Chapter 123

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  Arriving safely on April 2, Qian Erbai parked the car on the campus of Jin Medical University, walked quickly towards the hospital, and bought two sets of pancakes as he passed by the breakfast stand.

According to the news sent back by the "little spy" Lu Liuliu placed in the ward department of the hospital last night, Li Caidong, Tu Xiao's classmate, was successfully admitted to the general surgery ward around one o'clock last night. This morning Qian Erbai specially selected the hospital he came to, and even the posture of entering the elevator had to be exactly the same as last time.

The elevator was still crowded, and the allocation of personnel was similar to last time. He scanned the crowd, but couldn't find the boy in the school uniform with his schoolbag on his back.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, Qian Erbai stepped out, and there was no one in the elevator box.

Qian Erbai can't be sure whether the world he is in now is the original version of the script in the past, but there is no good way to verify this idea yet. But from the current point of view, because of his relationship with Lu Liuliu, although some new trends have emerged in the development of some events, the general framework of the story still follows the previous one.

Qian Erbai sent a text message to Lu Liuliu, instructing him to find a chance to find Li Caidong to inquire about Tu Xiao's situation, while he himself walked towards the lounge.

Pushing open the door of the lounge, Jing Xiaomo was lying on the table reciting a book. Seeing Qian Erbai coming in, she quickly stood up and said hello: "Morning, teacher."

"Yes. Have you had breakfast?" Qian Erbai saw that her clothes were still Didn't change it, the pages of the thick "Dawai" book spread out on the desk were full of notes, so he asked. Seeing Jing Xiaomo shaking his head, he handed over a set of pancakes in his hand, then opened the cabinet to find his white coat, and went out to the men's locker room next door.

Jing Xiaomo was a little embarrassed. Since she entered the department, she asked her what she didn't know and what she didn't eat enough, but Teacher Long still treated her so well and even bought her breakfast, but she felt that Teacher Long was too strict and whispered bad things about the teacher. How heartless!

She lowered her head and bit the pancake, secretly making up her mind that she must study hard in the future and never disappoint Teacher Long's expectations and cultivation.

Qian Erbai finished his breakfast quickly, and changed his clothes again, it was time to change shift. He knocked on the door of the lounge to remind Jing Xiaomo that it was time to start working.

After the shift is over, there is another ward round. The daily process is not much different, blood pressure physical examination, wound dressing change, diet, sleep, and bowel pain, etc. There are not many patients. After a round of questions, it can be completed in half an hour.

Jing Xiaomo followed behind Qian Erbai, holding a small notebook to record while reading, and at the same time, her brain kept running at high speed, recalling the relevant knowledge learned or taught by Teacher Long like a sieve, waiting for the teacher to check at all times. So much so that Jing Xiaomo felt like she was on a battlefield every time she made a ward round, and the moment it ended was comparable to how ancient prisoners heard "keep people under the knife" on the execution ground.

At eight o'clock sharp, Xia Changdian's live broadcast room opened, but Qian Erbai didn't have time to stay in the live broadcast room all the time, so the task of looking after Xia Changdian could only be handed over to Lu Liuliu.

At the end of the ward round, Qian Erbai received a call and learned that the director of the department had admitted a patient from the emergency department for him who accidentally cut his esophagus due to performing swallowing a sword, and had already sent him to the operating room. Good thing at hand, rushed to the operating room for surgery.

These plots are completely reproduced from before, the difference is that this time lying on the operating table is no longer a pink hairy monster, but a normal human being, but the hair is more vigorous, and the skin is white and transparent that many people cannot envy red.

It was a little after eleven o'clock when the operation was completed. I had already done it once last time. This time I repeated it again, and I became much more proficient, and the degree of completion was much higher than the last time. The director of the department copied a copy of the operation video, and he patted Qian Erbai on the shoulder, smiling quite proudly. Speaking of which, Long Ren is still a half-apprentice of the director of the department, and the apprentice is highly skilled. As a master, he has a bright face and a happy heart.

After everything was busy, it was time for lunch. Qian Erbai didn't ask the department to order his own meal, but changed his clothes and went out to eat. He found a nearby restaurant and sat down. Only then did he have time to turn on his phone and look at Xia Changdian The situation over there.

Xia Changdian passed the level yesterday unscathed. Xu Shi felt that the difficulty of the game was too low, so he temporarily added the function of audience tipping.

As soon as the viewers enter the live broadcast room, they can see two reward bars lined up on the right side of the screen.

There are a lot of props in the reward column, and long press the icon to display the function introduction and exchange method of the props. Most of them need real money to buy, and some can be exchanged with time. But in the eyes of the audience, the exchange of time for props is just a joke of the live broadcast company, and no one cares about it. Some people even regard them as free, and place a few at random just to try the effect.

These props can be roughly divided into two categories according to the nature of their functions, which are beneficial to the host and unfavorable to the host, and under these two categories, they are divided into different sub-categories according to the form of function. Like the "six hours of peace" that Lu Liuliu bought for Xia Changdian for 1,000 yuan yesterday, it is a blessing in the nature of prayers. In contrast, "six hours of bad luck" will have the opposite effect , but the price is twice as expensive as "An Ning", so no one has tried it yet.

Because of Xia Changdian's performance of "being let go of water" last night, the audience is particularly targeting him today. From time to time, someone rewards some props that are not good for him, such as "banana peel" for five yuan each, and "high-altitude drop" for fifty yuan each. Things", a "diaphragmatic set meal" for 100 yuan a piece, etc.

Xia Changdian just went out to have a meal, but along the way he encountered dozens of banana peels, dozens of eggs thrown from unknown windows, and was almost hit by a flower pot. After finally arriving at the restaurant, he ordered the food but it was delayed. He waited for a long time before he finally heard his number being called in the kitchen. When the waiter brought the food, he found that the orangutan who served the food was about to The thumbs of both hands were half soaked in the vegetable soup. After putting down the plate, they saw that their hands were stained with vegetable soup. They put their fingers in their mouths and sucked them unceremoniously. Then they nodded at Xia Changdian and said, "Yes." , the taste is quite good, hurry up and eat it while it's hot."

Xia Changdian took a deep breath, didn't want to argue, paid the bill and left.

But the "diaphragmatic package" didn't end here. Xia Changdian wanted to endure the calm for a while, but the audience felt that such an unlucky person is really rare to see in a century, and they wanted to know what would happen to him if he was a little more unlucky, so they again A new batch of bad luck poured into Xia Changdian's life.

When crossing the road, a drunk taxi came rushing towards him. Xia Changdian hurriedly dodged. The car had no time to turn, and hit the roadside signal lamppost. , kept smoking.

Xia Changdian, who was still in shock, hadn't even had time to catch his breath when he saw a wave of ghosts coming out of nowhere to scold him together, accusing him of not stopping the out-of-control ladybug car and just watching it like that Hit the pole.

A goat monster tremblingly pointed at him with a cane and cursed: "In times of crisis, you only think about yourself. Have you ever thought that you disturbed the driver's sight by dodging like this, causing him to be in a car accident, and he may be seriously injured and die. Life? You are such a selfish guy! You are just in a daze here, and you don't go to see if the driver is okay, it's so cold-blooded!"

Xia Changdian couldn't believe his ears, he was almost hit, and he dodged On the wrong side? Then is it right for him to stand still and be hit to death by the driver?

The more the old goat talked, the more excited he became, and his withered fingers were about to poke Xia Changdian's eyes. Xia Changdian snorted coldly, and slapped his hand away, "Stop leaning on the old man in front of me, pointing fingers, and seeing the goat makes me upset." The

old goat became even angrier when he heard it, and he swung his crutches to beat Xia Changdian, cursing: "Good job! You little bastard, not only being rude to me, but also daring to insult my race, you racial discrimination offender, I will teach you a lesson for your parents!"

Xia Changdian ran out of patience, raised his hand to grab the old goat and beat him Crutches, eyes flickering fiercely, "What are you, dare to mention my parents!"

He looked up at the light screen, the bloodthirsty anger was not only aimed at the old goat who spoke rudely and the onlookers who turned black and white, but also It is aimed at all the viewers who are helping the evil and making trouble through the live broadcast system, and it is also aimed at the big devil king who thinks he can manipulate the life and death of the player at will and play the player in the palm of his hand.

He didn't hide it anymore, took out the mahogany sword out of thin air, turned on the power and slammed it on the head of the old goat. Amidst the entanglement of electricity and light, the surrounding audience screamed again and again. Xia Changdian remained unmoved and continued to increase the voltage. His eyes were blood red, as if he had fallen into a demonic path, he lost all sanity, only brutal killing intent remained.

Lu Liuliu was worried when he saw it, but at the same time he was very angry at what happened to its owner. It came earlier than Qian Erbai, and saw more.

This deliberate embarrassment started at eight o'clock. Xia Changdian has been enduring it, and has told the audience countless times that this live broadcast room is not as simple as they imagined. He asked them to stay on the front line in everything, but in return they only got ridicule and Make things worse.

Lu Liuliu has studied human beings for more than a hundred years, and he has not only complete insight into the psychology of this creature, but also unique insights. It is well aware of two common phenomena in human society: herding and spectator psychology.

The herd effect has been confirmed again in Jiacha Town, and the psychology of spectators can be thought through the following phenomenon.

Why do people laugh when they see a clown fall while watching a circus show?

Some might say that's because the audience knows it's a deliberate setup in the show, and it's really funny. So, why do people laugh when they see someone slipping while walking on the road? Is this also a performance?

There is only one reason, people simply like to see others make a fool of themselves, and feel happy to see each other in embarrassment.

Human beings are born with the desire to destroy. When they see beautiful things, they want to destroy them. When they see the process of destruction, they will feel joy and satisfaction from the bottom of their hearts. The reason why most people are normal people is because the id is restrained and suppressed by the ego and superego, so that it will not behave like a pervert or a lunatic. The ego and superego tend to become stronger due to the constraints of a series of rules such as morality, law, and sophistication, so that the ability to suppress the selfish desires of the id will be stronger, and the three views of people will be more correct. The id can easily take over in places where the rules are less restrictive, or where one can hide one's identity in a "safe" place.

In addition, a condition that is closely related to the psychology of spectators is the identity of "spectator"-it has nothing to do with you and hangs high. Because I have no interest relationship with myself, I am relaxed, and because the environment I live in is "safe", I can unscrupulously make any reaction that follows my id.

If the psychology of spectators encounters the herd effect, it will be terrible. Once the gold medal for avoiding death is hung up, it will not be covered up, and any messy tricks can be brought to the surface.

This is why almost every viewer in the live broadcast room participated in this tease, and when they saw Xia Changdian's miserable situation, they had no guilt and were unwilling to "let it go".

I believe that they didn't want to put Xia Changdian to death in their hearts, and they even firmly believed that this was just a show, a joke, and a well-written script, not to mention that they paid the price of money, but no matter what Excuses, they can't hide their true psychology of wanting to watch the anchor broadcast ugly.

For Xia Changdian's outburst, Lu Liuliu understood it very well and agreed with it. Clay figurines still have three parts earthy nature, not to mention that after Xia Changdian passed the experience in Jiacha Town, he is no longer a kind and helpless little white rabbit.

Qian Erbai has a better understanding of human nature, and he is not very angry with the behavior of the audience. After all, they don't know the truth, and the human beings whose thoughts are controlled by the ego all the time are still a minority. There are only a few people who go to the abyss and purgatory. Lu Liuliu's thinking is correct, but he is still young after all, and it is easy to go to extremes when thinking about problems. There are many influencing factors and variables in the formation of human psychology, and they cannot be generalized.

He doesn't blame those people who have been taken advantage of, he just feels sorry for Xia Changdian's helplessness at this time, and is even more worried about his psychological state.

Xia Changdian was not overwhelmed by anger and wanted to kill. The reason why he showed no mercy to these confuse onlookers was because 741 saw through that the world that was troubling him now was nothing but an illusion.

Under his continuously increasing voltage, the illusion finally burst, and all the despicable faces were shredded by the electric light and disappeared into the air. The road surface is clean and tidy again, there are no onlookers and no cars involved in the accident. Looking back at the store just left, the greeter in front of the door is also smiling, and there is no trace of cold eyebrows when he just entered.

He ignored the sarcastic remarks on the bullet screen, the matter did not fall on his head, no one can truly empathize, it is really rare to be able to maintain a trace of goodwill, and there is not much goodwill in stock, and if you don't want to "spend it" demand.

He asked 741 in the system space: "Did you record the real situation around me just now?"

741 nodded and said, "Yes, the host. In addition, I also received a strange signal, which is somewhat similar to that of Senior Liuliu. , but the energy fluctuations are greater."

Xia Changdian's heart moved, could it be that his brother's headquarters discovered the situation here and finally sent someone?

"Look at the situation first, don't take the initiative to contact." He still remembers that he was actually smuggled out of the small world by his brother, and he hasn't been exposed to the headquarters yet, so it's better to be careful in everything.

The author has something to say: The content about psychology in the article is all made up by the author based on his brain, please do not delve into it (swing/put your hands together) [Suddenly I feel like I am dancing a belly dance in brackets].

At noon today, I tried to cook a Mala Tang with milk. It was delicious, but I put too much milk and salt, and it was a bit greasy and salty in the end. If you are interested, you can try it, the steps are very simple.

Put oil in a cold pan, heat it up slightly, add onion, ginger, and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the hot pot base and stir-fry until it melts, then add a small bowl of milk, stir, add water according to your intuition, and look at it , two small bowls are almost the same, then boil until the water boils and then add various meatballs and vegetable instant noodles. Instant noodles do not need to be cooked for too long, otherwise the instant noodles will not taste good. During the period, you can taste the saltiness of the soup base, add salt or sugar according to taste (I like to add both), wait for a while and it will be out of the pot. The stir-fried hot pot ingredients are more salty and fragrant, and the smell makes the appetite. After adding milk, the soup is thick and has a milky aroma, and the color is also beautiful. It's just awesome.

In addition, instant noodles must be eaten early, otherwise it will suck all the soup (lessons learned).

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