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***** Piccolo ******

"May? how much do you care for you sister?" Broly asked evilly and May gasped "Hey whats going on?" Tammy asked "Tammy! get out of here!" I whispered/yelled loud enough so Tammy can hear me and quiet enough so Broly can't "What? Why?" she asked "No time for questions just go!" I demanded "No! answer me! why?" She asked stubbornly "Broly is going after you! that's why!" I whispered/ screamed. "Now go!" I demanded and she nodded. She she was about to fly away Broly stood above her. "Tammy!!" May yelledinstant transmitting next to Tammy. Broly formed a greenish/yellowy KI blast powerful enough to destoy the planet and threw it at Tammy. May then covered herself making sure Tammy doesn't get hit.

There was a huge explosion and we waited for the smoke to clear. And when the smoke cleared we saw somthing I never expected to see...

Broly flew up to Tammy and May. He picked May and healed her. She opened her eyes and was ready to fight, but Broly knocked her out. "I'll see you later bye big brother, tell Kakarote that I said farewell." Broly said waving goodbye. "WHAT!!" Everyone yelled and Trunks yelled loudest out of everyone. "You can't take my daughter!!" Tony yelled. "I'll be back soon." Broly said. Tony was about to take May away from Broly, But within an instant Broly disappeared with May.

Leaving no trace of where they went behind. He even hid his and May's life force. "Wh-where do you th-think they went?" Pan asked.

No one responded still shocked of what just happened. "We should take Goku to the hospital." Trunks says with his face showing no emotion at all.

Only the emotion of.... Guilt.

But why? It wasn't his fault.

We brought Goku to the hospital and they rushed Goku into the emergency room. Later on a group of doctors approached me. "Excuse me sir, but are you feeling ok? You seem a tad green." One of the doctors spoke. "No. I always look like this!!" I said a bit angry. Then I heard Pan, Goten, Gohan, Jamie, Videl, and Trunks stiffle a laugh. "It's not funny." I said seriously. Then Pan, Goten, and Jamie bursted into fits of laughter.


We were finally able to see Goku. He had a cast on his left leh and stitches on his forehead and right arm. Goku was peacefully sleeping until a nurse came into the room. "Now. It's time to give Goku here a shot filled with a chemical that helps Goku heal alot faster." THe nurse said and we nodded. Thhen Goku instantly opened his eyes and tried to escape from the window. Me, Gohan, Goten, Pan, Jamie, Trunks, and Videl pulled Goku back into the room. "N-N-NO!! I hate sh-sh-shots!!" Goku screamed "The third to fourth most powerful being in the universe afraid of a little shot. That I did not expect to see." Jamie said. "Shots hurt and I hate shots!! They hurt so never will I ever get a shot!" Goku said and we just laughed. I walked up to the nurse and asked "where is the shot suppose to be injected?" and she told me right above the cast.

So I took the needle from the nurse and shot Goku with a needle right above the cast. "AAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Goku screamed and the nurse put a bandaid on it. Goku then started to rub his thigh to rub the pain away. "wait where's May and Vegeta?" Goku asked and everyone looked down knowing that they were his closest friends.

***** Goku *****

"Wait where's May and Vegeta?" I asked and everyone seemed to look down signaling me that something horrid happened. "Guys?" I said trying to get their attention, but they stayed the same. "Where is May and Vegeta?" I asked once more. "Dad... Vegeta died when he was trying to fight Broly. And May ....." Goten trailed off Vegeta died aleady and he can't come back anymore. I'm sorry Vgetea.

"And May..... what?" I asked curiously. What in the world would be so bad? "Broly took her with him." Gohan finished. Oh that is bad.

"He-He-Broly took May!!" I yelled "Shhh don't yell so loud you almost killed my ear drums. And yeah. Broly said that he's coming back, but I don't know when he said that he'll be back soon." Piccolo informed.

I rested my head back on the comfy hospital pillow and drifted off to sleep.


Soo...... Why do you think broly took May for? And sorry that it was so short, but i'll update tomorrow. Pinky Promise.

leave all comments below. Thanks

- Lindsay

I love you!! <3

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