Chapter 80

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The parent meeting in June of the second grade of high school, in addition to reporting the students' learning situation and the school's teaching results to the parents, also mobilized the parents for the upcoming senior year of high school.

As soon as they enter the third year of senior high school, students are equivalent to facing the college entrance examination. At this time, both families and schools should work together to serve the college entrance examination.

In order to show that the school attaches great importance to this meeting, the grade director, teaching director, and vice principal will go to each class to give speeches, meet with parents, and communicate.

At this time, the group just entered Class 2 (8) of high school.

Zhang Wei, the class teacher, made a brief opening speech, and then took the lead in applauding to welcome the vice principal to speak.

The vice-principal is a tall and thin man with a square face, deep nasolabial folds, unsmiling, and succinct: "I only want to say three points, first, the third year of senior high school is a turning point, the whole year is a sprint stage, we must not slack off, I hope Parents pay attention to it. Second, the college entrance examination is not only a major event for students, but also a major event for the school, and it is also a major event for every family. It is our common responsibility to do our best to create a good learning environment for children. We encourage each other on one point. Third, the college entrance examination is very important, but the children are more important. Don't put too much pressure on the children, and always pay attention to their physical and mental health. Excessive rewards and punishments at this time are harmful and not beneficial. Everyone urges Children also need to pay attention to the method and method of learning, pay attention to a certain degree, and don't spoil the growth. Okay, I will talk so much."

After finishing speaking, the vice principal nodded at Qian Erbai, motioning for him to take over, and then walked out of the classroom and rushed to the school. next class.

Qian Erbai walked up to the podium, and immediately saw Xia Changdian sitting on the fourth row of seats against the wall.

Xia Changdian sat upright, raised his head and chest, and looked forward, like a well-behaved elementary school student.

Qian Erbai looked amused, but his gaze passed over him calmly, and he quickly surveyed the other parents in the class, then smiled and said: "Parents, hello everyone, I am the teacher of this school. Director——Lu Xian. You may feel that I am unfamiliar, because I just took office at the end of May, and it is normal for you not to know me. But in the next year, we will probably meet frequently, and we will get to know each other by then."

Parents They laughed, and the atmosphere that had become tense because of what the vice-principal said just now relaxed a little.

Xia Changdian looked at Qian Erbai who was chatting and laughing on the podium, his eyes were full of admiration, he couldn't help being a little jealous of Fang Tongtong, and thought: No wonder Fang Tongtong always clamored to go back to school when he was recuperating at home, if he had his older brother when he was in high school. Such a handsome and humorous dean, he also likes to go to school. If his brother was the dean of his high school...


Xia Changdian couldn't help but immerse himself in the small theater he imagined, holding his chin, turning the corner of his mouth, and raising the corners of his mouth.

Qian Erbai glanced at him and knew that he must be thinking wildly again, so he shook his head helplessly and amusedly.

The word "meeting" has a magical power, and it has its own boring atmosphere. No matter whether the content of the actual process is interesting or boring, people can't help but desert: it seems that they are listening to the lecture, but in fact If you are distracted—like Xia Changdian; you seem to be thinking, but you are actually dozing off; For this column, a mother in the penultimate row simply helped her daughter tidy up the table.

She took out all the books and test papers from the desk, and placed them on the desk one by one, organized them by category, and put them back on the desk.

Her movements were not small, causing the parents around her to look at her. Qian Erbai also paused, and glanced at her.

The woman waved her hand in embarrassment, stopped her movements, and expressed that she would no longer disturb the order of the meeting.

Qian Erbai continued to talk about the impact of family environment on students' physical and mental health. The vice-principal only mentioned a general outline, and handed over the task of reading and speaking to Qian Erbai. He could only try his best to write the proposition composition for the vice-principal.

The woman looked at the unfinished books on the table and felt uncomfortable. She secretly looked at Qian Erbai and then at other people. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she continued to tidy up again. Make no sound.

Qian Erbai saw her movements, but ignored her.

While tidying up, the woman flipped through her daughter's homework. Suddenly, she found that there was a book that was a little different. It started writing from the middle page, with blanks on both sides of the head and tail, and there were several blank pages between the pages with words. If she hadn't read the whole book page by page Turn it over, maybe you won't find it at all.

An alarm went off in her mind, such a painstaking arrangement must be to hide some little secret.

Her first reaction was, is her daughter in a relationship?

My daughter has the habit of keeping a diary since she was a child. When she first learned to write, when she came back from kindergarten, she took out a small notebook to write down what happened in school. Sometimes at home, when I was wronged, praised, or other important things, I would write them down, and then lock the notebook in the cabinet, and let no one read it. She once opened the cabinet out of curiosity and took a look. The immature characters were crooked, the characters were big and small, and some characters that she couldn't write were replaced with pinyin. It was very interesting and childlike.

When her daughter came back, she teased her daughter about the things in the diary, but the little boy was very angry, staring at her tearful eyes and said that her mother was not allowed to peek at her diary again.

She agreed at the time, but she would still watch it quietly afterwards. She wanted to know what her daughter's inner world was like. She thought it was a way to care for and get close to her daughter.

My daughter obviously doesn't think so, especially when she learned the word "privacy" in elementary school, she kept saying "you are violating my right to privacy" every day. She didn't understand why a mother broke the law by reading her daughter's diary. Which law is so inhumane that a mother is not allowed to care about her daughter?

Later, in junior high school, my daughter no longer took the diary home, but locked it in the locker in the classroom after writing. In the third year of junior high school, she obviously felt that her daughter was alienated from her. She didn't understand what her daughter said about the two-dimensional dimension and cosplay, and she didn't know the connotation of the punk culture her daughter pursued. In her opinion, piercing the tongue with Nails, that is self-mutilation, two ear piercings are enough, seven or eight piercings are idle.

Every time I wanted to have a good chat with my daughter, I was always told back by "You don't understand me". She was also very wronged, thinking: I don't understand, but you can say it, if you don't want to say it, Just show me the diary.

When she went to high school, because her family was far away, her daughter took care of the dormitory. She was afraid that her daughter would not get used to school and would be bullied. She always calls. She only goes home once a week, and she has to go back to school for self-study at night. She gets to know her daughter less and less, and the two of them talk less and less.

This time, my daughter's monthly exam results were not very satisfactory. Looking at the report card, she just scored 100 points in mathematics, just passed physics, and English is usually not lower than 135 points. This time she only got 120 points in the test.

She had to think about it, whether there was something else that occupied her mind and caused her daughter's academic performance to drop, whether she was in a relationship, whether she was bullied by others, whether the teacher was not good at teaching, whether...

She was nervous Frowning, he opened the book with the intention of exploring the mystery.

"Thank you Pingting, send me lovesickness?" She read silently, chewing the title twice in her mouth, feeling like those love poems about "swan geese express love, red beans send lovesickness". She couldn't help but "click" in her heart.

"Ming will never forget that sunny afternoon, catkins were like snow, falling on the man's shoulders and hair. The man was holding a cup of tea, sitting in the spring light, smiling at him from a distance across thousands of rivers and mountains, and he fell. There is no turning back


In countless broken dreams of cold wind and rain, Ming endured the piercing pain, but still clenched his teeth, not daring to say that person's name until the fire of his soul was extinguished , it turned into a short sigh.


is like a raving, like a hallucination, blown away by the wind


After reading, she was shocked and speechless. What, what is written here? ! two men? !

The love of two men? !

Her eyes were wide open, she didn't know whether she was angry or frightened, but she was trembling all over.

Her daughter, the daughter she placed high hopes on, her well-behaved and obedient daughter, actually wrote such vulgar, obscene, and shameless words! What happened to her daughter?

If you don't study hard, you don't have to focus on the right path, can you get extra points for the college entrance examination by writing these messy things? Look at her disgusting grades! Spending my money and wasting her life, who can she be worthy of? !

The more the woman thought about it, the angrier she became, she couldn't help but slapped the table and stood up, wanting to go out and find her daughter and teach her face to face.

Qian Erbai had just finished his speech and stepped off the podium. The parents applauded together from time to time, and the loud sound of the palm hitting the wooden table seemed very abrupt.

Everyone couldn't help looking at the woman.

I saw her eyes were red, her face was angry, her body was shaking like chaff, holding a notebook tightly in her hand, she stepped on the outside of the table with one foot, as if she was about to rush out.

Everyone was puzzled and a little scared.

Zhang Wei knew a woman, and asked aloud: "Mother Li Feiran, what's wrong with you?" The

woman - Li Feiran's mother was already furious, but the remaining rationality told her that she should not let the teacher know about this matter, and she could not show it in front of outsiders. Forbearance, she let out a sigh of relief, and said: "I suddenly have some urgent matters at home, I have to go back first."

Zhang Wei looked at her, and then at Qian Erbai, seeing that Qian Erbai's face was normal, so she said: " Then you go to work first, if you have any arrangements later, I will notify you on WeChat."

Li Feiran's mother nodded, and apologized to Qian Erbai: "I didn't mean it just now, I was in a hurry, I'm sorry." See Qian Er Bai shook her head indifferently, she was slightly relieved, and quickly left the classroom with the notebook.

The atmosphere in the classroom was slightly condensed, and Zhang Wei hurriedly smoothed things over, saying, "What Director Lu just said was great, let us applaud Director Lu again." The

applause gradually rang out, dispelling the embarrassment just now.

Qian Erbai waved his hands and said with a smile: "We are all for the future of the children. If you have any questions, you can call me and we can discuss together." He looked at Zhang Wei, and then left the classroom.

Zhang Wei came out knowingly.

Qian Erbai said in a low voice: "Looking at Li Feiran's mother's face, this matter should be serious, Mr. Zhang, please pay more attention to Li Feiran."

Zhang Wei nodded and said: "I understand."

She felt that Li Feiran's mother was not telling the truth , she could clearly see just now that the other party clearly changed his face suddenly while looking through Li Feiran's things, and this incident probably has something to do with Li Feiran. What Li's mother said about going home may not be going home, but to go to Li Feiran.

Qian Erbai then went to other classrooms, said a few words briefly, and then came out.

He saw Zhang Ming's father. He was a serious man with a Chinese character face, big thick eyebrows, sharp eyes, and the word "Chuan" on his brows. He didn't show any joy even when he saw his son's progress of ten places. .

No wonder Zhang Ming was so afraid of his father. When Chen Jingfeng caught him, he would rather call the teacher than let his father know, even though he was just wronged.

Qian Erbai didn't see Chen Jingfeng, he didn't know if he didn't come or he had already left.

Chen Ran's grades have always been good. This time, he passed the eighth grade. The class teacher named and praised the top 100 students in the class one by one. The parents of all the children who were named couldn't hold back their smiles. When I read "Chen Ran" alone, there was only a search of eyes and untidy applause.

Qian Erbai couldn't help sighing, full of helplessness for the father and son.

He walked upstairs slowly, but he heard Lu Liuliu calling him in surprise: "Host! Chen Ran has been locked in the equipment room!"

"When did it happen?" He kept moving, and walked upstairs quickly Find a physical education teacher.

Lu Liuliu was a little guilty, "I don't know. I just learned about it from Xu Mengyao." It only paid attention to Xu Mengyao, although it saw Chen Ran leaving the teaching building and going to the playground, it didn't pay too much attention.

And if it wasn't for seeing Xu Mengyao going straight to the equipment room with a clear purpose, then deliberately raised her voice and called out "Brother Ming, why did you lock the door", and then showed a textbook level from surprise to panic and then to calm down. , and comforted the performance of the "little brother" inside, Lu Liuliu still couldn't connect Xu Mengyao with this incident.

Qian Erbai asked the physical education teacher to get the key to the equipment room, and only said that he wanted to exercise suddenly, but did not mention the fact that the students were locked inside.

Now that I don't know Xu Mengyao's purpose, it's best not to involve too many people. In particular, she also mentioned "Zhang Ming". The only people who know about the relationship between Zhang Ming and Chen Ran are Qian Erbai, the client, and Chen Jingfeng. Although Zhang Ming is close to Xu Mengyao, he keeps it secret and asks for money. Erbai kept it a secret for him, turned around and told Xu Mengyao without reason.

Then how did she know it, and why did she provoke the relationship between the two, it is very worth pondering.

Qian Erbai hurried to the playground. On the way, he suddenly saw a mother and daughter arguing beside Shangxue Pool. Both of them were furious, but they still restrained their volume. Throwing things into the pool, the girl couldn't help shouting: "Why are you doing this!" The mother no longer suppressed her voice, and shouted: "Just because I am your mother! You write such nonsense without studying , What's the use? Do you still want to miss it?"

The students around also cast their gazes, and some who knew girls wanted to go up to persuade them to fight, but they were stopped by others, and then the two ran back to the teaching building, probably to invite teacher.

Qian Erbai recognized that the voice was Li Feiran's mother, and that girl should be Li Feiran. Since someone had already gone to find the head teacher, he stopped intervening and went straight to the playground.

Xu Mengyao leaned back against the iron door, and fiddled with the iron lock on the door with her fingers, her voice was slightly anxious and calm, but her face was full of complacency.

She said: "Little brother, don't be afraid, I will accompany you. Brother Zhang Ming must have gone to get the key. He didn't lock you into the equipment room on purpose."

Because through the door, she couldn't see Chen Ran's progress bar, but when she thought about it, such a kind and lovely girl guarded him without hesitation when he was most lonely and helpless, how could he not be moved. Maybe he will regard her as the only sunshine and salvation in his life. Isn't that how the heroine became friends with him back then?

Xu Mengyao was in a good mood, and the smile on her face became even sweeter. She said, "Little brother, do you want to listen to my singing?" Then she sang without waiting for the other party's answer.

Her voice is soft and waxy, and her singing is beautiful and melodious, which makes people forget the customs.

But there was no fluctuation on Chen Ran's face. He sat in the dark, with a stack of army green sponge cushions under his body, and two tennis balls rolled by his feet.

It's just dark, he's used to it for a long time. Ever since he was a child, his father would lock him up when he didn't like it. Compared with being beaten, the small black room is the gentlest method.

He held the letter in his hand, tears gradually welling up in his eyes. He didn't understand why Zhang Ming asked him to meet in the equipment room, but locked him up. If he wanted to punish him, he could just say it face to face. A word of "hate you" would break his heart more than anything else. He has made up his mind not to pester Zhang Ming anymore, he has decided to withdraw from Zhang Ming's world, why, why is he unwilling to let him go, do he really hate him so much?

He didn't listen to a word of the girl outside the door, except for the phrase "Brother Zhang Ming". He remembered who the girl was.

On the day of the sports meeting, the girl who suddenly appeared and fell into Zhang Ming's arms, the girl who could openly hold his arm and act like a baby to him.

Chen Ran didn't hate her, but he didn't like her either.

He fell on his back on the mat, closed his eyes, pretended that he could not hear the sound from the outside world, and pretended that he, Chen Ran, was no longer in the world.

At some point, the girl's voice stopped, the door lock slammed, the door hinge creaked, and a ray of dim sunlight came in, followed by a figure hidden in the half-face darkness.

The man stepped in, bent down and put his hand on his forehead. His voice was gentle and familiar: "Asleep? Come out, don't catch a cold."

It was Director Lu.

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