Chapter ten

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************* Trunks ****************

HOLY SHIT! May's hot. 

Wait what am I saying I have a girlfriend, an amazing one.

"Trunks you ok?" Kelly asks me "yeah i'm fine babe" I say kissing her on the cheek, but nothing happened.

No sparks.

When May kissed my cheek before she left I felt fireworks and was determined that she'll be my first girlfriend but instead of her I got Kelly.

How did I get myself into this?

*********** May ***********

 I stand in front of Capsule Corp and walk in, but was stopped by....


"MAY!!" goku said extremely happy and pulls me into a tight hug. Once he pulls away he goes into a fighting stance "OK now I wanna know how strong you've gotten these past years." Kid Goku says. "goku you don't need to know by fighting and your half my size!" I say giggling "I want to."  he says "Why can't I just tell you what level I have ascended to!" I whine and he straightens up "you reached a new level?" he asks curiously and I nod "Really what level?" he asked eagerly "Cinco" I say holding up five fingers. "what! really damn you better stop training so I can catch up to you." Goku says "Me too." Vegeta says walking outside "Nice to see you May." Vegeta says "Veggie." I say laughing at his nickname and hugging him "Oh um I forgot to tell you guys something I haven't told you yet." "well what is it." bot Vegeta and Goku says " well um you know  Jamie, Goten girlfriend?" I say and they nod signaling me to continue "well um we've been best friends ever since we were kids and um well she didn't tell you this but um she  a say-" I say but get cut off by a high pitch squeak "HI GUYS!" Kelly screams while coming out of the car. I can tell that Vegeta and Goku doesn't like her because of thier groaning and the look of disgust on their faces. Why don't they like her she seems nice "Hi Kelly did Jamie and Goten come with you?" I asked "Oh yeah their coming out of the car right now." She says and I look over to see Goten and Jamie coming out of the car "So what did you want to tell us?" Vegeta asked and Goku nodding in agreement "uh i'll tell evreyone once we get inside." I say and they nod.

"Jame!" I say hugging Jamie "you miss me already? we only been apart for five minutes!" She says laughing "Well I don't want to be apart from my two best friends who seem to be dating each other!" I say nudging Jame and ruffling Goten's hair. "what about me? i'm not your best friend?" Trunks asked "Um yeah you are next to these two goof balls." I say bumping hips with Goten and Jame. " I thought  they were next to me! oh I see how it is." He says jokingly holding his hand to his heart and We laugh wow it really feels great to be back

"I'm going to get everyone to come to Capsule Corp for May's "special" announcement." Goku says flying off with Vegeta. "special announcement?" Trunks asked "yeah it involves Jamie." I say and Goten and Jame nod understanding what the special announcement is. 

"oh well I can't wait to here it." Trunks says 

"UH HUM DID YOU GUYS FORGET THAT I WAS HERE!!! OR WHAT ?!?!?!" Kelly says. Oh I forgot she was here. "sorry." I say "yeah you should be." Kelly says "May you don't need to apologise." Goten and Jame says "no! she has to say sorry!" Kelly says "and why is that?" Jame says and she shrugs "why I outta." Jame says about to hit her. Wait did she forget that Kelly's human and she's a sayian?!?! she going to kill her with one blow! I run inbetween them and try to calm both of them down. "guys its ok does it matter if I apologise or not?" I said "No" Jame says "Yes!" Kelly says the same time Jame said no. "Well just calm down it doesn't matter now lets get inside ok?"  I said and they nod.

  *Later on*  

 So everyone is at Capsule Corp and I'm getting ready to tell everyone what Jamie is, ok I can do it I thought to myself "you can do it." I say to myself "Ok so um you guys are probably wondering what the announcement is." I say "No duh." Kelly says and I roll my eyes "so as I was saying before I got interrupted um well my best friend Jamie here is um uh a she's um like Me, Goten,Gohan, Goku,Trunks, and Vegeta." everyone gasp in shock except getting what I meant for Kelly. "wait so is she a monster wait no that's to obvious, of course she is so is she also a guy?" Kelly said thats it! "I said she's also like me and do I look like a guy?!" I snapped "yes." Kelly said smirking now she's trying to push me. Goku saw how mad me and Goten got so he said "May, Goten? can you come outside with me and Vegeta real quick?" he asked and we just nodded. We stomped outside and once we were outside Goku tried to calm Goten and Vegeta tried  to calm me down, but it definatly wasn't working "She called me and Jame a GUY! and she called Jame a monster! She's the only monster here!" I screamed "May I need you to breath I know how you feel we alll don't like her and I see that your trying your hardest to respect her and trying to support Trunks, but I don't really know what to say." Vegeta says honestly. "Thanks for trying to calm me but I just need to think don't worry i'm not going anywhere i'm just going back home to clean up. Tammy's coming home soon so that means that i'll be moving out of Capsule Corp and back home." I say "can't you and Tammy just stay here?" Vegeta asked trying to convince me to stay and I gave him a reassuring smile "You don't have to offer Veggie I can take care of myself now. I'm all grown up now and I have Tammy. So don't worry I can live on my own now but if it doesn't work out then I can come back here okay?" I asked and he nodded "I'm gonna go get my stuff back ok?" I said "May are you ok?"  Vegeta ask and I nodded and walked offinto Capsule Corp. 

I walk into my old room I stayed in and collected all of my belongings. "So where are you going this time?" I turn around to see Trunks standing in the doorway "home." I said "You are home."he says stiffling a laugh "no Trunks I mean i'm actually going home, my real home." I said putting my last items in my duffle bag. "why?" "Tammy is coming home soon and I want to spend as much time with her as possible." I said passing Trunks and into the hallway. "and what about us?" I heard Trunks whisper. "Us? Trunks you have a girlfriend what are you talking about? there is no us!" I said. and walked away. when I turned around I got pulled on the by ...

Trunks "What now!" I said now annoyed noticing how close our lips were. " I - I - I thought there was an us." he said a bit more lower. I lifted his chin and looked into his blue eyes and said "Trunks just like I said you have a girlfriend." and with that I walked away. Then again got pulled on the arm by....


"Listen Trunks doesn't want you he wants me! So leave. him. alone." Kelly says angrily "and if I don't?" I asked. I'm not scared of her after all she is a human but then again i'm not going to hurt her. "If you don't then i'll kill your pity sister." She said "you won't hurt her your just a human." I said "oh and who said I was human? sayian." "how, how do you know who I am?" I asked "Because I myself am a tuffle who is trying to get revenge on you pity sayians and the entire universe." She snickered "and if you hit me, a sayian no one would ever believe you." she continued she did have a point so I did to save any one I instant transmitted us outside of Capsule Corp. Then I turned Super sayian. "Ready" She asked and I nodded. With a blink of an eye she gut me and punched my back sending me flying down towards the Capsule Corp building. Luckily I stopped myself and flew at Kelly I then telaported behind Kelly and knocked her down to the ground I knew she ws up to something because she let herself fall. Hmm does she just wants to get hurt? well fine by me. as she fell Trunks appeared behind her and caught her.

"WHAT THE HELL MAY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL HER?" He yelled "uhh yeah. Dude she's trying to destroy everything that is living except for tuffles and that's what she is!" I say trying to knock some sense into this boy. "are you kidding me! I just saw you beat her around! she's just a human and I can feel her life force fading. Are you just this stupid? I must have been psycho when I was falling for you when we were little I was probably crazy when I ." He said  "Yeah and me loving you was a mistake. You know what? When she tries to destoy everyone i'm not helping" I said now furious "May wait please I didn't mean it."  Trunks says "forget it."and with that I left. I need a walk.


In the next chapter, your in for a big surprise! 

May meets a special someone, but who?

- Bugs_Bunnie


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