149 (The bearded director and his tender little assistant [Klauen×Victor])

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Victor was pushed on the sofa by his brother, and watched helplessly as his mother picked up the phone call.

Claire's name was displayed on the call interface, but a man's voice came from inside: "Honey, are you free tonight, I want to see you."

Michelle Baker stared at her little son coldly, with Full of disappointment.

The man on the other side of the phone didn't wait for his lover's response. He had a bad premonition in his heart and asked anxiously, "Vicha? What happened? Why didn't you talk? Are you okay?"

"No, no, please ..." Victor looked at his mother imploringly, tears streaming down his face. Feeling the wetness on the back of his hand, Carol couldn't help hesitating, and the force of his hands relaxed slightly. Victor broke free suddenly, jumped up from the sofa and rushed towards Mrs. Baker, trying to snatch the phone. Michelle Baker yelled: "Carol, stop him!" Finger pressed the hang up button.

Carol recaptures Victor and pins him to the ground.

Michelle suppressed her anger and threw her phone on the table, "Claire? Huh?"

Victor couldn't speak, just shook his head crying.

"You let me down so much." She sighed, looking tired, "We need to have a good talk when your father comes back." She sat back on the sofa, lowered her head, and rubbed the center of her brows heavily, Weakly ordered, "Carl, take your brother back to the room. Don't let him out without permission."

Carol nodded and pulled Victor upstairs. Victor begged in a low voice: "Brother, let me call him back, I will worry if he can't find me, brother, please..." Carol turned a deaf ear, opened the door and pushed the man in, and decisively Close the door and lock it.

Victor cried and slapped on the door, apologizing, begging, and even promising to break up with the other party, just hoping to call back the other party to report that he was safe, but until his voice was hoarse from crying, his eyes were swollen and painful, and his vision was blurred. Neither his mother nor his brother spoke a word to him again.

He fell to the ground, and his heart became as silent as ashes.

Carol went downstairs and watched her mother hesitate to speak, and finally just poured a glass of water and put it in front of her.

Michelle seemed to be ten years old in an instant, she looked at her eldest son, her voice choked up: "Carl, Mom feels that I have failed too much, whether as a mother or as a leader of the organization, I am not competent. She trembled slightly ,

and her fingers gripped the cup until they turned white. "As long as heterosexual culpability exists, the heterosexual community will not be treated fairly, and those unwarranted persecutions and cruel bullying will not disappear. Both your father and I have been deeply hurt by it. Fighting for fair rights is also the original intention of the heterosexual resistance organization. When the organization was established, we swore to be loyal to the heterosexual rights for generations, fight to the end, and never to The so-called orthodox faction succumbed, but I didn't expect that your younger brother, Victor, would choose the hostile camp. He even made up lies for a man and kept us in the dark for three full years!"

"He betrayed Us." Michelle lowered her eyes, covering the emotions in her eyes, making it impossible to guess the emotions for a while. But her plain words made Carol feel uneasy. He held his mother's hand and said carefully: "My brother is still young, and he just went astray for a while. I believe that after a long time and calm down, he We will make the right choice. After all, we are a family."

Michelle looked at her eldest son, sighed for a while, and said, "I hope so. Hey, if Wei Qia is half as sensible as you, I will I won't be so disappointed in him anymore."

Carol lowered her head with a complicated expression. Michelle picked up her glass and took a sip of water. The phone on the table vibrated for the third time. She hung up without looking at it. In order to prevent "Claire" from calling again, she simply turned off the phone.

Carol watched his mother's movements, and his younger brother's pleading kept lingering in his ears. He raised his head and was about to plead for Victor when suddenly there was the sound of glass breaking upstairs. Their hearts skipped a beat, they looked at each other, stood up together and rushed upstairs.

Victor's phone couldn't get through, and in the end he even turned off the phone directly. Kraun became more and more worried. He didn't care about the meeting for a while, so he grabbed the car keys and ran downstairs.

Kraun continued to try as he walked, but the voice prompt of "the other party has shut down" made him more flustered. He frowned deeply, and his long legs moved forward, feeling the wind all over his body.

He suddenly remembered that in order to get close to Victor, he asked for his roommate's contact information, so he hurriedly called Vincent as if he were a doctor. As soon as the phone was connected, there was a shout from behind: "Klauen Anderson!"

He turned his head, and a gunshot was fired in front of him, and blood spattered on his chest. He looked at the other party in surprise, trying to see the murderer's face clearly, but his eyes arced uncontrollably. The pale ceiling lights and the criss-crossing steel grids in the underground parking lot quickly passed before his eyes, and finally became It became dark. He was still holding the phone tightly in his hand, but Vincent's calls got farther and farther away.

In a trance, he seemed to see Victor lying on the ground, long wounds were torn open on his bare arms, and there was a pool of blood under his body. Victor seemed to have seen him too, gently curled the corners of his lips, tears fell from the corners of his eyes, his lips were slightly parted, and he said silently, "I'm sorry." There were fragments of mirrors scattered on the floor, reflecting the sunlight outside the window, Very dazzling.

"No, no! Vicia! My son! Call an ambulance!!" Michelle held Victor's bleeding arms, trying to stop the blood from continuing to flow, but it was doomed to be in vain, Vic Duo's breathing became weaker and weaker, and there was no response to her calling. Carol looked at the glaring red all over the floor, and his mind was blank. He knelt on the ground and subconsciously prayed to God, but he didn't know whether the merciful God would be willing to forgive them sinners who betrayed the doctrine at this time. The "sinner"'s prayer, bless his brother until the ambulance arrives.

Both Qian Erbai and Xia Changdian woke up in the hospital. After reading the plot book, they both sighed in unison.

This is a world where homosexuality is considered true love and heterosexuality is heresy. Whether it is religious teachings or the laws of the federal states, heterosexuality is considered and stipulated as a crime. The World Mental Health Organization even regards heterosexuality as a mental illness that requires compulsory intervention and treatment. The whole society regards heterosexuality as a monster, thinks that heterosexuals profane love, turn their backs on God, are worshipers of reproduction, and call them breeders. The Gospels record the bloody history of religious persecution of heterosexuality, but whitewash it as a "medical experiment", and even entered the textbooks of medical students in the middle ages. Plato continent. Until now, everyone still talks about heterosexuality and turns pale. Fathers and mothers are even ashamed of having heterosexual children in their families.

Heterosexuals are ostracized, discriminated against, humiliated, beaten innocently, and brutally killed. When people hear that the victim is heterosexual, they always sigh meaningfully: "Oh, no wonder." The head warns his children not to approach heterosexuality, let alone go on the wrong path, otherwise this will be the end. Heterosexuals can only live carefully, trying to hide their true selves, forcing themselves to behave like a "normal person", forcing themselves to date, get close, and marry the same sex. But lies will always be exposed one day, love is not faked, whether they are loved or not, the people around them know best.

The deeds of heterosexuals pretending to be homosexuals to cheat marriages were revealed, which caused an uproar in the society. It turned out that there were so many pseudo-homosexuals hidden around them, including members of the Federal Supreme Council! All of a sudden, the heterosexual community's reputation became even worse, and they became synonymous with liars, thieves, and hypocrites. Because the latest research proves that heterosexuality is determined by genes, there is a small special sequence expression on the DNA, which can be detected, so some people propose that all federal newborns must undergo sexual orientation genetic testing and mark it on their identity certificates Come out to prevent similar deception from happening again. This statement received high voices, but was eventually rejected by humanitarian organizations on the grounds of violating personal privacy. However, the status of heterosexuals has not changed much.

They are still completely marginalized, they are denied any decent jobs, they have nothing to do with any so-called welfare that covers the whole society, even shops and bars are closed to them, heterosexuals can only continue to pretend in order to survive, And had to pretend better. The two lives completely separated by day and night made them extremely contradictory and painful. They desperately needed to vent, but they could only report to the group to keep warm. Various mutual aid organizations are hidden in unknown corners of the streets and alleys, where heterosexuals comfort each other, tell their inner distress, cheer each other up, and support each other, but more people are abandoning themselves and indulging themselves, Enjoying the pleasure of soul and flesh, drinking, taking drugs, partying in groups, filthy, promiscuous, obscene, unsightly...

Of course, there are also active people, such as Victor Baker's parents, the Bakers and his wife. They fell in love at first sight when they were teenagers, but their family was a loyal true love believer. After learning that they were heterosexual, they were furious and ordered them to separate immediately and confess to God, otherwise they would be sent to a correction center. . The two pretended to agree at the time, but later eloped hand in hand and came to E City to hide their identities. City E is one of the few cities that does not have so much hostility towards heterosexuals. Here, they can be themselves bravely. Through their own efforts, they obtained a stable job and life in E City, and they had their first child, a girl, whom they named Shirley.

But the good times don't last long. The new mayor candidate of E City, Cook Berg, is a supporter of extreme sexualism. In order to win votes, he shouted the slogan of "remove all unstable factors and make the city better". With his acquiescence, violence against heterosexuals occurred frequently. Some thugs even disguised themselves as heterosexuals and mixed into the party, shot and killed 23 people, including five couples, two minors, and a child. It's Shirley. It was only later that the Bakers learned that all of this was a carefully planned campaign show by Cook Berg, which he called the "cleaning plan."

The Bakers have a sworn feud with extreme sexualism. At the same time, because of past experiences, later encounters and what they have seen and heard, they do not trust any homosexuals, and believe that every homosexual has the blood of heterosexuals on their hands , are their enemies. They gathered a group of heterosexuals who were also deeply persecuted, established a heterosexual resistance organization, and organized marches, demonstrations, speeches and publicity activities to fight for the legal rights and status of heterosexuals.

However, heterosexual equality is a long process. In the process of fighting for rights, bloody incidents still occur from time to time. Some young members are unable to resist their families and are forced to quit the organization, and the organization has also been sued by these parents. The reason is that "inducing and abducting minors to carry out illegal activities" put the organization in a dilemma, spent a lot of effort but failed to achieve any results, and the cohesion of the organization gradually became loose. In order to stabilize people's hearts, the Bakers and other people involved swore a lifelong allegiance to the organization under the statue of Cupid, the god of love, and served the heterosexual resistance organization for generations, fighting against the homosexual mainstream to the end.

In such a family environment, Victor, who is gay and has a same-sex couple sixteen years older than himself, is under a lot of pressure. He can only hide it. A girlfriend named Claire. But with a little secret, he was seen by his brother Carol when he was dating his boyfriend Klein, and showed his mother a picture of him kissing a man on the street, and then there was the first scene.

The call was really just the straw that broke the camel's back.

As a child of a heterosexual family, Victor could only open a single account on the black market, because federal laws do not recognize heterosexual marriage, so he could only be an orphan without parents. Ever since he was a child, no one has ever attended his parents' meeting for him. Only when he met Klauen in college did he understand what it feels like to be loved and protected by others. His parents also love him very much, but this kind of love can only be given quietly and with restrictions. Unlike Klauen, this love is aboveboard, unfettered, and endless.

Kraun didn't know his family situation, he just thought that he was an ordinary orphan as stated on his identity certificate. His mother died in the federal war, and his mother died for love, leaving only him who was under the age A lonely person was brought up by the Baker brothers and sisters. He didn't dare to tell Klauen the truth, he was afraid that Klauen would think that he was "the fruit of treason against God" as his parents said, he would shake his fist at him, and then leave him. He didn't dare to tell his family, because he knew that they would force him to leave Kraun.

Kraun is enthusiastically planning their married life and a bright future. Whenever this happens, Victor is always speechless. He feels like he is soaked in ice-cola, half cold Bitter to the bone, half sweet as honey. He wanted to leave with Kraun, but he felt ashamed of his parents' upbringing, but if he gave up on love like this, he would be worse than death, and the pain of walking on a steel rope was about to drive him crazy It finally broke out on this day. After the pain, there was relief. Seeing the panicked faces of his mother and brother, he had a moment of pleasure, but soon felt guilty, but he had no regrets. When the consciousness dissipated, he seemed to see Kraun walking towards him, stretching out his hand to embrace him in his arms.

The phrase "I'm sorry" is not only for Kraun, but also for his mother. His selfish departure is destined to hurt those who love him, but he is really too sad. He doesn't want to cheat anymore. Death is what he can do The only way of escape I could think of. Mom and brother, Klauen will also find a new lover, time will erase all traces of his existence, let's stop here.

Victor put too many shackles on himself, he couldn't bear it, so he chose to commit suicide, he didn't know that when he stopped breathing, his lover Crohn was also shot dead in the underground parking lot of Anderson Building On the field, a shot hit the heart. The murderer voluntarily turned himself in. He is an employee of Anderson Films and a member of an extremist organization. He believes that the Rainbow Love reality show Crohn plans to launch in the near future is openly supporting heterosexuality and violating the will of God. He has Obliged to "clean up" this traitor for God.

The murderer is in prison, but his supporters are running to proclaim his innocence. Fortunately, although there are many religions in City A, the law still has the highest authority, and the Croun family is not an unknown person. Under the pressure of many parties, the murderer was sentenced to 50 years in prison. If there is no accident , he will spend his life in prison.

And Crauen's budding "ambitions" will be handed over to his successor - Qian Erbai to complete for him. Equal rights is an eternal and sensitive topic, and the road is destined to be difficult. In his view, the original intention of the Bakers' heterosexual resistance organization clearly reached the same goal as his wishes, but because they were blinded by hatred, they gradually stepped into the mistakes of extreme sexualism in their way of doing things. Victor is an innocent victim, but it is also the inevitable result of the development of this family conflict. I hope this incident can make the couple realize that love and faith are more important.

Xia Changdian lay weakly on the bed, his eyelids slightly closed, his face was like gold paper, Michelle looked haggard, sitting on the edge of the bed holding his son's hand, his eyes were red.

Klein Baker rushed over and saw his eldest son Carol outside the door of the ward, and asked in a low voice: "What's going on, why..." He took a deep breath, knowing that now is not the time to talk about it, so He changed his words, "How is your brother?"

Carol had a bitter face, feeling guilty in his heart, and said with difficulty: "My brother is out of danger, but he hasn't woken up yet. The doctor said he didn't want to wake up. Let's talk to him more."

Klein opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, opened the door and walked in quietly, looking at his son with his eyes closed and his arms tightly wrapped in gauze, he Heartbroken, a wave of anger rose immediately. He lowered his voice and called his wife, "Michi, come out for a while, let's talk."

Michelle wiped away her tears, looked at her son again, and then let go Hand followed Klein and left the ward.

Xia Changdian moved his fingers slightly, and then fell silent again. Now is not a good time to wake up, the Baker family needs a longer time to calm down.

The author has something to say: This is a world of treatment conversion, which I got inspiration from an advertisement a long time ago.

In fact, the key point is that I want sweet love, whether it is same-sex love or heterosexual love, to be normal and pure feelings, there is no need to treat them differently, and there is no need for special treatment, just be normal.

Because there was a period of time before that I often saw this sentence: "The same sex is true love, and the opposite sex is only for reproduction." Although it was just a joke at first, but I heard it many times, and I couldn't help feeling bored. Even if I support a certain kind of love There is no need to belittle another kind of love, it is all soul collision, water, milk, blending, there is no distinction between superior and inferior. I wish everyone can have a love that is so sweet to death! Chirp! !

In addition, let me say a digression: cute friends who read books on the APP, can you see my cover? I see it is blank here, but it is normal on the webpage. I don't know what kind of wind it is. The cuties who saw it will reply me~

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