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*** Hailey ***

I turned and faced the clone and she starred at me nervous and terrified. "Follow me." was all I said before walking into a empty area somewhere in the park. "I do no harm. Please hear me out." the clone begged and I scoffed "hear you out? why should I? you have done damage to my friends. So give me one good reason as to why I should listen to someone like you." I spat, she looked at me with sorrowful eyes "because if you don't hear what I have to say then this world will be in incredible danger." I looked at her with eyes full of shock. Earth? In danger? could she be lying? what if she's telling the truth? If she is then what kind of danger is she talking about?

So many questions ran through my mind that I started to have a headache. "Talk." That was all I said before she began explaining herself "I know that you all think that we androids or clones our whatever you guys call us are a threat to the world, but to tell you the truth we are forced into doing this. Dr. Gero and androids 15 and 13 said to us that if we don't do what we are told then they will kill my dear friends and.. the love of my life.." clone Jamie looked down pained. It hurt me to hear that they are forced to cause this destruction, but one question came to mind "why don't you all just defeat them? I mean its like what? 10 against 3 and plus there's us who can help out. So why can't you guys destroy them?" I asked "Dr. Gero created a machine to kill us on the inside without landing a single touch on us, not just that but he also can contact us through our mind. This may seem crazy but it's true... I have spoken too much. I must go." with that the clone took off leaving me here confused.

A machine? Is it even possible? What should I do? More importantly how do we stop Gero and androids 13 and 15 from causing all of this trouble? I walked to Capsule Corp hoping that Goku was there. I needed to inform him about all of this.

Once I got there I luckily found Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, and Jamie there. "Hey Hailey." Jamie greeted and I smiled "where are the others?" I asked "My mother and Chi-chi went shopping along with Videl and Pan." Trunks informed me "oh alright, but where's May?" I asked and they shrugged their shoulders "I thought she was with you?" I shook my head "No, I thought she came here" Goten furrowed his eyebrows "Well she isn't here. She probably ran off somewhere and will be back later." Jamie suggested and I nodded "Yeah your probably right. Knowing her she probably went to go goof off somewhere." We all chuckled "So what's up?" Goku asked "Me and May bumped into an android or clone, or whatever the hell you call it." I said getting straight to the point "Are you guys alright?" Goku asked "Yeah we're alright. May was clueless that it was a clone because it looked like Jamie" I pointed out "Me?" Jamie asked in confusion and I nodded "May left us alone and we started walking to the park." Jamie smiled "me and Goten were just there!" she said happily "That's how I knew that it was a clone. So I confronted her about it and she told me that her and the other look-alikes didn't mean any harm and wanted to live in peace and all of the damage that they have caused was because Gero forced him into doing it." Vegeta tilted his head in confusion "Couldn't they just blast the crap out of them? Besides the clones out numbered Gero and the other two bastards" he said and I shook my head "apparently Gero created this machine to hurt the clones on the inside. So if one doesn't listen then one of the other clones will get hurt because of that one person." I said and they all made an 'O' shape with their mouths.

"So what do we do now?" Trunks asked "We find these mother fuckers and kill them of course." Vegeta said getting ready to leave. "Wait!" I shouted and they all turn and look at me "what?" I looked down at my feet "Well I don't think we should go out and kill them... I mean.. like they said, they didn't want to do this. Gero have been making them do all of his dirty work. So... why kill them. You know?" I said trying to reason with them "She has a point Vegeta." Goku said giving in and I grinned. "Fine! Psh.. weak sayians, do whatever you wanna do. I'm going to find them." With that he stormed out of the house.

"So what happens now?" I asked "Well, I think it would be best if I go find and help Vegeta out while you four go find May and the others and inform them about what has recently happened. Then we all meet up at Kami's look out got it?" Goku asked and we all nodded. "I'm can go and look for May you guys can go help my dad look for the others and make sure he doesn't do anything reckless" the purple haired boy spoke and the rest of us nodded. Then we all left Capsule Corp doing what needed to be done.

It's time to find out truth behind all of this madness and end it.


TA DAH!! Alright that's the end of this chapter, I'll be updating next week so there ya go! bye see you next time!!!

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