Chapter 21

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I woke up in Gabby's room.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, Gabby was already awake on her phone.

"Hey" I said to her

"Aye sunshine" she said

"We should hang out today I feel like we haven't seen much of each other even though we live together" she said laughing a bit.

"Yasss what do you wanna do today then?" I asked her.

"How about we watch a movie on Netflix then go get some lunch and then go to the arcade and then get some ice cream" she said to me.

"Woah bro looks like you had this day totally planned out" I said laughing

"Yeah well this morning when you were sleeping I had thought of it in my head and I already knew would say yes sooo" she said

I chuckled at her.

"I'm hungry" Gabby whined

"Dude your always hungry" I said to her

"I know I know" she said laughing.

"I'm gonna text Hayes to bring me food" she said to me.

"Okay you do that I'm gonna go see Taylor before we hang out today" I smiled to her.

"Ya I should actually probably go see Hayes" she said laughing.

We walked out and she went into Hayes room and I walked to Taylor's.

He was still sleeping, of course.

I crawled on his bed and started shaking him.

"Taylorrr wake up" I whined to him.

I kept shaking him.

"Tay-AHHH" I screamed as he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.

"Hi" I said to him.

"Morning" he said in is amazing morning voice.

"So Gabby and I wanted to have a little girls day today and I wanted to come see you before I left" I said to him

He fake cried

"But *sniffle* I'm gonna *sniffle* miss you s-so much" he said fake crying.

I laughed and hugged him.

"That was adorable" I said to him smiling.

"Aweee just like youuuu" he said pinching my cheeks.

He cupped my cheeks and gave me a long sweet kiss.

I blushed and he smirked at me.

"I gotta go get ready see ya later alligator" I said to him getting up.

"After a while crocodile" he smiled back.

"I love you Kendall Grier" he said to me.

"I love you too Taylor Caniff" I said back walking out his door.

I went up to my room and walked to my closet.

I grabbed a pair of red high waisted shorts and a white tank top that said, Game over in black bold print I tucked in my tank top since it was kinda long, then I grabbed my white converse and put them on.

I walked into my bathroom and put my hair into a fishtail and put on some mascara.

I grabbed my phone off the charger and went to Gabby's room to get her.

I didn't bother knocking I just went right on in.

"Hey ready to go?" I asked her

"Yep!" She said getting up.

She had on some white high waisted shorts with fault in our stars tank top that said okay? Okay. She had on some black converse and then her hair was in a high ponytail.

We walked downstairs and said bye to everyone and walked out the door and got into her car.

"GABBY!!" I said making her slam on the breaks.

"What?!?" She asked worriedly.

"We didn't watch a movie" I said calmly trying so hard not to laugh.

"We will watch one later just don't ever do that again you almost made me poop my frickin heart out" she said to me

I couldn't contain my laughter, I started laughing which made her laugh.

We came to a red light, when it turned green we started going.

Another car was coming in from the side, My side.

They didn't stop at the red light.


But it was too late.


The car flipped and we were upside down.

My vision started going blurry, Gabby grabbed my hand,

"Kendall stay with me, you have to stay wit-" but before she could finish her sentence.

Everything went black.

Short Chapter!


Sorry for any mistakes!



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