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**** May ****

"Psst... May. Psst. May." I heard someone whispered in my ear say. "Mm." I replied. "....... WAKE UP!!" Tammy yelled bouncing on my bed and I groaned. "No. Go away. Let me sleep." I said pulling the pillow over my head. "There's breakfast on the table..." Tammy said and I shot right up. "I'll be ready in 15 minutes." I said running in the bathroom and started to do my routine.


Exactly 15 minutes later I left the bathroom and into the kitchen. I walk in to see dad, Tammy, and mom eating. And there's a pile of .. FOOD!! on the table. I grab a plate and start eating.


Once we finished we started to catch up on things. "So May, you know that we go a letter from school saying that you start your second to last year in high school in three weeks! Aren't you excited! You get to go to school with Jamie, Trina, Trunks, and Goten!" Mom said with her voice full of excitement and I groaned. "No. That means that I have curfew AND that I have to wake up early." I said "That's right May once you start school you HAVE to go to bed around 9:30-10:00." Dad said "Yeah, Yeah, I know. So what's the date for when school starts?" I asked and mom got up to look at the letter. "It says here that school starts on August 27th." Mom informed me and I choked on my egg

. Dad patted my back and it finally went down my throat. "Wh-What! Why? Why that date! That's me and Trunks' 1 year anniversary." I said. Why that specific date out of all the other date they chose the date that's mine and Trunks' anniversary. "Oh cheer up sort its not that bad." dad said. "For you yeah, but for me? Its a big deal. Dad its our 1 year anniversary and we have to go to school. Can't I just skip the first day of school?" I asked "Hm.. I'll think about it." Dad said. "OK well I gotta go. I have to help train Vegeta and Goku on planet Kai." I said putting y plate in the sink. I walk in my room and change into my White and Black GI. I was about to walk out of the house until my dad said "Oh yeah i'm going to get to know Trunks today, I want to know him better." and I nodded. 

I arrive on the Kai planet with Goku. I look around to see him meditating. "Goku, go back on grinding the coffee beans." I said "But what about Vegeta!" Goku whined " He completed his tasked. Now he's training his mind, then he's going to train his skill, strength, and speed. Finally he's gong to be put to the test physically." I said. "Awe! No fair!!" Goku whined once again. "The earlier you start the sooner you'll finish." I said and Goku stomped away mumbling words I can't make out. Goku starts grinding the coffee beans quietly and I watch Vegeta train his mind. 


Once he finished meditating, me and Vegeta were sparring. So then I can learn what he already knew. "Try harder Vegeta!" I said "What does it look like i'm trying to do?! Every time I try to hit you, you always end you dodging it." Vegeta said. We took a break and laid on the grass. "Can I stop now?!?!" Goku whined and I sat up and smiled. "Yes!!" Goku screamed in excitement. "so when can I start? Huh? Huh? Huh?" Goku asked jumping up and down. "Once Vegeta finishes his break. Now start training your mind" I replied. 

 "What! ....... ok." Goku said flying off somewhere. I laid back down and drifted off to sleep.

*** Trunks ***

"Goten!! Give. It. Back. Jamie!!! Tell her boyfriend to let go!!!" I shouted across the room. Jamie got up and started to tickle Goten and Goten started laughing like crazy. "Babe!! S-stop! plea-please!!" Goten pleaded and she stopped. "I hate you" Goten said smiling "No you don't. You love me. And I love you too." Jamie said and Goten smiled and leaned in to kiss her. Once they pulled away Jamie asked "So your gonna give it to her when?" and I smiled looking at the items in my hand. "Our anniversary." I replied. "Awe!! thats so cute!" Jamie gushed. We smiled at each other and started jumping up and down. "We all have our anniversary on the same exact day! Me and Goten. You and May. And Vegeta and Bulma!" Jamie said. Its funny how me, May, Jamie, Goten, Mom, and dad have our anniversary on the same day.

Then my door opened revealing mom holding a peice of paper. "Hey, Hun so I recieved a letter from school saying that you start school on August 27th. So since today is August 6th..... that means you have school in three weeks!!" Mom informed me very happy and almost all of our jaws dropped. We start school on our anniversary. "Mom? Uh.. can I .... Uh can I skip school that day?" I asked scratching the back of my neck. "What? why?" Mom asked. "Well on August 27th is Me, May, Jamie, Goten, AND your's and dad's aniversary and it's me  and May's 1 year anniversary. And Goten and Jamie's 2 year anniversary." I explained. "Oh well ok that's fine with me. Are you planning anything special?" Mom asked and I nodded. "Well? What are you planning?" Mom asked gtting more curious. Then I pulled out the items in my drawer showing it to her and she gasped "Oh my.. Honey! thats so adorable!" Mom gushed "I know right!" Jamie said, they both started screaming. "Pan, Bulla, Chi-Chi, Trina, Kimmy, Tammy, Videl, and I are going to help May get ready on your anniversary. While Jamie goes out with Goten on their anniversary" Mom said. Wait she doesn't know that dad is coming back on their anniversary. Mom will be so surprised once she sees dad. 

Everytime I go into mom and dad's room I always seem to find mom with tears streaming down her face. It pains me to see my own mom like that. It's like there's this whole in her heart that no one can replace except dad. Yeah I know it's kinda cheesy, but its true.

I just hope when dad comes back she'll be whole again with dad whe he comes back. She'll be surprised.  

Everyone would be surprised.

"Why are you guys all screaming?" Bulla asked popping her head out of the door frame. "Bulla! look what your big bro got May!!" Jamie says pulling her into my room. I showed her what I got May everyone started screaming except me and Goten. Goten leaned in and whispered in my ear "Women..." and I chuckled "Yup."

Then there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it to see Tony/May's dad at the door "Hi! Tony." I greeted "Hello Trunks. May I come in?" Tony asked and I nodded. Tony stepped in the house and sat on ther couch. "Not to be rude or anything,  but may I ask why your here?" I asked "Well I know that you have been treating May correctly, correct?" I nodded and he continued "Good, and today I wanted to get to know you better." Tony finished "Oh well ok." I replied. "MOM! I'm going out with May's father!" I yelled so mom can hear me from my room "Alright honey!" Mom yelled back, I chuckled and we left.


So all day today me and Tony have been walking all around and ate. We started to get to know each other and we got along very well. That was until he asked me something "Are you planning on marrying my daughter?" Tony asked after taking a sip from his coffee and I almost choked on my water. "Um.. Well... I want to wait, you know? I want to get closer to May. Spend more time with her. And especially stick by her side no matter what. I love her and when the time's right. I probably might  propose, but i'm planning on waiting." I replied and he had a satisfied look on his face. "Excellent answer." Tony said "Shall we go home? It's getting late." Tony said and I nodded. 

I went home to see Bulla, Mom, Goten, and Jamie still at my house. "What happened?" Goten asked curiously " We went out, ate-" I said, but Goten cut me off "YOU ATE WITHOUT ME?!?!" Goten whined "sorry bro." I apologised "eh whatever. So what else did ypou do?" Goten asked "Um we talked about May." I said "Well what did you guys say about May?" they asked "well.... he asked me if i'm going to marry May one day." I said and they started smiling like idiots. "Well are ya? huh? huh?huh?" Jamie asked nudging me. "I'm gonna wait." I said "So is that a yes?" Goten asked "Maybe.... Yes." I said and they all said "AWW" and I blushed.  

Everyone left and went to bed or either back to their homes and went to bed. I crawled back in bed feeling lonely without May.  

I got out of bed and decided to drink a glass of water. Then I decided to read a book since I needed something boring to make me go to sleep. As I was reading my eyes began to feel heavy. Finally I drifted off into a deep sleep and the last thing I saw was May's gift.


So what do you think Trunks has in store for May?

Sorry I haven't updated in a while this week has been hectic.

I love you!

- Lindsay

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