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**** May ****

I quickly flew to Kami's House to see that my guess was right! The androids were here and they were on the front porch, knocking on the front door. I land on the beach and Master Roshi open the door "Well hello may I help you with- hold on.. your androids!" Roshi yelled. I ran up to them and kicked android 13, 14, and 15 making them fly into the ocean. "Oh well thanks May." Master Roshi said and I nodded. "Roshi tell Krillin, 18, Marron, and everyone else in the jouse to hide their power level and if they refuse, then knock them out. Got it! oh and hide yours as well!" I demanded. "What? wh-" I cut him off "Just do it!!" I yelled and he quickly shut the door.

I turned to face them seeing that they're getting out of the water. "Ahh I see you've found us. You're smarter than the others you know that right?" 13 asked "Yeah whatever. Listen I need all of you to stop whatever your doing-" 14 cut me off. "But we'realmost done." almost done? with what? "What?" I asked totally confused and they held up a bag of hai and tubes of blood. I can see that they took Piccolo's blood since he didn't have any hair. And neither does Krillin so i'm presuming that they're gonna take his blood. "Well I think we should take the rest of their DNA later in the moning since you going to school. Well.... Bye!" With that all three of them flew away and I flew after them, but 14 stopped me "What do you want?!?" I spat "Can I get a hug?" he asked. Wait did he just say hug? "why do you want a hu-" 14 cut me off by "Hugging" me with a needle.Slowly injecting me with something. I couldn't see what he injected me with. He pulled away and drop kicked me into the ocean and flew away. 

"Guys?!?!" I yelled thoughout the entire house once I got back from the incident I had with 14. I couldn't sense them so they either lowered their power level or is knocked out. Just then everyone came out from under the couch and cabinets. While Oolong was disguised as a lamp and Purar was disguised as a table. "What happened out their May?" 18 asked "The.. androids..." was I said before I passed out. 

Fuck you 14.

**** Krillin!! ****

"The..... Androids...." was all May said before she passed out and Yamcha caught her. "Androids?" I asked "Yes! the androids were looking for you, Yamcha, 18 and Marron when I opened the door!" Master Rohsi said "We need to tell the others." I said sternly and they nodded. "I'll go warn Goku and Vegeta. 18. Honey, I need you to get everyone else." I said and she nodded "Mom? Dad? where am I going?" My daughte Marron asked. "Sweetheart, your going to stay by May's side with Yamcha." I said and they nodded. 

We all went our seprate ways and did as told.... 

**** May ****

 I wake up with a sore arm. "Ow.." I mumbled rubbing the pain away. "May?" I look up to see Trunks with bags under his eyes as a smile grew on his lips. "What time is it?" I asked and he pulled out his phone checking the time. "11:30" he replied and I nodded "Where's everyone one else? I gotta tell everyone something." I said and he nodded helping out of bed. We walked out to see Krillin, Tammy, Bulma, Master Roshi, Oolong, Yamcha, and Tien playing cards while 18 is behind Master Roshi helping Krillin out and Puar was playing around in the air. Piccolo was meditating, Vegeta, dad, and Goku were talking and so was Chi-Chi, mom, and Videl, Gohan was talking to Goten. Jamie, Trina, Bulla, and Pan were talking also. The only thing lighting everything up was the torches set up all around the place.

"May!" Pan yelled running towards me hugging me, catching everyone's attention and accidently squeezed my arm and I winced. "Sorry." Pan apologised "Oh no its alright." I said rubbing the pain away some more. We walked over to everyone else. "Listen guys. I think I know what the androids are doing." I said "I think they're trying to get al of our DNA's and when I mean all of us I mean the people who can fight or fly." I said continuing my sentence. "But the question is why?" Piccolo asked. "I don't know but all I know is that we gotta protect Krillin, 18, Marron, my mom, my dad, Tammy, Videl, Gohan, Pan, Tien,  and Yamcha." I said and they nodded. "We have to make sure that they don't get that DNA so they wont succeed with their plan" Piccolo said. Just then the torches were put out. 


I pulled Pan close to me and Trunks pulled Maron close to him along with Tien and Yamcha. I tun super sayian so my aura could light up the place. Once everything was lit up with the help of Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku I saw 14 in front of me looking over my shoulder, looking at Pan. "No." I said pulling Pan closer. "Yes." 14 replied before punching me in the gut. I leaned forward in pain, but quickly turned around kicking 14 away from Pan. "No one touches my goddaughter." I said pulling Pan by my side. 14 flew at me and was about to kick me and I caught his leg. While I held 14's leg 13 kicked me on the back making it crack and I flew off the lookout. 15 then punched me multiple times sand kicked me to the ground, but before I hit the ground I stopped my self and instant transmitted in front of Pan as 14 struggled to cut  Pan's hair as she fought back. I grabbed 14 by the leg and flew him into the air. "I..... RON....IC.... HA!!!!" I yelled thrusting my hands forward and once it hit 14 there was an explosion telling me the 14 had exploded thats what this idiot gets for injecting me with a needle and making me pass out. I crouched down to Pan wrapped my arms securely around her. "I won't let any one hurt you. Okay?" I said and she nodded hugging me, resting her chin on my shoulder. I got up to see android 13 and 15 slowly walking away trying not to get caught. "Trunks. Here take Pan fr me. I'll be right back." I said and flew after 13 and 15 as they flew away.

I went down low to the ground and decided to run after them with my power level hidden. About 5 minutes later I lost them near the mountains. I was planning on blowing it up, but then it would cause destruction to the town next to the mountains. I sighed and flew up to the largest mountain to see a mini cave, but nothing was in there. I sighed in defeat and flew to the town near by. I looked around until I spotted a middle aged lady. "Um excuse me miss?" I asked tapping her shoulder from behind. "Yes?" She asked "Um I was womdering what is the name for the town i'm in?" I asked and she smiled "Thaigon Mountain (made up town)"  the woman replied "Thank you!" I said running off. "Your welcome!" she shouted back and I flew to Kami's look out.

I Iand on Kami's lookout to see Bulma trying to wrap Tien's arm up with a bandage and Yamcha complaining about his hair. I chuckle and walk over to Dende. "Hey Dende um do you have a map?" I asked and he nodded. "Follow me." he said and I obeyed. We walked into Dende's room. He handed me a map. "And um can I use a marker or a thumb tack?" I asked and he nodded handing me a red sharpie. "Thanks." and he nodded "No problem." Dende said back and we walked back outside "Hey Piccolo, Goku, and Vegeta! can you come here?" I asked "Yeah sure." Piccolo, Vegeta, and Goku both said. They walked over to me and I laid the map all over the floor. "What's this?" Goku asked once he saw the map. "Can't you see? It's a map you clown." Vegeta remarked "No duh, but why did you bring out a map?" Goku asked me. "We gotta find out where 13 and 15 are staying." I said. "Alright so when do-" Piccolo was cut off by my mom.

"May!! you are not going to go any where! I have to get some rest for school tomorrow!! I'm having a bad day missy! Me, your father, and your sister just had a peice of hair pulled and im not planning on having anymore of my hair today! Now lts go home!" My mom scolded me. "You too Trunks." Bulma said. "And Goten." Chi-Chi continued. "And Pan." Gohan and Videl said "You too Papa!" Pan said back. "Alright I guess everyone has to go home. So Bye!" Dende said waving and then walked inside.

"we'll talk about it when I get out of school. Oh and Goku? Watch Pan whil she's in school cause they can get her when she's in school ok?" I asked and he nodded. "Well bye guys!" I yelled. "Bye!" They yelled back. I was about to fly away until someone pulled on my arm and spun me around. I look up to see Trunks. "No goodbye kiss?" I smiled. I leaned up pretty much on my tippy toes because of how tall Trunks is and wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned in and connected my lips with his. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in closer. "Get a room!" Krillin shoutd and I pulled away and Trunks gav Krillin a death glare and I laughed. "I love you." I whispered "I love you too. Forever and Always." he said. I reached for  my necklace and pulled it out from under my shirt. "Forever and Always." I pecked him on the lips and flew home with my family.

I WILL find android 13 and 15 and that's a promise.


Damn sounds like May's angry.

May: No i'm not!

Me: What ever you say buttercup.

May: *rolls eyes and walks away*

I always wanted to do a chat thingy with the characters in my story. It's so cool! 

Well see you later!


Oh and please vote, comment, fan, and follow! Twanks! 

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