get up.

We went put our shoes on, and yes I was still in my joe boxer black and white pajama pants and my black old magcon hoodie with my hair up in a messy bun. But it's all for my best friend.

We drove to the drug store and grabbed a pregnancy  test and we went into the bathroom.

"We have to wait 8-10 minutes, go buy a couple more just in case" she said shutting the bathroom door.

I grabbed 3 of the ones that are supposed to accurate. I gave them to her and she walked out and we sat in the bathroom waiting. Longest 8 mins of my freaking life.

"I want you too look" she said tears welting up in her eyes.

I nodded and got up.

Negative, Negative, Negative, negative!

"Gabby you are not pregnant!" I said

She sighed of relief and smiled.

"Thank god!" She said

"Eww but you and Hayes still had you know what" I said with I disgusted face.

She just laughed and we went back home. "Don't tell Hayes." She said looking at me. I nodded and went inside, where Nash was pacing back and forth, when he saw us he ran over to us hugging us.

"What are doing?" Gabby asked confused.

"I thought you guys were hurt or something, where did you guys go?" He asked.

"We went to Starbucks" I said before gabby could say anything.

"Looking like that?" Cameron asked butting in.

"Umm ya duh it's the new fashion" I scoffed

"Yeah if looking like a bus hit you is a new fashion this generation is messed up" Hayes said walking down the stairs.

"Fuck you." I said walking up to my room.


I hopped into the shower and shaved and washed my hair until I heard the bathroom door open.

I looked out the curtain and saw Taylor turned around meaning he was peeing and I saw his butt😂

"Hey caniff?" I said laughing

"What?" He asked

"Nice ass" I said laughing.

He opened the curtain in the front where he could only see my butt.

"You too!" He said laughing walking out.

Holy shit he just saw my butt, askbkdnbs.

I got out and walked over to my closet and got out a pair of sweats and t-shirt then I put my hair in a messy bun.

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