Chapter 41

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Gabby'S P.O.V.
*Before the Mall*

I woke up to Hayes sitting on me.

"Hayesssss get off of me PLEASEEE" I begged because believe or not he was squishing me.

"Not until you wake up" he laughed and started to tickle me.

"IM AWAKE!" I said laughing like crazy.

He stopped and got off of me, I sat up and kissed him on the cheek and went to get Brinley.

"Bri wake up" I said walking in her room finding her already awake on her iPad mini.

"Hi Mama, I'm checking Instagram." She smiled.

I chuckled, she has Instagram but Hayes and I control it but she only follows people she knows, So she only sees like Addie's posts and the Magcon boys posts.

"So what's happening on Instagram?" I asked her.

"Well Uncle Shawn is coming out with a new song, and Matty is going to be making a new movie!" She exclaimed.

"That's awesome! Let's get ready for your day though" I smiled and walked over to her closet.

I pulled out a pair on mint green skinny jeans and a white sweatshirt and a pair of her white vans. Then we left her curly hair how is it but pinned a piece back with a mint green bow.

"You look so pretty babygirl!" Hayes said as she came running down the stairs to the kitchen.

We ate and I got ready for my day with Kendall and Addie.

I put on light blue skinny jeans and a grey sweater and my grey vans. Then I put my hair into a top knot.

Kendall's P.O.V.
*back at the mall*
"Mom lets go into this store!" Addie begged me to go into justice which was her and Bri's Favorite store.

"Okay okay let's go" I laughed her and Brinley ran into the store and started looking around while gabby and I followed close behind.

"So how's everything going?" I asked her.

"Well now that you asked, umm I'm pregnant!" She smiled.

"Really?!" I asked excitedly.

She nodded, "Omg yay!!!" I laughed.

"Mom can I get this please!?" Bri begged gabby holding up a black skater skirt and a neon yellow jacket along with a white floral shirt and bunny footie pajamas.

"Do you have the right sizes?" She asked laughing because a lot of the stuff was huge!

"I don't know I just grabbed what I liked." She smiled.

Oh lord, I can't even imagine what Addie is doing. Gabby went with Brin to find the right sizes and I went by Addie.

"Whatcha looking at?" I asked her.

"I really like all this stuff" she said showing me what she found.

She had a mint green sweater just like Bri's accept it was a different color of course, then she had a black skater skirt also and she had a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black and white sparkly flannel, and also a pair of kitten footie pjs.

"You want all of this?" I asked her

"Yes Please!" She begged

"Okay, and you grabbed the right sizes right?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She nodded.

We walked up to the register and paid for all of her stuff and waited for Brinley and Gabby and then we left and went to a shoe place in the mall.

Brinley got a pair of purple vans and Black converse, and also a new pair of maroon vans and a pair of pink uggs.

Addie got white converse, hot pink vans and grey vans. And also a pair of combat boots.

Then we decided to get some lunch at Mc Donald's. After that we went back to my house and put all of Addie's stuff away and Gabby and I let them play while Taylor, Hayes, Gabby, and I talk and hang out for a little bit.

"So I heard that Gabby was pregnant again?" Taylor asked.

"Yup" she smiled.

"Nice!" He said high fiving Hayes.
Gabby and I chuckled.

We talked some more then Hayes and Gabby left and said goodbye to Brinley.

Taylor and I made homemade pizza and cookies for the girls and us.

"Girls come downstairs time to eat!" I shouted.

They ran down the stairs laughing and came into our kitchen sitting at the island. They remind me so much of Gabby and I.

We ate our food and talked with the girls and listened to their conversations about going into 1st grade and Christmas coming up and what they wanted. It was really nice.

Then they ate cookies and drank some milk.

Addie's P.O.V. (Whoop I've never seen anyone do a child's Pov so I did it)

After eating supper Brinley and me wanted to play just dance.

"Mommy can Me and Bri play just dance on the Xbox connect?" I asked.

She said yes. "Yay thank you Mama!" I cheered along with Bri.

After playing just dance we got a little tired so we made a fort, Well daddy helped and went on Netflix and we put on the littlest pet shop show which was our favorite and ate popcorn.

Soon we feel asleep.

Back to Kendall's P.O.V.
Soon Addie and Bri fell asleep, tomorrow is a big day because we are having a Magcon family reunion and we are doing a meet and greet but we didn't tell the little girls yet cause it's their first one, so it's pretty exciting.

So I have to get myself and 2 little girls ready for the meet and greet tomorrow.

I went upstairs to go to bed and saw Taylor standing in are room. "I want another Baby" Taylor smirked.

And now that I thought about it...
"I do too." I smiled back.
Aye wassup.

I hate school, school hates me😊

For real though I hate school sm. 😒

IM GONNA BE MAKING A SEQUEL TO THIS BOOK CALLED "Its only the beginning" I think that will be the title so, Yay!!! Right? Right!



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