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**** Trunks ****

I can't believe she back! My girlfriend is back! I have her in my life again!

But I stilll feel guilty for killling her I didn't mean to I was trapped in my own body. I felt guilty for everything like choking Pan and especially for killing May. I didn't know what I would honestly do without her.

I flew up to Pan. "Hey umm... Pan? I'm deeply sorry for choking you." I said truthfully "hey... you didn't actually do it. I knew a tuffle did it and I know that you wouldn't really hurt me. So there's nothing to be sorry about." Pan said "I should be sorry for what I did to you and to May. Especially May." I said feeling more guilt pile on top of me. "HEY! don't talk like that. Don't blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong, it should be Baby to blame. It was Baby's fault that she died. He took over your body when we went to find the dragon balls and he took over you body for a couple of minutes till I over powered him and kicked him out of your body. So everything that you did but didn't mean to do was all Baby's fault so don't beat yourself up for it ok?" Pan said trying to convince me that it wasn't my fault, but I felt like it was my fault.

Everyone grabbed a bottle full of sacred water and began to to remove the tuffles out of everyone's body.

************ May ************

I flew next to Goku. "what's up monkey boy?" I said "So you transformed eh? nice." I said and transformed super sayian 4 too and my fur was pink instead of red like Goku's. He looked so happy to see me then pulled me into a bone crushing hug and let go. "I missed you May." Goku said "already? but i've been gone for atleast 10 minutes. Man you guys must really love me." I said smiling "No duh we treat you like family." Goku said practiclly forgetting about Baby. "Well. Well. Well. I see there's another sayian and she looks just like Goku. Wait didn't you die?" Baby asked and I nodded "I came back. Now Goku is going to kill you." I said confidently "Me? wait aren't we fighting together?" Goku asked and I shook my head "Nope you are going to fight him alone and I am going to watch if it looks like you need help then i'll help, but don't depend on me to save your butt you are going to try. And if it looks like your all out of energy then i'll give you some of mine. And don't waste all your energy for nothing alright?" I said sternly and he nodded.

Goku flew straight towards Baby and gave Baby everything he got. While I moved back and watched the show.

It took a while till Goku was all beaten up but still had little energy. Eh i'll let him think this through.

"hahaha let's see if you can resist this!!!" Baby yelled forgetting about me. I smirked and watched Goku had an emotion of fear. Baby blew a humongous energy wave that only me in my super sayian 4 can handle. I instantly flew over there and pushed Goku out of the way and threw my Ironic wave at him he was surprised that I came in the way and seemed scared "what's wrong Baby? surprised to see me?" I asked and he change his emotion and stayed as a blank face. "N-no!" Baby stuttered and I smirked. I knew he couldn't handle it. I still had alot more energy left and when I mean alot I mean alot. Baby couldn't handle the wave until he just gave up and let go. "NOOO!!!" Baby yelled until the was a big explosion.

I waited for the smoke to clear up until.... No. He was still alive?!?! but how?

'Dont worry may you can do this' I thought to myself. Baby's energy was dropping by the second. I could tell he was desperate. He needed a way out soo... he took the dumbest and cowardly way. Wait he's still in Vegeta's body! He better leave Veggie's body or else i'm going to have to make him leave.

Baby was flying towards the spaceship that Trunks, Pan, and Goku came back to earth with. Before he even steped foot into it I kicked him right in the chest and he flew backwards.Well that drained all of his energy...

Within a blink of an eye something gray flew out of Vegeta and I felt Baby's presence no longer in Vegeta's body it was only Vegeta.... Thank god! Then something Gray came at me pretty slowly and I knew it was Baby. He's going to take over my body? Oh I don't think so! I formed a quick blast and threw it at Baby. A direct hit. From the corner of my eye I saw everyone help out Vegeta I guess they finished removing the tuffles out of everyones body, but Trunks was just watching me and helping his father at the same time. Actually everyone was! I smiled at turned my attention back to Baby he was... regenerating!! Then he made a quick "run" towards the ship and I let him. Goku (still in super sayian form) walked up to me and was thinking the same exact thing I was thinking "Do you wanna do the honors?" I asked Goku. "My pleasure." Goku said and I smiled

"KAA......MEE.......HAA.......MEEE.........HAAA" Goku yelled his wave hit the ship and the wave pushed the ship towards the sun.

"well.... Is he dead?" Pan asked and we nodded "Baby won't be able to regenerate since the heat of the sun can just simply kill him." Gohan said smartly "yay!! Grandpa and May whopped Baby's as-" Pan yelld but got cut off by Gohan and Videl " PAN!" they yelled and she quickly shut up "sorry..." Pan whispered and we all laughed.

but then..... The earth shook. Then I remembered.....THE BLACK STAR DRAGON BALLS!!


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-Bugs_Bunnie <3

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