Chapter two

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As me and the man in an orange gi (goku) followed by everyone else we walked outside and went into our fighting stance "the names goku by the way" "May" "well ill be looking forward to this fight May" goku says "me too" i replied gosh im a bit nervous i never fought anyone except for my mom and sister but that was training this is like what sparring or whatever he calls it.ok now i have to pay attention to what goin on now "you ready?" goku asks me "yeah". then we go at each other with everything we got or shall i say all hes got im just holding back cause i dont wanna hurt anyone unless its necessary.


i can feel her holding back but why? wow im giving it my all and she dodging them as if my attacks were nothing kick against kick puch to punch blast to blast. wow i wonder what her limit is and how much power shes holding back hmmmmmm.................

"STOP HOLDING BACK !!" i shouted and she looked shocked that i knew she was holding back

"im not gonna hurt you you've done nothing wrong, so why should i hurt you?" she says back wow shes seems caring. shes not gonna hurt me even though we just met. well then im just gonna have to push her so she will not hold back but how?.............


i got an idea !! " KAAAAAA MEEEEEE HAAAAAAA MEEEEEE " i point the kamehameha wave towards trunks "Kakarote thats my son your pointing that blast at ! ! ! " vegeta says screaming " i know" May looks shocked. "HAAAAAAAAA" i thrust the blast towards trunks and May quickly instant transmites herself in front of trunks and thrusts a different but stronger wave towards me but hey i wonder how she know the instant transmition technique. Suddenly her wave over takes mine till it reaches my hands when the wave is about to hit me but May quickly instant transmites herself in front of me and deflects the wave into the sky. WOW !! shes very strong. probably stronger than me i really want to start training with her and i want to meet her family and see how strong they are. "you would have been killed or seriously injured by that wave you know that's why i had to deflect it for ya" "yeah yeah so can we eat now I'm seriously am about to die right now if i don't get some FOOD!" "ha ha yeah sure" Bulma says.


While we were on our way to the kitchen i was stopped by a mini goku. "hi! im goten goku's son" " hi im may" "nice to meet you" "nice to meet you too" . then a very tall man greeted me " hi the names gohan goku's oldest son" "hi im May". A man with spiky hair approached me "the names Vegeta trunk's father and can i ask you something?" " hi im May and sure" he then brings me into a diffrent room "ok now tell me how can a little girl like you assend to super sayian 3? and hows stronger you or kakarote?" "well i can assend to super sayian 3 because ive lost some of my loved ones and my mother has been training me. and whats a kakarote?" "kakarote is goku its his sayian name" "ohh well im stronger cause when we were fight or shall i say sparring i could tell he was giving it his all while i was holding alot back and so he wasnt really a challenge at all" "WHAT ! ! you have to train me and help me become stronger than kakarote" "geese you seem very competitive well ok ill train you and goku if he asks" "yeah i wanna be trained can you train me too !!" goku says barging into the room. was he ease dropping? "yeah sure" "YES !! IM GONNA BECOME STRONGER WOO HOO!!" both goku and vegeta say excitedly. ok so im just gonna leave these two guys in the room while i go eat. im starving.


wheres May? "trunks you okay?" goten my best bud asks me "huh? oh yeah but wheres may?" "oh she went somewhere with your dad" "what! ohh well its not like hes gonna hurt her or something right?" "i dont know wait never mind here they come" goten says and i turn around to see May coming out of a room with dad and goku behind her with smiles on their faces oh no what did the do? " hey trunks" "hi may so what did goku and my dad want when they were talking to you?" "oh they just asked me if i would help train them so they can get stronger." "WHAT !!!! really wow my dad never asks anyone to help him train." "well i guess im special." May says teasingly. god shes cute what am i saying ive gone mad!! " he he he yeah i guess so." "hey kid" piccolo says May then suddenly turn around and a huge smile is plastered onto her face "PICCOLO!!!! I'VE MISSED YOU !" "yeah me too kid" "wait you know piccolo?" i ask "yeah ive known him since i was like i think 4 years old." May says " ohhh" wow i didnt know that they knew each other i need to get to know her alot more.

********3 hours later*******


"Bye guys see you later i had fun !!" i say waving good bye "bye may see you soon!!" eveyone says i start to fly out when i was stopped by a smiling goku and vegeta "remember your training us so we'll stop by your house ok?" "ok but how will you know where i live?" "we'll follow your ki (ki is like an energy force or something) so we'll be able to find you" they both said "ohh ok bye!!" i wave and fly home.

***** at home*****

"where have you been we have been worried sick about you!" both my mom and tammy says screaming at me "hi mom, hi tammy i went out didnt you see the note?" "yeah but you were out for way too long" mom says "i met some new friends most are sayians" "sayians what did i tell you about them" "yeah i remember but these sayians are different their nice and i met other people too theirs names are Krillin , Yamcha, Tien, Chowtsu, Goku, Vegeta, Goten, Gohan, Videl (Gohan girlfriend), Chi-Chi (Goku's Wife), Bulma ( Vegeta's wife), and Trunks. (Dende, Piccolo, and Mr. Popo i have known for a long time.) mom so goku, vegeta, trunks, goten, and gohan are nice sayians like us. Vegeta and Goku are coming over someday so i can help train them" "oh i cant wait to meet them. well did you eat yet?" "yeah well im going to bed night mom!!" "no need to shout im right in front of you well night." "ok night Tammy" "night may" i walk off thinking of what happened today and somehow it led to trunks. Trunks wow hes so cute in every single way his smile the way he smriks and those eyes i just get lost in them. do i like him? i think i do.

i like trunks briefs

then i feel my eyes lids drop and i go fast asleep with a smile on my face thinking of Trunks.


well there you have it chapter three is gonna come soon

and what do you think trunks and may like each other ! ahh soo will they express their feeling to each other or will they keep it to them selves and will some one find out that they like eachother find out in chapter three

- peace bunnie out. :)

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