Chapter 46 (Brother Cat's Invincible Little Curly Ears, Open the Door)

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 In the bleak north wind, snow foam rolls down overwhelmingly, dyeing the whole world into pure white.

This winter is long and cold, especially at night, it is often ten or twenty degrees below zero. It can be said that a drop of water turns into ice.

Hungry and hungry, Qian Erbai walked slowly among the alleyways of the city. The soles of his feet were stabbed by the ice and snow, and his nose was sore from the cold. Every breath he exhaled could turn into ice balls and fall down.

He staggered to the door of a 24-hour convenience store, and a fluffy cat's face was reflected on the glass door.

He squatted on the carpet and yelled "meow" twice towards the inside. The kind-hearted night shift clerk came out after hearing the sound, holding a delicious grilled sausage in his hand.

"Little kitten, are you here again?" The clerk squatted down and wanted to touch him with a smile, but Qian Erbai turned his head and avoided it. Although he has become a cat now, he is still a family cat and cannot be touched casually.

The clerk didn't care, and broke the sausage into small pieces and fed it to the kitten.

When he first became a cat, Qian Erbai could not accept eating from human hands. Whenever the stray cats had dinner together in the small park, he would watch from a distance, and whenever anyone approached, he would run away to a different place. far away.

As the weather got colder and colder, people gradually stopped going out. The stray cats in the small park had no one to feed them, and they all broke up automatically. Qian Erbai, who hasn't eaten a full meal since becoming a cat, finally accepted his identity.

A stray cat must have a son of a stray cat.

What is it to eat food in the hands of human beings? He is so hungry that he can even rummage through trash cans. If anyone comes to snatch the meat scraps he finds, he will rummage through them all!

The good thing is that although it is difficult to accept psychologically, it is well adapted physically.

Cats have very poor sense of taste perception, far less than one-tenth of that of humans, and can only distinguish sour, bitter, fresh, and salty tastes. And a good sense of smell can help him accurately and quickly identify whether the food is fresh or not.

Although the hunting instinct in the wild cat's blood allows him to quickly master a series of skills such as catching mice, birds, and insects, and occasionally can make a small stove for himself, but these snacks in the city are hard to come by. Humans will also be expelled.

A cat is a very territorial animal. Although he is only a half-way cat, he has already participated in many street battles among stray cats. The experience of being a human did not bring him much help. In the battle of cats, fangs and claws are the magic weapon.

A generation of proud master Qian was beaten by a group of kittens, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his hair lost his hair and his legs became lame.

Oh, by the way, his leg was not limped during the fight, but before Qian Erbai came over, the original owner was very hungry and sneaked into a house to eat, and was caught by the suddenly closed electric door when he escaped .

It is very difficult for a stray cat with a weak leg and a weak leg to survive the winter alone.

And when Qian Erbai led Xia Changdian through the barrier of time and space, he suddenly encountered the second censorship of the world consciousness. In order to fight against world consciousness, Qian Erbai himself consumed too much energy, unable to condense a complete human body, and could only transform into a cat nearby.

Xia Changdian was dispersed by the turbulent current and lost contact. Qian Erbai faintly felt that his split consciousness was in this world, but he couldn't determine the exact location.

Lu Liuliu's ability is directly restricted by the host, and the host has become a cat, and its highest ability is limited to the peak of the cat's power. Under the rules of the world, you can't do anything, you can only teach Qian Erbai some skills that cats should know - such as: climbing trees, climbing roofs, fighting, and acting cute...

Fighting is a thing that is once familiar with second time. What's more, everyone is a cat, and one slaps one into the air, so there is no psychological burden at all.

As a result, Uncle Qian finally became the No. 5 block, including three districts, twelve streets and several alleys. The leader of the cat world, not only has the fresh food tributed by the younger brother, but also a comfortable and warm cardboard box nest.

Besides fighting, patrolling the streets, and occasionally taking his younger brother to develop new sites, most of his time is free and free.

It's just that he doesn't like to lick other cats, even if it's a show of his rights as the boss. His little brother didn't dare to lick his fur, so under his flag, he and the second in command of the gang - a three-flowered long-haired tortoiseshell cat - the two cats are always matted.

He didn't know what Xia Changdian had become, so he could only describe the child's appearance in the world to his cat brothers, and let them search for it like a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

And some of his little brothers are abandoned or lost domestic cats. They think that the Twolegs that the boss is looking for is the lost excrement shoveler of the boss. If they find it, it means food and a warm nest, so they are extra caring. After a week, he dragged Qian Erbai to this convenience store.

It's a pity that the clerk is a very cute boy, but not his dot.

The clerk was just a part-time college student. Facing a large group of cats of various colors, he was startled at first, and then he showed the ecstasy of falling into heaven, and took pictures with his mobile phone.

The second-in-command tortoiseshell in the wild cat gang is a very responsible cat. She licks all the little brothers under her hand so that their hair is smooth and smooth. Every cat slave wants to rub a few when they see it.

The clerk couldn't put it down, bought a pack of ham sausage and broke open one by one to feed the cats.

The tortoise shell with its messy fur yelled in a low voice, and the younger brothers immediately retracted their necks, and dared not eat any more with the ear of the plane.

Qian Erbai dragged his lame leg and walked among the cats, took two bites first, and then barked to indicate that he was full. The tortoise shell just came to eat, and then the other younger brothers.

The clerk held his mobile phone and sighed: "It's so sweet that the world of cats and cats is still humble to the weak.

" Flowers should be their boss, right?" The truth party was unanimously ignored by everyone.

The clerk tried to grab Qian Erbai and show him his legs, but how could Qian Erbai become a house cat before he found Xia Changdian? The footsteps of the clerk.

Although they didn't live in a warm nest, they were able to eat food anyway. The cats were very happy. More and more little brothers were involved in this missing person campaign. In addition to this fixed 24-hour convenience store, the cats also found The other three shops can be used as fixed supply points at night.

But without exception, these two-legged beasts are not the people Qian Erbai is looking for.

And on a certain day, the city image project organization thought that the gathering of wild cats would destroy the civilization of the city and would lower the impression in the eyes of foreign tourists, so a vigorous "zero stray cat" campaign began.

There are cat-catching teams everywhere, and the feral cat sterilization program is in full swing.

The number of Qian Erbai's little brothers has shrunk rapidly, and their range of activities is too regular. Volunteers set up traps at the door of several shops they frequent, and once they catch one, they will be sent to the stray cat and dog rescue association. , take a bath, deworming, injecting and neutering a dragon, and then list it for adoption.

The former house cat took it calmly, and the days of having a poop shovel to serve her were much better than eating by herself.

But the wild cat who was born is in a state of collapse all the time, showing absolute vigilance to every hand that reaches out, turning himself into a little tiger, who will "fu" anyone who touches it. In a hurry, he scratched and bit, his four claws fluttered, and he refused to give in.

A pile of blood was scratched on the arm of the patient man, who still comforted the cat with a gentle voice. Once it relaxed a bit, the person next to it was immediately anesthetized. After waking up, the wild cat became a fragrant and soft cat father-in-law.

The bad-tempered person was bitten and hurt, and he hit him immediately. The cat struggled harder, and after breaking free, he fled desperately, and told the horrific experience to the brothers outside.

Qian Erbai has to be responsible for his little brother.

He held a meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to break up the Wildcat Gang into pieces—the cats who used to be domestic cats and wanted to return to the embrace of the shit-shoveling officer took the initiative to "surrender" to the rescue station to cover the transfer of other wild cats who did not want to lose their freedom. position. Among the wild cats, those who yearn for a life of getting something for nothing can also go along with them.

And he, with his tortoise shell and mop, a black long-haired cat who was unwilling to leave him, fought wits and courage with the volunteers with the help of Lu Liuliu.

Losing their original supply points, the three cats could only rummage through the trash cans in the back alleys of various shops, and food suddenly became scarce.

Qian Erbai's injured hind leg also deteriorated after several days of running away and the extremely cold weather. The broken bone suffered secondary injuries. Even though the cat's nerves are not sensitive to pain, it still made him move in pain. Unfavorable.

So every day the tortoise shell and Mobu would go out to look for food, and then bring them back for Qian Erbai to eat.

Just one day ago, the tortoiseshell took the mop out to look for food, but he never came back. He suspected that the two cats had been caught in the rescue station. As the boss they followed, he was obliged to respect their wishes and rescue them.

So, braving the cold wind and snow, dragging his painfully lame leg, he came to this 24-hour convenience store again.

The clerk hadn't seen the lame cat for a long time, and he thought it had been taken away. Seeing it alone at the door of the store looking for something to eat, he felt a little sad, and asked it in a soft voice: "Little cat, where is your little friend?"

Qian Erbai touched the sausage with his nose, and it was no longer hot , just in the entrance, he ate, ignoring the clerk.

He is just a kitten now, it is strange that he can understand human language.

The clerk didn't expect it to answer, took out his mobile phone, opened his live broadcast room, and took a picture of Qian Erbai: "The previous group of cats and cats has disbanded, and only this little raccoon is left. This is what I have been doing these days. The first time I saw it, it became thinner, its hair was messy, and it was not as bright as before." The

bullet screen was full of distress, and some people asked for the address and wanted to adopt it, and some people said let the anchor adopted.

The few comments that said "Little Lihua's fur has always been messy" were also ignored by the audience.

The clerk sighed and said, "I live in a dormitory, so I can't keep a cat, otherwise I will definitely take it away and give it a home."

After finishing eating, Qian Erbai raised his head and glanced at the camera, with big eyes The green light inside seems to express the longing for home.

"Awei is dead" on the bullet screen, saying that the kitten's eyes are so beautiful, and that the kitten is so pitiful.

A young girl in front of the screen looked at these eyes, and her aunt smiled: "The eyes are so beautiful, like a starry sky."

A Scottish curl cat waddled down from the bay window, hooking the girl with its small paws. Little by little, her trouser legs climbed up to her knees.

The girl picked up the kitten, kissed its little head, and said, "Diandian came to find mom, so cute, mom's little baby!"

Xia Changdian comforted himself in his heart: It's okay, it's okay, this is your biological mother who has no blood relationship, it's okay to kiss her.

But his eyes were full of tears of grievance, especially when he saw the raccoon cat looking at him with green eyes, he couldn't help crying. He stretched out his fluffy paws and reached for the computer: "Meow——" Brother, is that you, come and save me! I'm not clean anymore, woo woo woo...

The girl ruthlessly held the kitten in her arms, and stroked the fur for him: "A little bit is not happy anymore, mom won't praise other cats. Other cats are ugly, we just a little bit." It's the prettiest cat, isn't it?"

Xia Changdian obediently let her hold her, because he would touch him as soon as he kicked his legs... Even though it turned into a cat, even though he ate canned cat food, he was always called "Mom "Candidly filmed going to the bathroom, but he's a family cat.

Being kissed and hugged, he is just a two-month-old domestic cat, unable to struggle, but he must keep his bottom line and never touch anyone else!

He twisted his neck and looked straight at Brother Xiong who had become a stray cat on the screen—now Brother Cat, calling in his heart: Brother, wait, I will definitely find you! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ons

? , Go to your lover.

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