Chapter 189

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  It has been a week since all the tenants moved into the von's manor. During these seven days, the tenants played their chosen roles dutifully and tried to integrate themselves into this ancient manor.

The character Jessica drew was a human maid. According to the hints of character cards and object clues, she is likely to play an extremely important role in future plots.

Knowing that "hesitation will lead to defeat", she pinned the badge presented by the "lord" to her coat, but held it in her hand, and did not let go of her fist even when she fell asleep. Sure enough, the next morning, I heard that the maid's dormitory had been burglarized at night, and everyone's luggage showed signs of being tampered with—of course, Jessica's was no exception.

While the others were thankful that no valuables had been lost and were puzzled by the thief's evacuation, only Jessica knew what the other party was really planning. She curled her lips involuntarily, with a smug look in her eyes, thinking: This badge is really an important prop, but luckily I have the foresight. From this point of view, I am very likely to become the heroine!

Jessica is looking forward to the role of the heroine, but the process of waiting for the gold to shine is obviously long.

Jessica, like other maids in the dormitory building, is arranged by the supervisor to clean various areas of the manor every day. Although the work is not heavy and no one is watching, she can take the opportunity to be lazy, but if she is not careful, she will still put herself She was so disgraced that she had expanded her scope of activities in the manor as much as possible, and made some noises from time to time to show her sense of existence, but in the movie, the vampire nobleman pretended to be a servant and approached the human maid. Never played out.

——After all, although Cinderella is called Cinderella, she has been bullied by others in the early stage of the story. She is dingy and unobtrusive, but before she goes to the princess ball, she also dresses up a lot to take the opportunity to impress everyone. Girl, capture the heart of the princess. Without the glass slipper and pumpkin cart provided by the fairy godmother, Cinderella would not even be eligible to enter the ball.

——Now Jessica is Cinderella who has lost her fairy godmother. She can only work non-stop under the pressure of her supervisor. She grew up so big that she had to learn to eat, talk and walk from scratch! In her previous thirty years of love, she just lived casually.

The slander belongs to the slander, and the etiquette class that should be taken is still to be taken.

Under the guidance of professionals, Jessica felt that she had undergone great changes in both her physical demeanor and her speech and demeanor. It was as if she had been completely reborn, and her mental outlook had improved a lot.

In addition, when she saw that there were other tenants in the house like her, doing the hardest work at the bottom of the manor on weekdays, and receiving mental torture from the so-called aristocratic etiquette trainer after work, her psychology was instantly shaken. A great balance, not only does not reject the course, but even has some small expectations: "It is such a joy to be able to find a partner to complain with when you are suffering! It feels like the pain has been halved. What!"

Other friends: ... Although I admit that what you said is reasonable, but for some reason, I always feel that there is something strange ...

Since the last month is a plot task, in order to let the tenants and audience have a better experience The program team canceled the follow-up cameramen who were too big and easy to make people play, and spent a lot of money to install many tiny cameras that were not easy to be exposed in the manor. These cameras were disguised as various objects. They can be perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment, ranging from large vases to small leaves of wind chimes, covering almost any corner of the estate.

In this way, every move of the tenants is exposed under the monitoring of the program group, which not only ensures the personal safety of all participants, but also helps the staff to grasp the development of the plot behind the scenes, deal with emergencies in a timely manner, and ensure The normal order of the game and the fairness and justice of the competition. Once it is found that someone wants to violate the rules and secretly engage in small actions, the plot NPCs will immediately go online to stop it. Jessica herself had been picked up three times by black-robed and masked disciplinary pickets, and each time she came close to getting close to Gloria.

At first, she thought it was a coincidence, but after many times, she realized that it was because the program crew did not allow them to recognize each other and deliberately stopped them. Commoners get close to nobles, and even fall in love? ! This is not "rules".

Jessica could only stand in the crowd, bowed her head like all other servants, and bowed respectfully at seventy-five degrees to salute. Her lover was walking by, but she could only look at the tail of the snow-white skirt that dragged the floor. This feeling was really complicated. She couldn't help pinching the apron in front of her body tightly. The charming thoughts that were aroused by the remnant luxury of the past when she first entered the manor were exhausted at this moment.

She even had the idea of ​​quitting, and couldn't see her lover for a month, which was too difficult for a young couple who were in love.

But because she has never been able to say a word to Gloria, she has never had the opportunity to discuss this idea with the other party. Based on the principle that lovers should advance and retreat together, she can only continue to stay in the manor and wait for opportunities And move. Fortunately, although the program group forbids them to approach and talk, it does not prevent them from making eye contact. Every time they meet in the manor, the two of them will look at each other silently for a while, and they can feel a little sweet, even When I think of this look at night, I will be so excited by the lingering affection contained in it that I can't sleep. This stolen happiness has also become the most unforgettable moment in the memory of the trip to the manor.

The role played by Gloria is the niece of the owner of the manor. Because her mother died young and she was uneducated, she has a bad personality. She was thrown into the training room by the Duke after another willful and reckless catastrophe. Learn etiquette.

As an aristocrat, Gloria has great privileges in the manor. She can go anywhere except the private domain of the manor owner, including warehouses, secret rooms, and even underground cells. She can do whatever she wants. in and out. But just one thing—she must do her duty as a noble lady, and she must not be at the bottom of the manor's "food chain" with other tenants, especially those who are maids, coachmen, gardeners, etc. in the eyes of the nobles. "People who are close, even if they say a word, are not allowed. Even if she acquiesced to her eye contact with Jessica, the etiquette teacher sent by the Duke to monitor her afterwards would give her a good beating.

Every time after the etiquette class, Gloria could only walk out of the classroom like a proud swan with her head held high, while her classmates and the maids stood neatly in two rows with their heads bowed to send them off. she leaves. She quietly squinted at these people, the same clothes, the same posture, even the curvature of the body when bending and bowing seemed to be carved out of a mold, she couldn't find out which one she liked after a quick glance The wanton, warm, kind and generous Jessica.

In Gloria's heart, Jessica has always been a unique existence with inexhaustible vitality and passion. She is a woman who can shine, as dazzling as the sun, as brilliant as the stars... She has never been I never thought that one day the sun would go out, the stars would hide, and such a unique person would disappear among the crowd. She was a little flustered and distressed. Even though she knew that everything was necessary for the plot, she still couldn't control her feelings. She felt oppressed and had trouble breathing, and she wanted to vent her pain by doing something out of the ordinary, rebellious, even outrageous.

At this moment, she seemed to empathize with the girl who really lived in Fan's Manor and was forced to degenerate step by step by her own uncle, and finally slipped into the abyss of hell.

Father, like son. In fact, every soul living under the strict hierarchy of the feudal era was mutilated and restrained—people at the bottom could not even guarantee the most basic right to life, while those at high positions were spiritually weak. Carrying out self-castration, using various rules to separate themselves from the so-called "inferior people" of the outside world, trying to make themselves superior to show their power and status, but in fact they locked themselves in a box Here, I lost my freedom. No matter how luxurious his material enjoyment is, he is nothing more than a walking dead in the eyes of future generations.

Although Gloria was dissatisfied, she did not act too outrageously. She encountered obstacles when she tried to meet with Jessica twice. Jessica was taken away by pickets in black robes and masks, and she also tried After receiving a warning from the etiquette teacher once, she settled down, no longer thinking about challenging the rules, but silently played the role of the noble lady, and kept a distance from every "commoner".

Perhaps her cleverness won the favor of the owner of the manor. As a reward, the cockatiel she brought from Rainbow Villa was sent back to her.

This little white-haired, yellow-haired, red-faced creature lived extremely nourishingly during the days away from its master. Although it tried its best to put on a weak and sluggish appearance in front of Gloria, its round belly and obvious It weighed a lot but sold it mercilessly.

Gloria stretched out a finger to touch Xuanfeng's fluffy little head, seeing it squinting its eyes and rubbing it flatteringly, she sighed to herself: They are both caged animals, so why bother? it.

She didn't show off the parrot's tricks, and returned to her room with the heavy cage. However, the parrot later inadvertently acted as a messenger between her and Jessica, and accidentally helped them complete the task together, which Gloria did not expect at first.

After a week, the tenants have basically confirmed each other's identities.

Kelly and Matilda were lucky. One was a gardener and the other was a weaver. They both lived in the dormitory outside the manor. Usually, when no one was looking, they could hold hands for a walk and whisper a few words. Consolation lovesickness.

Andrew went back to his old job and became a chef in the kitchen of the inner courtyard, so the dormitory was naturally arranged in the inner courtyard. His identity is not as simple as it seems on the surface. In the luggage of his dormitory, there is also a letter printed with silver lacquer. Obviously, the original owner has checked the letter, so Andrew also read the letter.

The letter babbled about the longing and concern of the parents, brothers and sisters for the son who made a living far away, and finally expressed the hope that the youngest son could return home as soon as possible. If you only look at the content, this is an ordinary family letter. Even the person who wrote this letter was uneducated. Not only did he have many grammatical mistakes, he also wrote several words wrongly, and there were also problems with the writing format. He capitalized some places that should not be capitalized.

But if these problematic places are taken out alone, the letter will immediately change its appearance: "I know your mistakes, and after fifteen days is your only chance to make up for your mistakes, don't let me down again." Andrew Suddenly, I felt a chill in my back, because along with the envelope, there was also a silver spike and a pack of white odorless medicine powder hidden in the luggage.

Andrew didn't know what the letter said about making up for mistakes, but if they were counted from the day they entered the garden, fifteen days later was exactly the day when the owner of the manor hosted a banquet. Silver nails, medicine powder, and a letter signed "hunter", it's hard not to remind people of a vampire hunter, and considering the background of the time, it is self-evident what a vampire refers to. He couldn't help but sweat for his and Lindsay's situation.

Lindsay entered the manor earlier than Andrew. She was the governess of the eldest lady—that is, the role played by Gloria. The dormitory was also in the inner courtyard, and she was close to Andrew. She carefully studied Andrew's identity card and props, and made up her mind to ask him to stay put and play it by ear later. Andrew has no objection. Compared with the challenges he may face in the future, he is more worried about whether the "mistakes" made by the original owner mentioned in the letter will bring him and Lindsay any extra trouble.

Lindsay looked at Andrew and smiled, and said, "There's no need to worry. Our relationship in this era is meant to be trouble itself."

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized. He held Lindsay's hand, pressed it hard on his chest, stared at him, and swore reverently: "I promise you with my sense of taste and hands, that I will be loyal to you all my life until I die."

Lindsay Sai felt the warmth and pulsation under his palm, and felt it in his heart. She took a step forward and lightly touched Andrew's with her toes. She clasped the hands of the two together, then tiptoed slightly and kissed Andrew's lips, and responded: "I know, I Same."

The kiss was very shallow, like a catkin floating on the water. But in the current background and environment, both of them tasted a sense of taboo like being touched by electricity. They were both nervous and happy in their hearts, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably, listening to the sound of footsteps approaching from far and near. , Andrew's heart beat faster, his adrenaline soared, and he felt that there seemed to be a surge of ambition in his chest that could compete with the prejudice of the whole world for love.

Lindsay pulled him into the waist-high grass. The two held their breaths and remained motionless. The sound of footsteps approached quickly, seemed to stay for a moment, and then left quickly.

Andrew breathed a sigh of relief. After a long while listening to the footsteps not turning back, the two stood up and went back to their rooms.

Early the next morning, the housekeeper summoned all the people in the manor to the square, saying that he had caught the thief who had sneaked into the maid's dormitory to steal things a while ago, and would try him in public. The tenants arrived one after another. Through the onlookers on the third floor and the third floor outside, they saw the thief tied to the pillar. He lowered his head and seemed to have lost consciousness. His work clothes were torn and stained. The bloodstains looked miserable.

The butler stood aside, holding the crime written overnight in his hand, and read it aloud. After reading, he looked at the thief who hadn't responded, and asked, "Alan, do you admit to the above crimes or not?"

Hearing this name, the tenants below were taken aback, with disbelief on their faces, and raised their feet to look up the high platform, wanting to confirm whether Alan on the stage was the one they knew.

The man lifted his head up with difficulty, his face was also covered with bloodstains, obviously he had been tortured all night. One of his eyes was blue and swollen, but with the other he was persistently looking for something in the crowd.

Seeing his face clearly, Jessica couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, causing everyone around to cast suspicious glances. The other tenants also recognized Alan, and when they were nervous, they couldn't help but wonder what was the purpose of such a development of the plot.

Allen glanced at the figures below, and finally saw the person he wanted to see. He smiled, retracted his gaze as if relieved, and replied softly: "I believe, I did it. I am willing to accept any punishment. Mei stood at the end of

the crowd, her wide hood hanging down to cover most of her face. She looked at Alan on the rack from a distance. At his feet, the law enforcement team had already set up dry wood, and the flames were about to ignite in the next second. Alan looked at her tenderly, smiled and mouthed to persuade her to leave, he said: "Hey, don't look, I don't hurt." He said again: "Don't be afraid, I love you." Then, his mouth The executed person was tied with a cloth rope, which was specially prepared to prevent the piercing screams from the tortured person from disturbing the peace of the master.

Mei's vision was blurred by tears, she opened her mouth and bit her finger, in case she couldn't help but cry out to attract attention.

The flames jumped higher and higher, and the thick smoke was billowing with heat waves. Although there was no wailing on the execution ground, the people watching the execution felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Under the clear sky and scorching sun, the ancient manor tore off its usual benevolent and harmless disguise, and finally revealed its fangs and claws. The invisible dark clouds shrouded everyone's heads, and everything around them seemed to become a bone-eating monster. Monster, if you don't pay attention, you will be doomed.

The tenants stood there tremblingly, their hands and feet were cold. At this moment, they really realized what kind of era this is - this is the worst era, where people can kill people without spit out their bones!

The fire burned for a whole morning, and the punishment finally came to an end when the last firewood turned into black ashes. The servants had already been driven back to their posts, and now only two or three people were left to clean up the mess.

Andrew and Lindsay watched from a distance, watching them sweep away the ashes and scrub the slate with water, looked at each other for a long time, and left with complicated emotions.

Allen plays the son of a coachman, while Mei is the concubine of the deceased sister of the owner of the manor. There is not only a class gap between the two, but also various ethics and laws. Heterosexual love is against the whole era! Don't talk about being in love, it's a sin to look more.

Allen once complained that the era background involved in the plot gave him a very uncomfortable feeling. If he and May had to bear the censure of the era, then he would rather quit. He thinks that there is no need for people to try the pain of the past, not to mention that Mei is too young and so weak, he doesn't want her to suffer a little bit of grievance.

It hadn't been ten days since these words were said, and Allen really quit. Presumably Mei will soon exit with "death".

Andrew is in a low mood. He is also heterosexual, and he is also facing the oppression and threats from the entire era. Seeing his companions end sadly, he will inevitably hurt them.

Lindsay tightened the hands they held together, and comforted Andrew softly, "Don't think about it, I have everything to do with you."

Andrew pursed his lips and nodded slightly, but the worries in his heart did not subside a bit.

Another morning, the sky was drizzling, and the scheduled outdoor work was cancelled, so the maids had a day of leisure.

Jessica sat by the window and watched the rainy scene outside, her mind gradually emptied. At this time, a group of people walked into her field of vision - the first five or six people were men and women, all wearing ankle-length black robes and white headscarves, they walked forward in a row, holding Carrying a coffin together. Behind them was a crying woman. She was wearing a long black dress with muddy water stained hem, a black lace hat on her head, and a snow-white handkerchief in a black gloved hand, which she smeared on her face from time to time. The previous point—"The funeral procession? Who died?" Jessica wondered.

But soon, she knew who the person who sent away was——Mei.

It didn't take long for the news that Mrs. Mei, the widow of the manor owner's sister, died in love for a coachman's son, quickly spread among the servants: After losing her lover, Mrs. Mei was so distraught, weeping and weeping blood, and then she died again. How did you make up your mind to go to death willingly? The whole plot is described with a nose and eyes, as if you saw it with your own eyes.

She looked moved, and said: "Mrs. Mei and Boy Ai Lun actually love each other sincerely, but it's a pity that the two were not born with the same gender. When Ai Lun was tied up in the square for execution, I heard that Mrs. Mei herself was still in the house." The bed sheets were stained red. After the fire was exhausted, Mrs. May asked the people who cleaned the square to bring her a handful of ashes back. Before Mrs. May died, she held the ashes in her hand. Little bottle." After finishing speaking, she lowered her eyelashes and let out a long sigh. Those who listened to the story were also moved, followed by a sigh, and the feeling of regret and mourning seemed real for a moment.

Jessica looked at the girl who was speaking, and thought to herself: She just stayed in the house just like herself and never went out. How could she know so much inside information? ! Unless...the girl got the script!

Thinking about it, her heart moved, and when she looked at the girl again, her eyes became a little hot.

The poor girl was memorizing the text happily, and the hairs on her back suddenly stood up. She looked back, but found nothing unusual, so she shrunk her neck uncomfortably, and then put on the coat silently.

But Jessica really got the girl's idea. That night, she came to the girl's door and squeezed in as soon as she knocked on the door. Jessica tore it off.

Jessica was pleasantly surprised, but the girl looked depressed. She reluctantly handed over her identity card and plot book to Jessica, and asked unwillingly, "How did you know this skill? Isn't it time for the game to officially start?"

Jessica nodded her head, pretending to be mysterious and said: "I guess." After that, she refused to say anything else, and took the loot she confiscated from the girl to Gao I happily went back to my dormitory.

Tear off the patch behind the numbered plot NPC to get a chance to exchange identities. This is actually a secret that everyone has the opportunity to know, but so far only two people know, one is Jessica, and the other is the tenants When I first entered the manor, I met the man in black robe who stuffed people with small notes everywhere, so he was judged by the makeup artist lady as the king of the sea.

The day Jessica got the phone number, she was hesitant to call, but in the end she convinced herself that she wouldn't lose anything if she called if it was Neptune, and if the other tenant was another tenant, she would be able to have an extra teammate. , no matter how she calculates, she will not suffer. So she used the landline in the dormitory to call the number on the paper.

Although she didn't find her teammate, she learned about a game bug that was comparable to a cheat, and this bug is instant, and there are no other restrictions except that it can't be told to others. It can be said to be beneficial without any harm.

However, Jessica did not abuse this feature of the game. Apart from tearing off the patch on the back of a law enforcement guard to test the authenticity of the cheat, this girl with the script was the only other girl who was actively attacked by Jessica. A plot NPC whose identity has been stripped.

Thinking of that sullen girl, Jessica felt a little guilty. After all, that girl had good acting skills and good eloquence. It should be because she had been rehearsing for a long time for this photogenic scene, but she was killed by herself halfway. She made the sign of the cross on her chest, and said silently: "I can only apologize this time, I hope you have a better chance in the future, Amen." The

girl's script really described the story of Mrs. May and Boy Allen in a large space , but in addition, it also mentioned asking the girl to find an opportunity to spread the words "uninvited visitor on a thunderstorm night" and "danger is coming" within three days after Mrs. May's death. Underneath these two sentences, double-row lines are drawn with fluorescent pens, and a question mark is placed at the end. Obviously, the girl has not figured out what the purpose of this operation is.

Jessica frowned and thought about it for a long time, but in the end she didn't have a clue. She decided not to embarrass herself for now. After dawn, she would discuss it with her friends and brainstorm, maybe there would be unexpected gains.

She yawned, stretched herself on the bed, and subconsciously counted the friends who had met and confirmed their identities: "Gloria is a noble lady, and Andrew is a chef." , Lindsay is... Alan and May have quit... how do you feel that there are two people missing...ah, I'm so sleepy, let's talk when I wake up..."

Jessica fell asleep in a daze, and in her inventory The two people who were not present in the movie were far away in another time and space at this time.

Xia Changdian sat in the aircraft and looked sideways at the endless darkness outside the window. The excitement at the beginning had gradually turned to numbness. He stared at the stars that occasionally flashed by, thinking about the philosophy of life: the universe is too vast, compared with the infinite universe, the existence of human beings is too small, light will be swallowed by black holes, and stars will wither into Death Star, what is eternal, what is on the other side of death? Is it a new beginning...

"What are you thinking about, with a solemn face?" Qian Erbai took two glasses of energy drinks and sat beside Xia Changdian. The nose wakes people up from fugue.

Xia Changdian looked at the handsome man who was familiar yet unfamiliar in front of him, subconsciously dodged backwards, and stopped embarrassingly after he realized it, holding his small face in a dilemma.

Seeing his embarrassment, Qian Erbai smiled softly, took the initiative to pull him into his arms, and said, "You will get used to it after seeing him more." Now the two of them are in their original appearance, separated by hundreds of years, even Seeing this face for thousands of years, Qian Erbai himself is a little strange, let alone Xia Changdian who has never seen him like this.

Xia Changdian felt a little annoyed, he bit his lips, suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Qian Erbai's collar, then raised his head and kissed it.

Qian Erbai was slightly taken aback, then supported Xia Changdian and hugged him onto his lap.

The lights dimmed, and the two overlapping figures were reflected warmly.

Xia Changdian's eyes were blurred, and he woke up suddenly when he heard the electronic sound of the air conditioner in the cabin automatically heating up. He hurriedly pushed Qian Erbai: "Brother, the spaceship..."


"Close your eyes, baby, don't tell me." Heart..." Qian Erbai grabbed Xia Changdian's hand, and the movement of pressing it down did not stop.

Xia Changdian took a deep breath, and couldn't help but tilted his neck back forcefully.

He gently closed his eyes, furrowed his brows from time to time, his face gradually turned red, he opened his lips involuntarily, and uttered a sweet croon.

The author has something to say: I'm so sleepy...Suddenly my thoughts are pouring out, but I have to go to work tomorrow, what should I do?

Let me write here first, sorry, I broke my promise and gained weight again (there are too many lice and I am not afraid of biting [no]), no wonder I have grown fatter and fatter recently, and I can't lose weight... [no] I will

write the second half of it next week. I will write a side story next week, and then it will really end (I hope I won't be slapped in the face again...)

Good night, everyone!

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