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**** May ****

We both starred, no one moved, no one blinked, we just starred. it was Jamie, but she looked different. her eyes weren't brown. they were a light shade of green. Weird huh? “umm.... h-hello May." Jamie studdered. “Hiya Jamie!" I greeted “So what brings you here Jamie? taking a nice stroll? spying on people? getting something to eat?" Hailey said throwing multiple questions at Jamie. wait did I hear her right? did she really ask her if she was spying on someone? I turned to face Jamie “I uh, I um, I was going to the park. Yup I was heading over to the park, you know kick back and relax." Jamie said “Oh why don't I come with you and May you can go finish up what we were starting." Hailey said, I was gonna protest until Jamie spoke up.“and what were you gonna finish up?" she asked oh you know finding the clones and have a little “chat" with them" Hailey simply stated and Jamie's face went pale. I looked at her in confusion “you alright Jamie?" she shook her head furiously “nope, nothing, yup I'm perfectly fine" she quickly stated and gave her a slight nod. “alright, I guess I'll be going. Bye guys! see you later alligator!" with that I ran off leaving Hailey and Jamie alone.

*** Jamie ***

Once I made sure May was out of sight I turned and faced Jamie. “so how about we go to that park aye?" I asked and she nodded her head.

While we were walking towards the park, I asked her a question that I have been keeping inside. “why are your eyes a different color?" she looked surprised at my sudden question “I uh.. aha. you see.. I'm wearing contacts." she replied nervously and I lifted an eyebrow “is that so?" I asked and she nodded her head “because I thought you told me that you were getting glasses." I lied. I knew that Jamie had perfect eye vision unlike May who's getting glasses in a couple of months. “oh did I? well no, I um must've had the wrong date." I nodded. we continued walking until we reached the park and saw from afar was Goten and Jamie on the swing sets.

I knew it.

She was a clone.

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