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** May **

As I started wandering around some streets I never recognized for about a half an hour I ended up in a village with many hills beside it. On those hills were different varieties of flowers scattered all over the place. The scenery of the hills was breathtaking, but the village looked all beat up and damaged.There was one question running through my mind and it was:

What happened?

As I made my way through the village I saw many innocent people moaning in agony and others crying. The sight was heartbreaking. I went over to a little

A boy who was crying for his mom. "hey buddy, what's wrong?" I asked and the boy cried harder "Mama.. She's gone.. They.. They took her away from me! They took her life away leaving me and Papa here! Mama.. I.. I want Mama.. but I can't have her because she left us.." The boy sobbed into my shirt as I hugged him tightly. I knew how much pain he was receiving because I too lost my mother but Trunks brought both her and dad back to me and I was grateful for that. "Can you please tell me what happened here?" I asked gently rubbing the little boy's back once his sobs died down. "I'm so sorry, I wish I was there so I could've done something!" I punched the ground frustrated.

I felt horrible, but then it hit me. "Do you know who the man that attacked your village looked like?" I was curious who the attacker was.

Was it one of the androids?

"Yes, I remember him clear as day. besides this incident happened a few hours ago. The man who did this was a short man with purple skin." the little boy said with a thinking face on trying to remember the little bastard that did all of this and I know exactly who it was.

I'm going to fucking kill you android 15 and I will make you pay and suffer. No more Mrs. Nice Guy.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." The boy asked "oh I'm sorry, my name is May." I replied with a warm smile "my name is Yuji. Thank you for the comfort. are you staying here long? please say yes." Yuji looked up at me with hopeful eyes and I smiled "I wouldn't mind staying for the day. How bout we go help tend to the ones hurt and then we can play out in the field full of flowers with the others, sound like a plan?" Yuji smiled brightly "Yes." we both smiled and went over to the wounded and started to help with their injuries.

** Trunks **

Where could she be? I've been looking for May for about an hour and a half already and u still can't find her. She's probably wandering around playing, but what if she's in trouble? The thought of her in danger set an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

Calm down Trunks, don't let yourself stress over nothing. Just inhale and exhale, inhale.. exhale "inhale and exhale." I whispered to myself while taking deep breaths. Once I calmed myself down I decided to aimlessly walk around letting my mind go blank and my feet take control.

As I was walking I thought about everything that has happened in the past all the bad memories and all of the good ones and how it all of us ended up like this, in this situation. Many people were killed and homes have been destroyed it made me angry to think about how the androids caused this destruction and are just playing hide and seek with us, but the only person who knows where their hideout is located is May, but she's no where to be found.

Once I realized where I was going I ended up in a damaged village but with a beautiful field with hills that are covered in flowers. That's when I noticed a familiar brown headed girl wearing a familiar looking fighting gi.

It was May, she was talking to guy about our age with a little boy clinging onto her leg. I smiled knowing that I finally found her and walked towards her and tapped her shoulder. Once she turned around she smiled and said "Trunks! hey what are you doing here?" She pulled me into a hug and gave me a quick kiss "I came to look for you actually and then I started wandering around and I came across here and coincidentally found you here." she chuckled "yeah I got lost and found this place." she looked over at the destroyed village "what happened here anyways?" I asked, May sighed "from what I heard android 15 did this. So many people were killed Trunks! Family members were killed even children!! Everyone has been so depressed because of android 15.." Her eyes became teary and I hugged her tighter rubbing her back softly telling her that everything will be ok because we will defeat the androids and everything will go back to normal.

Once she calm down, I wiped the tears from her eyes and decided to cheer her up "hey you wanna hear a joke?" I asked and she chuckled and nodded her head "Ok why did Mickey Mouse go off into outer space?" I asked and she furrowed her eyebrows "I don't know why?" she looked up at me confused "So he can go find Pluto" I started laughing and May joined in on the laughter and so did the little boy and the guy our age.

"Trunks I would like you to meet Yuji" May said gesturing the little boy "And Haru" then she pointed to the older guy "Hi nice to meet you I'm May's boyfriend Trunks." I greeted shaking both of their hands. "Your girlfriend is a wonderful person. She helped out everyone and healed them with her own hands! it was incredible!" Haru said and I turned towards May and raised one eyebrow "I placed some of my spirit energy on every person." she whispered quiet enough so that only I could hear and I nodded in understanding.

"Well I'm gonna go to Kami's lookout and tell everyone where you are and May I need to talk to you about something important when you come back. I love you." I said and pulled her into a gentle kiss and the fireworks were still there when I kissed her "I love you too Trunks." I smiled and waved goodbye to everyone and left to Kami's lookout.


HAPPY 4th OF JULY EVERYONE!!! I know that I said I would update next week but I wanted to give you guys a 4th of July surprise update

Well here ya go bye!

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