Chapter 30

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Kendall's P.O.V.
I sped away from the mall parking lot and drove through some old woods, soon I stopped so I wouldn't get lost.

I put the car into park and put my head in my hands and let it all fall out.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and cried more.

I can't believe he did this, and when I go home what am I going to do, ugh why did this even happen.

Maybe I should have let him explain.
No, it was clear he liked that girl he was kissing.

But he also ran after you, and tried to explain.

I grabbed my phone and saw I had 47 missed calls and 39 texts. All from Taylor.

I called him.

T-Kendall? He said through tears.

Awe he was crying.

K- You have 3 minutes to explain and it better be a good explanation too.

T- okay so when you were in the shower I got a text from an unknown number saying if I did not meet them at the food court in the mall they would hurt you do I went to the mall and then she kissed me and I didn't know what to do, I'm just.. I'm so sorry Kendall I didn't want any of this to happen I was excited for today cause we were going to see paper towns and stuff, just please forgive me, I love you so much Kendall, and your face, the face I saw in my dream I saw that look on your face and my heart broke please take me back Kendall please.

K- I love you Taylor. This is your last chance.

T- oh my god thank you. I love you so much. Quick question can you come get me from the mall I kinda rode my pennyboard.

K- Yeah I guess, your lucky I love you.

T- I love you too see ya when you get here.

K- Kay bye.

I hung up the phone and laughed at myself, I should not have jumped to conclusions, I'm so dumb.

I drove out of the creep ass woods and drove back to the mall.

I saw Taylor standing outside waiting for me.

He got in and immediately kissed me a long passionate kiss.

"Kendall I love you so much and you have no idea how happy I am that you took me back, I am so so so sorry" he said hugging me tightly.

"I love you too, but I swear to god if I ever see you kissing another girl again we are done and I'm not even kidding." I said hugging him back.

"And that won't happen because I'm not blowing this." He said looking out the window.

"Where to?" I asked him

"The movie theater" he said smiling "oh but I'm driving" he quickly added.

"Okay that's fine" I said scooting over to the passenger seat as he got out.

I grabbed my purse and pulled out my mascara. I looked in the mirror, Jesus I looked horrible, my face was all red and puffy along with my eyes.

I grabbed some foundation and put it on then I did my top and bottom eyeliner but doing a small wing on top then I started applying mascara.

"KENDALL!" Taylor screamed slamming in the breaks making my mascara go everywhere.

"Holy Christ and Cheeseballs!!" I screamed I looked over at Taylor who had vine going and he was dying of laughter.

"Ugh Taylor!" I yelled punching his shoulder he kept laughing.

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