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**** May ****

"May! wait up!" I heard Trunks and Goten yell, but I just ignored both of them and went faster. I went faster and faster until I instantly stopped crashing into Goten and Trunks making both of them crash their heads together "Ow! why'd you stop?" Goten asked. I took in the veiw in front of me. Homes destoyed, bodies all over the place, and Pan on the ground surrounded by a pool of blood.

Pan. My god-daughter. 

I flew straight towards her and picked her up "Pan?" I asked softly and she moaned in pain. "Goten! Trunks! I need you to find the other and see if they're injured and if they are give them a senzu bean." I ordered while putting a senzu bean in Pan's mouth "Pan I need you to help Goten and Trunks. Can you do that for me?" I asked "Yeah! May i'm a big girl now. I can do it." Pan said and I nodded. "Well I have to go." I said flying off. "May!" I heard Trunks call my name and I turned around "Please be careful." Trunks pleaded and I nodded. 

Why would he care? He was the one who made us break up.

Boys are so confusing.

 **** Goku ****

  Once Goten and trunks left with May Tammy, Kimmy, and Tony arrived. "Where's my baby Broly!" Kimmy yelled. Wait how does she know Broly? "She went to go see Dende" I said and she relaxed. "What are you doing here Broly?" Tony asked "What? I can't see my own Brother, sister in-law, and especially my niece?" Broly asked and everyone's jaw dropped except for Kimmy and Tony. "Uncle?" Tammy asked "NO! you are not my brother. When you kill or hurt innocent people they are no longer called family! Especially if you killed your own mother!" Tony snapped ignoring what Tammy just said.

"Wha- why? how? is this pos-possible?!? May doesn't even  look like him!" Vegeta yelled pointing at Broly. "*yawn* so who's up?" Broly asked. "ME!" I yelled raising my hand. "Ok then I love to see how much you've imporved Kakarote." Broly said and I turned super sayian four. Broly's eyes almost poppedd out of his face, but soon went back to normal. I flew at Broly dodging every hit Brol tried to throw at me. "STAY. STILL!" Broly demanded. "Hmm let me think about it. Yeah... No." I said kneeing him in the gut. He leaned over and I knkocked him to the ground. He got up with a smirk growing on his face. "You hink your the only one who can turn super sayian four? Well think again."  Just then Broly turned super sayian four. "WHAT! " Vegeta yelled.

Then Gohan, Pan, Jamie, and Videl came.

"Broly?!?" Gohan and Videl asked in shock "Who's Broly?" Pan and Jamie asked totally confused.  No one answered  "Hello? Am I invisable? I asked who is Bro-" Broly cut Pan off by shooting a KI blast at her. "Pan!" Videl and Gohan yelled

"Your gonna pay for that!" Videl threatened Gohan and Videl flew at him and Videl kicked him square in the neck and Gohan punched him in multiple places. 

No affect.

Broly slapped Videl and forcfully punched Gohan away. Then Piccolo came in. "Special beam cannon!" a staright beam of purple and yellow went straight towards Broly,but still did no affect. Broly went up to Piccolo and kneed his back and threw him into buildings and shot a KI blast right after making a huge explosion.

"Gohan! Videl! Pan! Piccolo!" Jamie yelled and her power spiked up. "Jamie! NO! he's mine! you have to wait for May." I ordered and she lowered her power level and calmed herself down.  I went up to Broly and tried my hardest to get a simple punch on him, but it was impossible. It was like he knew what I was going to do. He reflected my own moves. That was until Broly snapped my  left leg. "AHHHH!!" I screamed in pain "Awe little Kakarote can't walk anymore, how sad."Broly mocked. VEgeta then went super sayian four and hit Broly in the face with all of his might sending him crashing into so many buildings. "Lucky shot." Broly said wiping blood off his lip.

Then everything went black.

**** May ****

 I arrived at where everyone was fighting to only see Dad, Mom, Jamie, Vegeta, and Broly. Vegeta was fighting with Broly, but Broly had a bigger advantage. "mom? dad?" I asked "Oh honey thank god your safe!" Mom cried hugging me. "Mom. What are you guys doing here? your gonna get hurt. Where is Goku?" I ask "I don't know where he is. I can't really feel his life force." Dad replied "Oh well i'm going to go find him and help him. Then i'm going to fight Broly." I said and they nodded "I'm very proud of you May." Dad says smiling and I return a smile. "Me too sweetheart." Mom said clutching onto her chest. "Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad." I said and hug both of them. I fly off to go help Goku.

I look around searching for Goku. He's no where to be found. I instant transmit to Goku, but it was hard since his life force was holding on a thread. I stand in front of knocked out Goku. His left leg practically broken, right arm bleeding like crazy. I pick him up and he winces. "Sorry..." I whisper. I find Trunks and Goten along with fully healed Pan, Gohan, Videl, and Piccolo. "hey listen I need you guys to somehow help Goku. He's hurt really bad." I say and they nod. 

I go out to find Vegeta and Broly. Once I get there my heart broke from what I just saw. Broly fist through a lifeless Vegeta. I rush over there and punch Broly on the side of his face sending him flying back in miles and his fist exited Vegeta's body. I lean sit down next to one of my closest friend. "I'm so sorry Vegeta. It's all my fault." I say with tears streaming down my face. "Don't be....." Vegeta said softly reaching up wiping the tears off my cheeks.

Then his hand fell lifelessly to the ground.

"I'm so sorry." I said and watched his body disappear. I get up and feel angry boiling up inside of me. "BROLY!!!!" I yell let all of my anger that has been bottled up inside me go. I fly at him kicking him up in the air and transport above him knocking him back to the ground. Without hesitating I rush down where Broly is and ounch him in the gut. Letting him cough up blood. He get up and straightens himself up. I heard everyone else behind me.

"Is this how you treat your own uncle?" Broly asked "WH-WHAT!!!" I say more angry than ever "You heard me. I. AM. YOUR. UNCL-" I cut him off by blasting him in the face "SHUT UP!!!" I scream I run at him and snap Broly's left leg and he screams in agony. "How does it feel having your leg snapped? Now you know how Goku feels. You will never be my uncle. Anyone who causes pain to others will never be considered family." I say coldly. Broly gets up and smirks. Why is he smirking I just snapped his leg. Is he crazy? Who smiles when their in pain?  "You do know I have a right leg and can fly right?" Broly asks. "I know, but you can't walk anymore so you'lll just use up your energy flying." I reply cleverly. and he growls. "May? how much do you love your sister?" Broly asks.

Oh god. I know where he's going with this.


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- Lindsay 

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