Chapter 28

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Kendall's P.O.V
Taylor and I walked into the store hand in hand and walked over to the paint section.

"What about maybe just like a white and then have one wall grey or something simple that would be like a boy and a girl room" I suggested to him

"Yeah that would be pretty cool. We should do like a light grey though" he said grabbing a sample paper of the grey he wanted.

"I like this one" I said smiling towards him.

"Okay well since all the walls are painted white accept for the mint green one we probably only need 1 can of this right?" He asked me

"We should get 2 just in case" I said to him.

"Okay grab 2 cans" he said pointing to the 2 grey cans.

I grabbed them and put them in our cart.

"We should go look at like rugs and bed sets and all the shiznet" I said to him

"Okay let's go look at bed sets first though" he said to me

We walked over to the bed set area I saw a white one with grey and maroon throw pillows and they also had a matching fuzzing blanket with an Aztec Pattern that was really cute.

"Taylor I like this one!" I cheered pointing to the one I liked.

"Ooooo that one is so rad bro" he said trying to act cool

"I'm seirous I like this one" I pouted

"I do too babe lets get it" he said kissing my forehead.

He grabbed it and put it on our cart, next over to the lamps and rugs and basically decorations.

We found our sets matching stuff and got it accept we just got a plain red fuzzy rug and just plain grey lamps.

"Ready to go?" Taylor said after we got done paying for our stuff.

I nodded and we left and drove home.

We went straight up to my, I'm mean our room and set up all of our stuff and we also got the quick dry paint, the room ended up being really cool too.

We had our bed where my bed was accept it was on a grey wall now, and it had a night stand on each side of it and they each had one grey lamp, then at the end of our bed we had the red fuzzy rug in the front of it.

Then we put our 2 big black bean bag chairs at the end of our bed and in between them was a grey throw blanket that I had laying around.

We decided to just have 1 desk in here so we didn't take up a whole bunch of room. The desk had mine and Taylor's Mac books and like a lamp and pens and pencils and paper etc.

Then on the opposite wall above my shelf with now mine and Taylor's penny's boards under it was Taylor's bandanas, Snapbacks and Beanies along with some of my bandanas and Beanies hanging above it.

I don't have near as many bandanas as Taylor does.

Then I had my walk in closet which I had to share with Taylor now. Ughhhh.

I laughed at myself.

"You did good" I said to Taylor kissing his cheek.

"You helped" he said kissing my cheek which soon led to him leaning down for a kiss and I kissed back.

"GUYS WE ARE GOING TO GET FOOD WANT ANYTH- OH OHP SORRY IM SO SORRY" Sammy said before shutting the door.

"You can come in" I said laughing

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