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*** Broly ***

I carried May into my labratory on planet Shimanha. I gently laid her down on the table and walked towards my cabinet where the needle that I must inject May with is in. I brabbed the needle and carefully stuck it into her neck. Making sure I got it in the right place and I slowly took out the needle. Then I put a bandaid on where the chemical was injected. I hooked up some wires up her body. Then I walked towards my computer and started to learn her moves in her normal form.

Once I finished learning and memorizing her moves which took 3 to 4 days May started to wake up.

Just in time.

"Wh-Where am I uncle Broly?" May asked. "Your home." I replied and she nodded.

**** May ****

"Wh-Where am I uncle Broly?" I asked. "Your home." Uncle Broly replied and I nodded. "What happened to my parents? And Tammy?" I asked having no memory of no one except Uncle Broly. I even forgot what they looked like! "They... They were murdered by sayians. Yeah, their names were Trunks, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Jamie, Pan and their leader. Kakarote." Broly said and I broke down in tears. "Wh-Why?! Why did they kill them?!?! Its not like they did anything wrong!" I said getting a bit angry. 

"I'm sorry May, they murderd them to get satisfaction, just like other sayains their heartless."  Uncle Broly said. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah go ahead." Uncle Broly said while grabbing some food out of the fridge and setting the food on the table and we started to eat "How come I can't remember anything?" I asked looking up from my food looking into his eyes waiting for an answer. "When they killled... your family I wanted revenge so I killed Vegeta and Kakarote held you hostage. You fought off Kakarote, but he was too strong so he.... um.... he.. He elbowed you in the back of the head. So I think that when he knocked you out it probably damaged your memory. Then I took you away from Kakarote and went home which is here so I can take care of you." Uncle Broly said. "Oh well thank you Uncle Broly." I said with a smile. "Can we go back to where Kakarote and the other sayians are at? I want them to pay for their crimes." I said with anger boiling up inside of me. "Yes. Let's go!"  Uncle Broly said and we left to go to Earth. I think thats what its called where the other ruthless sayians are.

**** Goku ****

I was now fully healed thanks to Dende I finally took off my cast and away from the hospital. Everyone was at Capsule Corp think of where Broly took May. That was until we felt two huge power levels. I recognized both of them.

It was May and Broly. 

We flew to here they were at and they were standing next to each other. "May! get away from him!"  Trunks warned "Why? He's my uncle. He didn't do anything wrong except kill Vegeta. While you sayians killed my family!" May spat. What! what is she talking about? "Excuse me?!? May he's the one who is causing destruction and pain to others!" Jamie said pointing at Broly and she scoffed. "May your whole family didn't die." I said. What has gotten into her? "Your right my whole family didn't die I only have uncle Broly." she said still sticking to Broly's side "Broly! What did you do?!?!" I yelled "Me? Oh Kakarote I did no such thing!" Broly said acting innocent. "Oh so your Kakarote." May said sending daggers at me. 

She then flew at me and ounched me in the face sending me backwards crashing into Capsule Corp. "Goku! what happened? where's May?" Kimmy asked "She-She thinks you, Tony, and Tammy are dead, something happened. Broly did something." I replied standing up and out from the rubble. We all flew back to where everyone else was and she was beating up Gohan. "May! Stop!" Trunks said and she turned her head in Trunks' direction.

*** May *** 

"May! Stop!" The purple haired boy yelled at me. I dropped the black haired man who's hair was swayed to the right. I think his name was Gohan. "What happened?" the purple haired boy said I think his name was Trunks. "What happened was that you murdered my family!" I said with tears streaming down my face.  "May... we didn't do anything. All we did was to try and stop Broly from killing everyone." Trunks said taking a step towards me, but I didn't move back. "Please believe me. You parent are alive. They're coming here right now." Trunks said "Lies." I spat , but is he really telling the truth? a little part of me said not to believe him and most of me says ' believe him he's telling the truth! just kiss him!' 

I Step forward and smashed my lips on his he was surprised at first, but kissed back. Then everything came flashing in my mind. Me fighting Broly, Dende healing me, Goku's leg snapping, to Vegeta.... Vegeta dying, Broly knocking me out and he was the one who made me lose my memory.

 "I'm so sorry" I whispered and he nodded. "I should be the one's who's sorry I was being stupid for breaking up with you. I love you" Trunks said and I smiled and I put my index finger to my lips "Shhh.. just play along." I whispered and he looked confused I kicked Trunks making him crash into Goten. "Good job May now finish them and I nodded everyone gasps I turn super sayian 5 and a large blue ball of energy forms in my hands "I... RON....IC...... HAAA!!!" I trun to face Broly and I throw my wave at him. "What are you doing!!!!" Broly yelled "THIS.... IS..... FOR....VEGETA!!" I yelled and my wave engulfed him making a huge explosion. THe smoke cleared, but Broly was still standing. " hehe.... you thought you got rid of me that easily? ... Think agan." Broly said wiping te blood off of his lip. "Broly! you caused too much pain. Now you ave to pay. You were the one who made me lose my memory your the one who caused alll destruction in this world. You made me think they did the  were evil! YOU KILLED VEGETA!!" More anger  and pain boiled. Until I couldn't take it anymore. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. 

Next thing I knew my hair was now red my GI change instead of orange and blue it was black and white and my eyes were black instead of light brown. I looked like a whole new diffrent person. I guess it was a whole new level. "What the- Where's May?!?!" Broly asked in total shock. "Yeah where is May?" Everyone asked at the same time looking around. "Who- Who are you?" Broly asked with a int of fear. "Scared Broly? May is here. I am May." I said still very angry. Everyone stopped and looked at me. "May.. You- you changed like completely and your power level is unbelievable. It's like it has no limit!!" Trunks said. "Lets do this." I said and flew towards within seconds. 

*** Goku ***

We arrived to where May, Broly, and everyone else was. They were all just standing there. "guys? whats up?" I asked and they stayed the same. "Hmm?" I mumbled I went past them to see a girl with red hair in a black and white GI. Her power level is like its unlimited. "Who is that!" I asked sounding scared. What if she's not on our side. Then were doomed since we already got May and Broly to handle now we have her to handle."Its-it -its- its May."Gohan studdered out. "What! se'll kill us since se's on Broly's side!!" I screamed worried. "Goku! look again." Piccolo said pointing to May and Broly. I look out to see May beating Broly up wasting no time. She's so fast! I couldn't even keep up with her. "She- She's fast!" I say still trying to keep up with her speed. "It's a new level." Piccolo said.

"What!! she needs to stop training! We need to catch up!" I say determined in what I need to accomplish. Then I put my attention back to May and Broly "Dragon.... Fist!!" May yelled and she went straight through Broly. "Oh Yeah!! that's my girl!! I taught her that move! Woo-Hoo GO MAY!" I cheered. Then to finish off Broly she threw a very large KI blast at him making a huge explosion. As the smoke cleared all we saw was May

 floating in the air smiling. Her smile then dropped and she went into her normal form. Once she landed we all hugged her "Nice job May!" I say congradulating her. "Thanks guy-" she cut herself off by fainting. "She's fine she just needs some rest. We all do." I said and we nodded. We found her bag full of her clothes when she first fought Broly, We found it and gave it back to Trunks. Then everyone went our separet ways and May went home with Trunks. 

While we went home and went to sleep.


So The New Girl is ending soon. Should I make a sequal or no?

Give me your opinions and follow, vote, comment, and etc. 

I love you!!

- Lindsay

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