Chapter fourteen <3

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********* May ********

Once he kissed me I felt sparks run throughout my entire body and that butterfly feeling in my stomach it was amazing while he kissed me and I kissed back smiling into the kiss and so did he. That was until we pulled away because of.......

Jamie and Goten.

"Helloooo" Jamie and Goten says waving their hands in the air about 10 feet away from us "So are you guys done with your makeout session yet ?!?! cause we're hungry." Jamie whined "Me too!" Goten said "You guys are hungry?!? I haven't aten ever since two hours ago and i'm starving!" Goku whined rubbing his wittle tummy. "Us too!!" Gohan, Pan, Piccolo, and Vegeta said. We chuckled and handed off to Bulma's house. Whiile we were flying all the boys were talking to Trunks about something probably about sports or something and I was talking to Jamie. "Sooooo whats up with you and Trunks eh? and don't act like any of us didn't see you guys smootching" Jame said making kissy faces. "Nothing happened." I say blushing "Aww my little bestie has grown up and your blushing!!" she yelled "shh quiet down will ya king kai canprobably hear you." I said and we started to laugh. "but seriously what's up?" she asked and I gasp "Jamie being serious ?!?! wow I have never seen you serious not even in fights." I say but seriously one time I was crying when I was like five because my dog died like twice and I couldn't bring him back anymore and she kept on making jokes when he died I still remember what she said that day that made me die into laughter the day Paper died and yes my dog was named Paper 

********* Flashback *********

I stood there crying from the death of my dog. Lets just say I sort of tried to help make Paper fly about 45 feet off the ground and he kinda died once I dropped him. 

"Hey May Paper is gonna be alright he's probably peeing on the heaven floor enjoying his stick and bones right now in...... Dog Heaven." kid Jame said and I just stood there.

Wait for it and........

Bam ! I bursted into fits of laughter.

*** End of Flashback ***

"I'm not kidding but for real so are you guys dating or what?" Jame asked "I honestly don't know lets talk later we're here." I said ending the conversation and walking into C.C (Stands for Capsule Corp.)

When I walked into the kitchen my jaw dropped.

I saw Goku, Veggie, Pickle, Gohan, Goten, Panny, and Trunks sitting at the table almost finishing all the food. "Hey! save me some!" Jame said running to the table and started to eat. I shook my head and started to laugh. I walked over and grabbed an apple "May aren't you gonna eat?" Goku asked concerned "no thanks i'm not that hungry." I said biting into my apple and walking over to the couch where Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Videl were sitting. "Hi hun long time no see." Bulma says "Its been awhile huh?" I asked and they nodded "so give us some news about you and Trunks." Chi-Chi said "well not much has happened except........" I said trailing off "except....." Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Videl said telling me to continue my sentence. "um uh I uh well we um." I say trying to stall because I don't want them to freak out. "Get on with it woman!" Chi-Chi said eagerly. "Ok! um well we kind of kissed." I said whispering the last part and taking another bit out of my apple. "What!!! no way oh my god May's growing up so fast." Videl screamed and started to pinch my cheeks. "Shhh it's no big deal so please don't shout." I said calmly "no big deal! May have you been hit in the head while you were fighting because right now your just talking bonkers both you and Trunks gave your first kiss to eachother!" Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Videl said jumping up and down and tears of joy running down their cheeks "Wait first kiss? Trunks? didn't he kiss Kelly in the past while I was gone?" I asked confused. "Oh no! hun he only kissed her forehead but never ever on the lips. One time she tried to kiss him on the lips but he just backed away and Kelly ended up kissing the wall which was pretty funny may I add." Bulma said laughing and videl and Chi-Chi joined with fits of laughter and I started to laugh to thinking of how she reacted to kissing a wall!

I finished my apple and threw it in the trash bin and washed my hands from the stickyness. I walked over to Jame and realized that I smelly horrible. "Hey i'm gonna head home I gotta take a shower." I said to everyone and waved goodbye and Bulma ran up to me whispering something in my ear "Come back early tomorrow its a big day." she whispered big day? for what? then it hit me .

Trunks' birthday is tomorrow.

I nodded and flew home.

Once I got home I took a long hot shower and when I was done I went out shopping for Trunks' birthday present.

Ok so your probably wondering how I got money to buy things well I worked for king kai while I was gone and he gave me some cash.

While I was at the mall I walked around looking for a prefect present for him which took me forever till I saw the perfect gift.

A sword.

* pause * 

ok so I know what you dbz fans are thinking "didn't Tapion give him the sword?" well yes, yes he did but I couldn't think of anything else so I went with the sword.

* comtinue *

I grabbed the sword and purchased it it costs about $175, but I didn't care it was worth it.

Without anyone looking I put most of my power into the sword and wrote Trunks <3 on it. Then I bought a bag and stuffed the sword in the bag along with some wrappers to cover it up. Then I bought a birthday card and wrote...

Dear Trunks,

Happy birthday!! how does it feel to finally turn sixteen. It feels just like it was yesterday we met eachother in front of Kamis lookout and I thought that you were an evil sayian like the others on planet Vegeta, but I figured out that there are other nice sayians like us and Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, and Panny. Wow! time really go by fast now look at us we got taller, older, and stronger. I didn't also figure that out, I also figured out that I'm truely, madly, and deeply in love with you.

Happy Birthday Purple Plum


May <3

I finished writing the things I needed to write and put the cards also into the bag. Altogether I spent alost $200 on my purple plummy haired friend. Friend. That's all we are I think. I shrugged at the thought and went home. 

Once I got home I secretly put the bag under my bed. 

Now all I have to do was wait.

Wait for Trunks' Birthday.


So whats up? How's life? Comment below twanks 

- Bugs Bunnie <3

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