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**** Trunks ****

 I brought her to the Forest, the same exact forest we went to on our first date. 

"Oh my god.... Trunks" I heard May whisper

"Happy 1 year anniversary babe." I whispered back.

She turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck and connected our lips together. Those sparks were still there and so were the fireworks and butterflies. "I love you." May said "I love you too. I don't think I can love anyone as much as I love you." I said and she smiled. May then let go of my neck and attatched our fingers together. Then she stared at the screen projector and knitted she eyebrows together in confusion. "Why do you have that?" she asked in confusion "Watch and find out in the end." I said and she nodded.

I walked her over to a dinner table with food set for two SAIYANS. I pulled a chair up for her and she sat in it while I sat in mine. "What a kind gentleman." May said queen like. "I tried my best." I said and we began eating. "You did all of this yourself?" May asked gesturing the banner, food, table, projector screen, and lights. "No. Gohan, Da- I mean and Goku helped me." I said not wanting her to know about dad yet. "Oh interesting..." May said rubbing her imaginary beard. "Oh yeah I got you something." I said taking out her anniversary gifts. "Oh really now? Because I happen to have something for you too." May said reaching for a bag that says 'Happy Anniversary!' "I want to give it first because I just can't wait." I said taking out her gift. I got up and kneed down on one knee. "Trunks......" May said suspiciously "I know, but i'm not proposing." I said and she knitted her eyebrows in confusion.

"May... I want to give this ring to you as a promise ring. Meaning I promise my love for you and only you. May your the one. I love you and I no one can replace you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Yeah I know its chessy, but its true. Ever since I met you I never stopped thinking about you. Your the only reason what I look forward to everday. You are my everything. I love you with all my heart. So can you accept this promise ring?" I asked and she broke down in tears.

"Yes." she replied smiling. I smiled and put it on her finger. "I love you Trunks Brief." May said "I love you May Hymen." I said and pulled her into a kiss. "You know what? I got you the same exact thing." May said and I was surprised and she also took out a ring..... for me. She promised her love for me. I smiled and she slipped it on my finger. "Oh and I got you a necklace too." I said pulling out a necklace and she frowned "what?" I asked "Why are you doing this to me? your buying so much for me when everything is as perfect as it is." May replied and I shrugged "I don't know. I feel like it's not enough." I said truthfully. "Babe it's already enough. In fact its way too much." She said and laughed at the end. I walked over and placed the necklace around her her. "Thank you." May said and I nodded. "Now my turn!" May said excitedly pulling out ANOTHER gift. I watch as she pulls out a.... wrist watch with a picture of us in the back round. I smile "Thank you babe." I say as she puts the watch on my wrist. I admire the picture of us in the back round and we continued to eat and started to talk and laugh at memories and random stuff.


Once we both finished eating I brought her over to the blanket laid nicely on the ground. "Whats this for?" May asked "Its a surprise." I said walking over to the projector to turn it on and I heard her groan. I turn it on and walk back over to May. Then the pictures start popping up on screen and Best Friend by Jason Chen played in the back round. The first picture was on the first day I brought May home when we first met as kids. The next picture was how May was sparring with Goku. Next was how me, Goten, and May was outside playing around. The screen went black and words popped up

" 8 years later" The screen read. 

Then it showed how it was my birthday and how dad and Goku both shoved my face in the cake. And May was in the back round laughing. "haha I remember that." May said and I turned to look at her  to see tears of happiness in her eyes. I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around her. Then my favorite part of the lyrics to the song came.

"I fell in love with my best friend." I sang in her ear.


When the video ended and the shooting meteorites and stars came just in time. I nudged May and pointed to the shooting stars and meteorites. She gasped and help her hand up to her mouth. "Who would have thought that shooting stars and meteorites would come on OUR anniversary." May said "Happy Anniversary babe, I love you." May continued and I leaned in and kissed her passionately and we smiled into the kiss. "Happy anniversary, I love you too." I said after we pulled away. 

We laid on and tried to figure out what was made out of the stars. "That's the big dipper." I pointed out and she nodded "Hey!!! that's a star." May said jokingly and we laughed. We talked for hours until we notice the sun coming up.  "Hey babe? whaat time is it?" May asked and I looked at my new watch. "Uh.. about 5:45." I replied and we both got up. "Can I sleep at yours?" May asked and I nodded we were to lazy to fly over to my house so we instant transmitted. We get to my house to see the house cleaned and dad in boxers drinking a carton of milk. "Dad!" I shouted and covered May's eyes "Veggie?"May asked. "Hello May." Dad said and May smiled "Good to be back huh?" May asked with her eyes still covered. "Yeah.. Well goodnight." Dad said "Night!" Me and May said at the same time.

I uncovered May's eyes and we changed into our usual clothes for the night. May wearing pajama shorts and my t- shirt and I was in boxers. 

"I love you." May said

"I love you too" I replied before drifting off to sleep.



Hi guys so I AM making a sequel but I can't say what the title is because it pretty much tells what gonna happen... so i'll inform you on what the Title of the seguel is gonna be at the END!

Oh and i'm sorry that I didn't update this chapter yesterday it was because my stupid internet was going bonker and shut down on me leaving me no acess to go on Wattpad to update. But I promise you i'll update the next chapter on Sunday so yeah well Night!!

I love you guys!

-Lola_Bunnie / Lindsay

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