Chapter 38.

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Kendall's P.O.V.
I woke up still on the couch accept Taylor wasn't here. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and saw Taylor in the kitchen making bacon.

I stood up and wrapped the blanket around my cold body and walked into the kitchen and sat at my small island.

"Morning Sleepy head" Taylor said flipping a piece of bacon onto a plate. 

"Morning" I said tiredly.

"Aweee your so cute in the morning" Taylor said handing me a plate full of pancakes and bacon.

I smiled at him and got up and went towards the fridge, "what are you doing?" Taylor asked

"Getting orange juice I'm thirsty" I chuckled grabbing the orange juice.

He nodded and grabbed two cups and set them down at my spot and his spot.

I poured the orange juice as Taylor brought his plate over to the island.

He sat down and sat down also and we started eating.

"Wow who knew Taylor Caniff could cook" I said sarcastically.

"I'm a great cook" he said pretending to flip his hair.

I rolled my eyes, "gabby is having a baby girl" I exclaimed to him.

"That's awesome! Hayes is gonna be so happy" he smiled.

I nodded. "We should have a baby" Taylor smirked.

"Hold your horses we just got back together, and are you sure you want a baby? Or do you just want what happens before the baby comes?" I questioned him curiously.

He thought for a minute, "Both." He smirked, which caused me to laugh.

I got up and rinsed my plate and put it in the dishwasher. "So Mr. Bandanas, What do you wanna do today?" I asked him.

"Wanna make a baby?" He laughed.

"I'm gonna kick your ass." I said rolling my eyes. "I don't want a baby yet" I added

"What about what comes before the baby?" He asked.

"Mmmm Yeah I guess" I smirked and ran upstairs and locked my door and decided to get dressed to tease him.

I put on my dark blue skinny jeans and my red and black flannel with a black tank top under it and put on my brown uggs. Then I went into my bathroom and put my hair into a loose top knot.

I then applied my mascara and put on some perfume to top my outfit off.

I unlocked my door and walked downstairs and saw Taylor pouting sitting on the couch, I laughed.

"Go get dressed cutie" I smiled grabbing my phone off the counter.

He ran up the stairs and minutes later he came down wearing, blue skinny jeans and a maroon sweater and black vans with a black beanie on his head.

"Let's go" I smiled grabbing his hand pulling him out the door.

We went down the steps and out to my car.

We got in and he let me drive since he didn't know where we were going, I drove to our old house where all the boys and him and I lived.

The only ones who live there now are Sammy, Matt, Aaron, Shawn and the Jacks.

"What are we doing here?" He asked.

"I miss them" I shrugged walking up to the front door and walking in.

No, I don't knock.

I walk in followed by Taylor and heard voices coming from downstairs, low whispers.

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