Chapter 34.

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Kendall's P.O.V.
We arrived at Brent's party and I linked arms with Taylor and we walked inside.

The smell of alcohol filled my nose and basically all your could see was a bunch and I mean a BUNCH of teenagers drinking  and grinding on each other it was pretty gross.

"Yo Yo Kendall!!" I heard, I spun around and saw Niki

"Yo Yo Niki!" I yelled

"This party is ama-" she got cut off by Aaron grabbing her waist and pulling her away from me.

"Aaronnnnn" I complained.

I looked to my side and saw that Taylor was gone. I trust him so he should Be okay.

I found Brent and walked over by him.

"Hi Brent! Great party!" I said yelling over the music.

"Thanks!! You look great tonight!" He shouted

"You too!" I smiled

I grabbed a red solo cup and took a drink of juice that had alcohol added to it. I cringed at the taste, I don't ever drink but who cares Yolo, wow I haven't said that in a long time.

"Kendall?! Have you seen Hayes!" Gabby said grabbing my wrist so in facing her.

"No!" I shouted. "Gimme that!" She shouted taking my drink, she made the same face as me but chugged it.

"Heyyy that was mine!" I said laughing

We each got more and talked for awhile until he found Hayes and they went up to a room😏

Where is Taylor?

I walked upstairs where is was a little quieter. Somebody grabbed my wrist.

"Wanna go to a room?" A random guy asked me.

"No! Get away from me!" I said trying to pull away.

"Come on!" He said trying to drag me into a room.

"No let go of me!" I yelled throwing punches at his chest he just laughed.

"Your coming with me into this room now!" He demanded.

I started to get super scared.

"HELP ME SOMEBODY!" I yelled but I don't think anyone could hear me.

"Shut up!" The guy yelled slapping me.

I held my cheek in pain but kept fighting. "LET GO OF ME YOU SON OF A BITCH" I screamed.

"NO!" He yelled back

He kept squeezing my wrist more.

He pulled me into the room and threw me on the bed.

He tried kissing me but I slapped him, I instantly regretted it. He started slapping me and threw me on the ground and punched me and started kicking my sides and I started coughing up blood. I saw the guy smirk and walk out.

"Help..." I whispered.

I know I wasn't going to pass out or die but man I really wish I would pass out I'm in so much pain right now.

I used all my strength to sit up.

"Taylor? I need Taylor.." I said to myself. where the fuck is he?

"Yo Taylor. so where is your girlfriend?" I heard from out in the hallway. It was the same guy that just beat the shit out of me.

"I don't know, I have been looking for her the whole entire party, I saw one of my friends and I went to talk to them then i couldn't find her, Have you seen her?" He asked.

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