Chapter 157

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 Lindsay and Amy were assigned to a group. One of them was a baby-faced blonde sweet girl, and the other was a cold-faced cool girl. They looked quite CP. However, although Lindsay also likes girls, the type of Amy is not within her choice.

She was still thinking about the door plate that was maliciously thrown on the ground last night. When she thought of having such a person with ulterior motives around her, who was always waiting to plot against her, she felt like a lump in her throat and felt restless.

Lindsay's original plan was to talk about it while everyone was talking about it at breakfast. Xin Yun's words could also find out the person who did the trick through everyone's reaction. You can take this opportunity to warn the other party and make him restrain himself.

But plans can't keep up with changes. Richard's sudden departure disturbed the atmosphere of the entire restaurant. Everyone just wanted to finish their meal and leave quickly, with their thoughts fluttering. It was obviously not a good time to talk about things. She had to give up temporarily.

All incidents are time-sensitive, especially for such a failed conspiracy. At the time, the stolen goods were not obtained, and it will be even more difficult to investigate after the fact. Even if the truth is finally found out, the deterrent effect will be greatly reduced. So if possible, it's best to investigate this matter within the last two days.

Currently, Lindsay has three main suspects: one is Rachel, one is Jessica, and the other is Amy.

When choosing a house, she and Rachel fell in love with the same room, but she acted preemptively and put up her name tag in front of Rachel. It's not impossible; and since Jessica entered the villa, she has regarded herself as the core of the team. When arranging the room, she cut her face in public. She felt that her authority was challenged, so she held a grudge against herself and took the opportunity to retaliate , which also makes sense.

Of course, it is also possible that Rachel and Jessica did it together. After all, the two of them were together last night. They had both the motive and the time for committing the crime. They can't help it. The more Lindsay thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was greater, and she thought to herself, after the task was completed, she must find a chance to chat with these two people.

Amy was included in the suspect list by Lindsay because the timing of her appearance was too coincidental. It seemed as if she had designed a trap and then calculated the time to accept the results. Moreover, when Amy saw her standing outside the door and asked, "Can't the door be opened?" she also felt a bit of schadenfreude, which deepened her suspicion of Amy.

Although she and Amy had never met before coming to the show, and there were no conflicts or conflicts of interest after staying in the Rainbow Villa, the hostility between people sometimes came so inexplicably, just like those with sensitive personalities. Like a paranoid killer, you may just inadvertently glance at him, but he has murderous intentions for you.

Lindsay looked at Amy and wondered: Could she be such a person?

Amy noticed that Lindsay had been looking at her all the time, and that look was definitely not kind. She was puzzled, and she didn't know where she had offended her. She looked back at Lindsay, and asked with a smile, "Do you have anything to say?"

Lindsay nodded, "I was thinking about last night." She stared at Amy closely, not letting go of any A subtle expression or movement, "How long do you think the rule of 'rooms without nameplates are automatically voided' is valid?"

Amy was taken aback, and asked back: "What do you mean, are you doubting me? ?"

As a member of the Riddle Club, Amy is not only fond of reasoning, she is also a very quick-witted person, and has a strong intuition for the unfinished meaning of other people's words.

Lindsay twitched the corners of her mouth, and instead of admitting it directly, she just asked her, "What do I doubt about you?"

Amy felt that Lindsay was pretending to be confused while pretending to understand, and secretly hated herself for being unable to hold her breath. She obviously had nothing to do with her, but subconsciously felt guilty and confused. She simply said: "Your house number was taken off last night. I know you suspected me, but I can swear to you that I definitely didn't do it. It was already on the ground when I saw it. So I don't know who did it."

Lindsay looked at Amy, noncommittal, but judging from the body language of leaning on the seat with her arms folded, she obviously didn't believe Amy's words.

Amy wanted to say something more, the car stopped. The driver turned around and looked at the two of them, and said, "You need to go through the front. I wish you all the best."

Lindsay nodded, opened the door on one side and walked down.

Amy bit her lip and followed.

Following the instructions of the task card, the two got the task props in the antique store - a set of head and body anime bear doll costumes, a half-face mask, a stack of love stickers, and two pieces that said "I am the opposite sex". Love, but I'm no different from you" and "I'm straight, can I give me a hug" cardboard.

Lindsay looked around, trying to locate the security guards, but couldn't find them. Seeing her standing still, the owner of the antique shop thought she needed a place to change clothes, so he pointed behind him and said, "The dressing room is at the back." Lindsay collected his thoughts and nodded his thanks. She glanced at Amy, who was frowning in a daze, picked up the doll clothes and walked towards the dressing room.

Amy didn't want to do this task from the bottom of her heart.

Whether it is pretending to be heterosexual, or wearing a heavy doll costume on a hot day to win the sympathy of passers-by in the square, she, a loyal follower of the "True Love Cult", feels embarrassed. What would her family think of her if they found out! What would her great-uncle, who had followed the rules all her life and kicked her heterosexual son out of the house in order to uphold the teachings, think of her? She didn't want the first phone call she received from home after the show was finished to be a notice from her fathers to sever ties with her!

She looked at Lindsay's back and struggled for a long time, until the owner of the antique shop couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to urge her, she took a deep breath and followed with the remaining cardboard. I thought: If you are recognized, you can recognize it, it is better than getting heatstroke in a doll costume.

Amy went to the locker room after preparing her mental preparation, only to find that Lindsay hadn't changed into a doll costume, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

Seeing that she finally came, Lindsay stuffed the doll clothes into Amy's arms impatiently, and said, "You are too slow, change it quickly, we have wasted too much time."

Amy fell into dementia holding the doll clothes , It took a long time to find my own voice: "Why am I wearing it?" You have been here for a long time without changing your clothes, is it because you are here to enjoy the cool?

"The clothes are too small, you should fit them just fine." Lindsay helped her unzip the clothes, urging her to stop talking nonsense and get in quickly.

Amy looked at Lindsay, who was more than 1.8 meters tall, and then at herself who was less than 1.6 meters tall. She felt insulted by her height. What was even more exasperating was that when she reluctantly put on her clothes and stood up, the half of her pant legs were folded on her feet, which looked like a short-legged bear wearing two piles of socks.

Amy looked so funny like this, Lindsay tried not to laugh out loud. She helped Amy, whose sight was blocked and her legs and feet were not very convenient, out of the antique shop and walked towards the Sacred Heart sculpture in the center of the square.

It was hot and airtight in the doll costume. Amy was sweating and out of breath after walking a few steps. The headgear on the top of her head was hard and heavy, and there was a sponge shell Holding her head tightly, she felt like a white bread that had been put into a steamer, and it was about to give off the aroma of cooked meat in the steaming cage.

She felt that Lindsay must have done it on purpose, taking the opportunity to take revenge on her for what happened last night. She managed to catch her breath, grabbed Lindsay who was walking faster and faster, and said, "Wait a minute, I have something to say."

Lindsay was upset by the heat. She wanted to walk to the sculpture as soon as possible and find a place out of the sun to sit down and rest for a while. Seeing Amy stop, she said impatiently, "What are you talking about?" "What

happened yesterday ?" It really has nothing to do with me. I just had such an idea suddenly, and then I mentioned it casually during the chat. I didn't expect someone to experiment with your brand name!" Amy finished speaking in one breath, and then gasped for a while , Hearing that there was no movement from Lindsay, she felt uneasy, and turned her head to look, "You still don't believe me?"

Amy turned her head so violently that her headgear was a little crooked, Lindsay helped her straighten it up, and patted Pat, said: "I believe you didn't do it, but I think you know who did it. I'll talk about this later, let's go first, it's too hot in here."

Amy stopped talking and let Lindsay help her. She walked forward, but she was thinking about the situation that night carefully in her mind. She had to find a way to find out who did the bad thing to prove her innocence.

The Sacred Heart Sculpture is a religious work created by Alessande, a master sculptor of Dali in the 18th century. It describes the scene in the holy scriptures of the True Love Sect that the god fell in love with the mortal man David and fell into the world for him.

Tianshen is handsome, tall and stalwart, but his lover's gender characteristics are downplayed for some reason-the skin texture is delicate and soft, the waist is slender and the buttocks are plump, which looks like a woman; but the muscles of the arms and legs are smooth and firm, without losing Men's fortitude—it is said that the prototype of David's image was Duke Chino, a handsome man recognized by Dali at that time. It's a pity that Duke Chino died young and did not leave any portraits, and there is no way to verify this statement.

"God loves the world" is engraved on the base of the statue in four languages. From a distance, the initials of these four sentences are exactly "Gino", which proves that the sculpture of the Sacred Heart is Alessandro. This kind of speculation about Duke Chino's gift of confession.

Walking up to the sculpture, David's face is even more indistinguishable. Whether it is the eyes that are gently looking at the gods, the round jawline, the delicate orchid fingers, and the seemingly invisible Adam's apple, it is hard not to be suspicious of him. gender. But he is so beautiful that people can't bear to touch him. This may be the reason why even the Raven Church was burned down during the "seeking common ground and eliminating differences" movement in the 19th century, but this sculpture is still intact.

Lindsay looked up at this sculpture, which is a symbol of beautiful love for homosexuals, but a hidden expression of love and pity that heterosexuals dare not declare, feeling quite complicated.

She glanced at Amy, and suddenly remembered the retching sound she heard in the bathroom after breakfast, and squinted her eyes. "Amy, are you okay? I heard in the bathroom this morning that you seem to have an upset stomach?"

Amy was taken aback, subconsciously trying to touch her stomach, but fortunately she held back in time. She smiled: "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine now." She stood up, bent down to pick up the sign on the ground, and said, "We are too far behind, we have to start working quickly!"

Lindsay helped She picked up the sign and put it in her hand. Seeing Amy walking away in a hurry, she raised her eyebrows slightly: This woman definitely has a secret.

The author has something to say: This chapter bury a few roots of interest ÷ Gehehe

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