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** Crona **

We bumped into Trunks while walking and when we did, for some odd reason, May gripped onto my hand a little tighter as if searching for some sort of comfort and I have gave her hand a soft squeeze showing her that I was here for her.

"Hey Trunks." I spoke up

"Hi I need to borrow May for the rest of the day." Trunks stepped forward and take hold of May's arm but she stepped back.

"Listen man, I can't let you do that." I said stepping in front of May

"You don't understand she needs-" I gently placed my hand onto his shoulder

"I'm sorry but I really can't let you take her right now. Me and May have some important business to take care of at this moment." I tried to reason. He sighed and stepped back "sorry" he mumbled and walked past us.

Once Trunks was out of plain sight I spoke up. "Listen here May, I really need you to come with me down this path right here." I said pointing down the path of trees I've been down a million times before. she nodded and we followed the path.

We arrived at our destination which which was just a deserted field with my sword leaning on a rock.

"Crona.. what are you doing?" May asked hesitatingly

"I need to show you why I'm so different from everyone else." I whispered

I pull my sword from its sheath and said:

"Tengoku no buki." I spoke, summoning the weapon of heaven.

A familiar sting shot throughout my body. "May I want you to throw a waved or blast at me." I asked

"What the hell? Are you nuts? No." She said shaking her head

"Please." I begged, I needed to show her why I needed to be kept a secret. She gave in and threw a small energy wave at me and I instantly shoved my blade forward allowing her waved to be sucked in.

"Dance Tengoku."

I lifted my sword and swing it down releasing my own energy wave with a mix of May's wave, creating a powerful tornado-like form of energy wave and shooting it at May. Thankfully May got away in time knowing that it might have torn her into shreds. We stood in a moment of silence until...


I sighed "It was a tornado."

"No shit Sherlock. I was talking about what you just did." she replied

"It all started when I was five years old. My dad gave me this sword and told me to use it and protect myself whenever danger is near. He also said that I need to keep the sword a secret. He was actually the one who taught me the basics of using the sword. Then was I was seven both of my parent were murdered.." I clenched my fists at the thought of how much pain and agony I went through.

"It was all because of those heartless "androids", they were the ones who killed them. They died trying to save me. Do you know what it feels like? Being so alone, having no one around to go to for help? For anything? Well let me tell you, it was a fucking struggle! I was only seven.. I'm not looking for sympathy, the only reason why I'm telling you this is so that you can help me. Please help me May." I asked

She walked up to me and hugged me, it caught me by surprise, it really did. I have no idea why but I felt wierd in the stomach. Oh god.. was I gonna throw up? Is this what it feels like when a man gets his period? No.. that can't be right cause that only happens to women right? I was snapped out of my thoughts when she pulled away.

"I'll help you, but you need to help me too." May said

I nodded "Why do you need help?"

"I don't know because I'm bored."

"Good enough. So.. do you wanna go out and eat with me?" I asked while placing my sword at my hip and she nodded vigorously

"Yes, I'm starving."

As we walked to the pizza parlor I slipped my hand into May's fingers. She turned her head and smiled in which I smiled back. we sat down and ordered forty boxes of pizza. I took out my wallet but May insisted to pay but I politely declined her offered. Apparently she wasn't taking no for an answer so I took her money and paid the food with my own then I placed her money back in her hand.

"I hate you." she mumbled and I smiled victoriously

"Sure you do."

We waited about 2 hours for our pizzas till our orders were finally finished and we got our pizzas.

"Now where do we eat this?" I asked carrying ten boxes of pizza on one arm and ten on the other.

"I have an idea, but you need to touch me." she said

"No." I replied

"Why?" She asked

"Because I have a lot more respect for you than that." I said

"NOT THAT KINDA OF TOUCHING! Just put your head on my shoulder." My face suddenly started getting hot

"O-Okay." I placed my head on her shoulder and before I knew it, we were in a field. May went over by a tree and we sat doe placing the boxes of pizzas in between us. When I asked her how she transported us she explained to me about this technique called Instant Transmission. We sat there for hours talking and laughing, telling jokes. We noticed that it was already dark outside.

"Let's walk you home" I suggested while putting all the boxes into the trash bin.

"Alright, let's go." I lent her a hand and helped her up off the ground and she started telling directions to her house. Once we got there I noticed a large group of people at her house.
She sighed "I guess I have done company over."

"Hey May? Um.. Before you go, can I maybe get your phone number? Y-you know, so we can train together or something?"

Train? Really Crona? Is that the best you can think of? I scolded myself

"Yeah, definately." she gave me a heart-warming smile and we traded phones, placing our numbers in.

"Alright well I'll see you later okay?" I nodded.

I grabbed her hand "goodnight May." I leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight Crona." she smiled and walked into her house.

I smiled and turned around and walked home. Once I got home I greeted my grandmother and walked into my room.

I sighed and plopped down onto my bed and then I started thinking about the question May asked me earlier today..

* flashback *

"Wanted to clear my mind, I guess.. What about you?" May replied answering my question as to what she was doing outside by herself.

I would've answered her question as well, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, I wanted to say:

I'm out here because I was thinking about how much I wished that you were mine..

but my answer came out as nothing..


Shazam! Next chapter is gonna be one hell of a ride. So be prepared (•) ~ (•)

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