Chapter 14

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I honestly love updating this book😊

Kendall's P.O.V.

We arrived at the airport and went through security and all the crap which was not fun, right now we were waiting for Gilinsky  to finish going through security.

When he finished he walked over to us and said we had like 30 minutes to spare and we should probably get something to eat.

"What do you guys wanna eat then?" Nash asked us

"How about Taco Bell?" I asked

"Sure lets go, then we should go to Starbucks" Cam said smiling

We nodded in agreement and started walking toward Taco Bell. Once we got in line we started thing about what we wanted. I decided on just a regular Doritos taco with a pack of cinnabons because those are my favorite.

We got up to the register and told the dude what we wanted. Once we got our food we ate it on our way to Starbucks,

I got a s'mores frappe, I took a sip it was so good.

We sat down in our section waiting for our plane number to be called.

Once we were done with our food and drinks we threw them away in a trash can near by.

Flight 252 to L.A. California. Flight 252. 
We got up and gave the lady our tickets and got on the plane.

"Cameron what is your seat number?" I heard Nash ask him

"23" he responded

"Yes! I'm 24!" He cheered

Okay that means I'm not sitting by Cam or Nash.

I was looking for number 27 when I found it. I sat down by the window and Jack G and Jack J sat next to me.

Jack G had the isle seat and Jack J had the middle seat.

"Ayeee kitten" Johnson said sitting next to me

"Hey JJ" I said back to him trying to be gangster

Him and Jack G laughed at me and I smiled and put my earbuds in listening to Crazy by Shawn, because Shawns new songs are life.

I looked out the window and slowly fell asleep.

When I woke I could tell we were in L.A. And also because the intercom went off saying we reached our destination. I smiled and looked at the Jacks sleeping and Jack G was snoring.

"Jacks"I whispered pushing Johnson into Jack G which made him fall into the isle because he had his arm rest up.

I stared dieing of laughter an DSL did Johnson.

Jack G sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked around in confusion which made me laugh more

"We. Are. In. L.A." Johnson said in between breaths

Once the intercom went off saying we are gonna be landing Jack popped up off the floor and buckled in.

Once we were off the plane we walked into the airport and I saw all the guys waiting for us and I saw Taylor.

I dropped all my luggage and ran and jumped into his arms.

"TAYLOR!!!" I yelled, I picked me up and spun me around.

"I miss you so much princess" he whispered in my ear.

"I missed you too" I said hugging him back tighter.

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