Chapter 120

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  "Host, are you alright?" Lu Liuliu looked at Qian Erbai, his heart fluttering. The host was so calm at this time, it couldn't help reminding it of the night before the storm.

Qian Erbai unhurriedly fastened the last button of his white coat, set his phone to vibrate mode, and put it in his pocket. There was no joy or anger on his face, he took out a new mask from the cabinet and put it on, then opened the door and walked out.

Jing Xiaomo stood at the door holding the folder of the medical record. She was kicking the floor with her head down and her toes. When she heard the door open, she looked up. Seeing that it was the dragon blade coming out, she quickly stood up straight, smiled sweetly, and said hello: "Teacher, you are here."

Qian Erbai nodded, walked outside her, and said: "I just did it yesterday. Do you know which three patients are being operated on?"

Jing Xiaomo quickly trotted two steps to keep up, and replied, "Yes."

Qian Erbai passed the nurse's station but turned a corner, picked up the blood pressure monitor from the table and gave it to Jing Xiaomo "Then you go and take their blood pressure and ask about the patient's current condition. In addition, you can recall what the physical examination includes, and I will test you when I come back." Then he strode into the stairwell.

"Hey, where are you going, teacher?!" Jing Xiaomo hurriedly caught the electronic blood pressure monitor. When she looked up, Qian Erbai had disappeared at the stairs. She frowned, feeling a little nervous—on the first day after surgery, I report to the director? Did you value me so much in the first month after entering the department?

Qian Erbai quickly ran up to the seventh floor, only to see a team of ward rounds marching into the ward that he remembered Xia Changdian was in when he woke up. He thumped in his heart, secretly thinking something was wrong, and rushed towards the ward, but before he could reach the door, he heard a cry of surprise from inside the room, and then a little nurse rushed out in a hurry, almost hitting Qian Erbai somersault.

The girl was full of anxiety, and she didn't care to see who was bumping into her. She ran straight into the head nurse's office and shouted, "Ms. Zhang, the twelfth bed is in cardiac arrest. The director wants you to call the emergency department immediately for rescue!"

Qian Erbai was about to enter the door, when two people ran out from inside, with the square cards of intern medical students hanging on their chests, one of the students asked Qian Erbai, "Teacher, where is the hard board?"

Qian Erbai was about to speak , but saw the head nurse rushing out of the medical office with the CPR board in hand, and seeing three people blocking the door, she hurried away impatiently: "Let's get started, don't delay things!"

Qian Erbai slipped away Get out of the way, and then follow the head nurse into the ward.

Of the three beds in the room, only one against the wall had a person lying on it, and it should actually be a corpse now. Lu Liuliu

scanned the whole room and said disappointedly: "There is no fluctuation of the master's consciousness here, and Qin Yu stopped breathing twenty minutes ago, they are wasting their energy."

Looking at the body with pale skin on the bed, his eyes were icy cold. That body is familiar frail and thin, and the face is familiar and indistinguishable, but the temperament of the whole body is completely strange.

A suffocation filled his chest, making his eyes red and his teeth sore. Knowing that all of this was deliberately done by the Great Demon King, he had nothing to do. He couldn't help clenching his fists, but thinking of the scene at this time, he quickly let go of his hands, so he could only tighten the fists on his arms secretly. muscles, and smiled coldly in his heart: he is indeed the Great Demon King.

Several doctors worked together to lift Qin Yu up, put the emergency board under his body, then cleaned the mouth, opened the airway, and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the patient. A doctor knelt on the bed and pressed, a doctor waited for ventilation with a balloon mask, and the rest of the doctors gathered around the bed, ready to take over the work of their colleagues at any time.

Dr. Li is Qin Yu's bed doctor. She has been practicing for more than five years. She has never experienced such an emergency. When this patient was admitted to the hospital, it was just an ordinary dog ​​bite. The wound was not deep, and the treatment was timely. When asked about the medical history, there was no drug allergy. ! She couldn't help but fall into doubts about herself, did she make a mistake when formulating the diagnosis and treatment plan, did she infuse the wrong dose when administering the medicine?

Her face was pale, and her whole body was trembling slightly, but her movements of pressing her chest were still meticulous.

Qian Erbai could feel the panic and self-criticism in her heart. He knew what it meant for a surgeon that the patient he was in charge of was in danger of life or even lost his life because of some negligence of his own. The stain of life is the psychological shadow of a lifetime.

To train a doctor requires a lot of financial and material resources, manpower and personal time, effort and material, but to destroy a doctor, it only takes one sentence: "Do you know, he/she has cured people before."

Qian Erbai didn't want to see With such a result, what's more, he knew that there were other reasons behind Qin Yu's death.

Hearing the sound of rolling wheels and chaotic footsteps outside the door, Qian Erbai said: "Liu Liu, you may need to work hard."

The doctor from the emergency department took over the scene, and a few machines were brought in from the small ward. Even more cramped, the interns and nurses left the ward, leaving only Dr. Li, the director of the department and the professionals in the emergency department.

Qian Erbai left Lu Liuliu in the ward, told him to play it by ear, and then returned to the fifth floor. At this time, the abdominal wall and gastrointestinal surgery just started to take over.

After handing over the work of the day and night shifts, they will go round the wards in groups.

Jing Xiaomo was excited and nervous holding the medical record folder, chanting words, rehearsing for a while how to report the illness to the director, her round black eyes were sparkling, as if they were still shining. Qian Erbai caught a glimpse of her eagerness from the corner of the eye, and couldn't help but think of her big yellow mouse in the ghost world. But in the current world, if nothing else happens, he will never see colleagues and patients who are all ghosted.

After checking the room, I explained the situation and post-treatment plan of the three new patients with the colleagues in the day shift. The whole morning has passed.

The office was busy ordering lunch. Tang Qian tilted her neck and clamped the receiver, asking about today's dishes, while typing the progress of the illness quickly. Seeing that Qian Erbai closed the page and pulled out the login key, she turned her head and mouthed and asked: "Is Brother Long eating here?"

Qian Erbai shook his head, and mouthed back: "I'm going home." Then he pushed away the chair and stood up.

Jing Xiaomo was copying the contents of the physical examination with her head down, when she heard the sound, she raised her head and asked in a daze, "Where are you going, teacher?"

Qian Erbai leaned over to look at what she wrote, then reached out and took back Don't put it back in your chest pocket, "I'm off work, you can go back, come if you want in the afternoon, if you come, you can let Teacher Tang take you to practice the physical examination again, if you don't come, just come Study hard at school, and I will continue to test you tomorrow."

Jing Xiaomo said "Oh" with lowered eyebrows and drooping eyes, feeling depressed in her heart, why didn't I hear that teachers from other families tortured their students like this every day, with so many physical examinations, and if one failed, it would be fine Copying it three times is too cruel. She watched Qian Erbai leave, and murmured in her heart: Teacher Long must have been often punished by the teacher for copying when he was young! Otherwise, why do you have such a soft spot for "copying three times".

After Qian Erbai changed his clothes and left the hospital, the concierge greeted him with a smile: "Doctor Long, are you off work?"

"Hey, you are busy." Qian Erbai smiled and walked out.

The external scene is still the same, with high-rise buildings, heavy traffic, blue sky, white clouds, green trees and red flowers, pedestrians come and go with human appearance, it is clearly a normal world, but Qian Erbai has a feeling of awkwardness, as if people should not be human In this way, those with horns and tails should be the essence of these creatures.

He closed his eyes hard, then opened them again, and the inexplicable sense of disobedience finally disappeared. He snorted lightly, laughing that he thought he valued the enemy enough, but he didn't expect to be taken advantage of.

The spiritual world is not an airtight monolith, and if there are mood swings, it may be implanted into the puppet consciousness. Even if he is confident that his consciousness will not be manipulated by the big devil, but his thinking activities are always monitored. No one can be happy about this.

After strangling the puppet consciousness, Qian Erbai walked towards the campus of Jinshi Medical University. On the way, he passed the bun shop of Jinyi Third Hospital. He subconsciously glanced at the window—the window was closed tightly, and there was a The words "Closed for business rectification" were pasted on it.

He was a little surprised. The steamed stuffed bun shop had always been open before, and it had never been closed for rectification. He asked the person next to him: "Master, why is this steamed stuffed bun shop closed?"

"It's not that it's not open, it's closed , I heard that something happened to the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop, he was worried about leaving his stupid son here alone, so he closed the shop and went home to deal with it." The old man leaned against the wall to bask in the sun, head Wearing a woven straw hat on his head, when he looked up, the fine sunlight passed through the small holes between the grass stems, casting round spots of light on his dark and shiny face.

No matter what age people are, when they gossip, they all have color on their face and light in their eyes.

Qian Erbai was thoughtful, walked across the road and looked back at the shop, "A century-old shop, no deceit for old men" these small words are so clear, it's really eye-catching. It suddenly occurred to him that the steamed stuffed bun shop in Jiacha Town was almost a replica of this shop, but he didn't know if the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop in the Third Courtyard and the boy who always guarded the window were also bloodless relatives.

After picking up the car, and then turning on the navigation and car radio, Qian Erbai listened to the noon news while staring at the rearview mirror while reversing. At this time, there were mostly traffic news and entertainment programs, Qian Erbai didn't get distracted, drove the car out of the school gate, and drove towards the community according to the planned route.

Today's road conditions are very face-saving. Even though it is the rush hour, there are not many vehicles on the road. Stopping at an intersection, Qian Erbai held the steering wheel with one hand, stared at the countdown of the signal lights, and communicated with Lu Liuliu in his mind.

Lu Liuliu controlled Qin Yu's heart to beat weakly during the twenty-fifth minute of the doctors' rescue. There was an immediate burst of cheers in the ward, followed by another burst of busyness. Trembling, injection, chaotic but orderly, methodical.

After a lot of hard work, "Qin Yu"'s heart beat back to normal, and his consciousness gradually returned. After the examination confirmed that the physical condition was good, and after considering the patient's own wishes, the doctors in the emergency department agreed to continue to keep the patient in the original ward .

The crisis is resolved, and it is time to conduct an "accident investigation".

Qian Erbai and Lu Liuliu went together too late in the morning, the consciousness of the original owner had completely dissipated, and no useful information was left behind. Hand" this clue, trying to find the murderer who killed Qin Yu, is almost a dream come true.

It took a while for the blood analysis results to come out, so Lu Liuliu once again took the opportunity to hack into the hospital's surveillance system, focusing on screening those who had been to Qin Yu's ward from the night of March 31st to the early morning of April 1st.

Just as the red light counter reset to zero, Qian Erbai started the car and continued on the road. At this time, a piece of soothing music was playing on the radio station, and the host suddenly changed his tone: "The following news will be interrupted. Several radio stations in our city have just received mysterious signals. It is suspected that they were attacked by hackers. I hope everyone can pay attention to privacy and security."

After speaking, a voice came from the navigation: "Your current location is Chunfu Road, the school ahead, please slow down."

Qian Erbai turned his head to look, and that colorful building was not exactly the kindergarten where Mr. Wang and his grandson chose to be—Chunya Kindergarten!

During the ward rounds today, Mr. Wang's daughter and grandson also went to the hospital, Xuanxuan still showed great love for Qian Erbai, Qian Erbai didn't touch him rashly, just smiled at him.

The car drove slowly past the gate of Chunya Kindergarten, Qian Erbai glanced back at the shadow, thinking in his heart: "I still need to find another opportunity to go to the kindergarten to check the situation."

After returning home, Qian Erbai had a simple meal Lunch, then take a shower and go to bed to catch up on sleep. He set the alarm on his mobile phone, put it on the bedside, and lay flat on the bed, closing his eyes.

The bed was not big, but because of the lack of people beside it, it seemed a bit empty and deserted.

Qian Erbai sighed for a long time, and murmured: "Dian Dian, are you okay..."

The author has something to say: Friends, the author is back again!

I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss me~

The following story will be unfolded in two lines, one is a little bit of experience and growth, and the other is Bai Ge's road to practicing medicine. Of course, it won't be very written Long, I have been eager to try my next world for a long time, rush duck!

Love you guys!

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