Chapter 171

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 Benjamin continued: "I said: 'Is that the drunk boy in the valley', and he made a smiley face and said, 'I'm not drunk, it's you.' We chatted like a secret code, In the end, I determined that the other party was the bad-hearted little angel with big eyes. I asked him why he left without saying goodbye, and he said that he was not sober at the time, and was carried into the car in a daze. A city. I asked him again why he hadn't contacted him for so long, but he didn't answer. I didn't ask any further, everyone has the right to keep secrets. At least he's back to me now."

"I found out later that he In those three years when he disappeared without a trace, he actually went to get medical treatment. He thought he was cured, so he came back to me again, but fate played tricks on us again."

"Watching his body deteriorating bit by bit , My heart ached like a knife, but he always smiled and comforted me, and he was not afraid of death. He often talked about his funeral, and even held a funeral for himself, saying that he wanted to help us rehearse it once, so as not to Not good at a real funeral."

"We all had a feeling the day he left. I called all my friends and family and invited them to my house for a party. I also invited him to his favorite band. Everyone had a great time. He was very happy, ran to the stage and hugged the members of the band one by one, and asked the guitarist for a signed guitar, saying that he would give it to me as a gift."

"Later, he got tired , I helped him back to the room, and then stayed with him by the bed. He held my hand and left quietly. The last words he left for me were: 'It would be great if I didn't leave '"

"How I wish he hadn't really left, but just like the time he left without saying goodbye, only three years ago, he knocked on the door, jumped in and said, 'Hi, I'm back again !' But I know it's just a dream after all, he's gone and he's never coming back. All he left me was the guitar, except for the memories."

Richard listened to the story of Benjamin and Alex quietly, his eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face, he even forgot to swing the swing. He couldn't tell what mood he was in at the moment, he was moved by the love between the two, but also felt sad, envious and jealous, in short, it was very complicated.

On the way back to the villa, he didn't say a word. He didn't say "good night" until Benjamin sent him to the door of the room, and then opened the door and entered the room.

Benjamin stood at the door for a while, said "good night" softly, then turned and went upstairs.

Richard wiped the tears on his face in the mirror, and suddenly he was startled: It's over, I was so busy listening to the story, I forgot the business! Do you really have to be naked tomorrow! ? He doesn't want to be publicly executed!

He stared blankly at the mirror, and the people in the mirror also looked at him with mournful faces, all looking powerless.

During these days when all the tenants in Rainbow Villa are busy with the weekend confession day, a video that lasts for more than 20 seconds and whose quality is blurred into a mosaic due to fast moving has quietly become popular in the online world. .

This video was taken from another full video by the uploader.

In the beginning, a girl was smiling and standing by the lake, and there was another voice talking outside the picture, and then suddenly heard a cry for help from not far away, and the camera turned quickly, as if the photographer was determining the direction of the voice , The next second, the two ran over there together, and on the way they also photographed other passers-by who had heard the sound. For more than ten seconds, he was on his way, and the woman's shout could be vaguely heard in the wobbling camera.

Finally, the shaking of the screen also stopped, and the voice exclaimed: "My God! Is this an agent?!" The photographer hurriedly picked up the camera, wanting to take a picture of the woman in the red dress kicking the man in black and knocking him down. A wonderful picture of kneeling and braking.

It's a pity that her equipment lost its chain at a critical moment, and she mistakenly took the peach tree next to it as the focal point. The heroine in the red skirt who was supposed to be the protagonist of the incident was blended into the background and became a blur. But the photographer didn't notice it. It wasn't until the woman saw that more and more people gathered around and stood up and turned to leave that the camera finally focused. Therefore, this slender and elegant back became the only clear scene in this video.

The video ended abruptly here, and the viewers were deeply upset. They all complained that the uploader of the video was playing tricks on people, and hoped that the other party would release the full version. But their request never got a response, and it didn't take long for this video to disappear suddenly.

This has completely aroused the curiosity of netizens - who is the woman in the red dress in the video, who is the man in black, who is calling for help, what happened, why the video stopped abruptly, and why was it suddenly deleted... All of a sudden, the online world immediately became engulfed in fog, various analyzes and speculations emerged one after another, and the so-called restoration of events became more and more magical and barbaric.

Some technical parties who saved the original video in advance tried to use the power of technology to enhance the clarity of the picture, hoping to extract some valuable information from the high-blurry picture quality, but it is a pity that the photographer's "anti-peeping" ability To be even better, the technical party has applied all of its lifelong learning to the extreme, and it is only a slight separation of the moving color blocks from the still background, which restores the "wonderful" fighting scenes seen by the photographer to a certain extent .

But this is enough. The masters in the painting area, ghost animal area, and animation area have launched their actions one after another. The image of the woman in the red dress has gradually become more lively and full, and her identity has also become rich and varied—the initial version is a folk master Bravely fighting gangsters in black, the advanced version has become a hidden heroine fighting against evil killers, what kind of secret agents are there to catch spies, superheroes fight monsters, bounty hunters exorcise ghosts and catch demons... The audience is excited and can't help admiring these The imagination and creativity of the producer also gave birth to a stronger desire to explore the true identity of the woman in the red dress.

Although all the existing videos on the Internet, except for the back view of the young lady in the red dress who turned around gracefully, the rest of the content are secondary creations, and even multiple magic changes, but this does not affect the admiration of netizens for her in the slightest. After all, judging from the "high-definition" version of the video recovered by the Technology Party, the movements of the woman in the red dress subduing the man in black are really neat and neat, and it is a heroic posture that cannot be blocked by mosaics.

"Woman in Red Dress + Kung Fu" has become the hottest entry at the moment, and a trend of "Women's Heroes" has been set off on the short video platform, and various imitations abound.

Taking advantage of this shareholder trend, many mid-to-low-end clothing brand physical stores and e-commerce platforms took the opportunity to launch the red dress of the same style as Miss Sister, and successfully sold out of stock by taking advantage of the hype and recommendations of wearing bloggers on various short video websites. The red dress, which was once listed as a "high-risk series of clothing" (many killers in history were obsessed with girls in red dresses), has become popular again on the streets, and has even become synonymous with "safety".

Various training classes teaching women's self-defense or simple fighting skills have also been set up, and there are an endless stream of applicants.

In addition, the search for the true identity of the woman in the red dress has never stopped. Some local tyrants even hope to hire this lady as a bodyguard, and she is willing to pay half of her net worth. Of course, this local tyrant has always had a bad reputation among the public. As soon as she finished posting this post, the comment area lined up to remind the young lady to "don't come" and "she's just greedy for your body".

When the news about the woman in the red skirt dominated most of the hot spots on the Internet, the "Rainbow Lovers" program group, which had been watching and secretly fueling the flames, finally felt that the fire was coming, so they took the opportunity to release a ten-minute trailer. The back of the familiar red dress, and the label of "Mystery Tenant" on the side.

Just when the audience thought the program group was trying to catch the heat, the screen changed, and the fighting scene shot from another angle shocked everyone. The same venue, the same protagonist, but ultra-clear picture quality and smooth moves , everyone felt refreshed, as if their myopia for many years had finally been cured by the program team.

After seeing the high-definition version, everyone knew that this was a unilateral crush. The woman in the red dress only appeared for less than five seconds, and half of the time she stayed on her back. It only took three seconds from her jumping to knocking down her opponent. The battle ended too quickly, let alone the man in black. , even the watching audience doubled the playback speed and failed to react.

The young lady in the red dress who was looking for all over the Internet turned out to be hiding in the villa. They were immediately excited and rushed to the official website of the program group to leave comments and urge updates, hoping to see the program group reveal more information about the mysterious tenant.

The program team quickly satisfied the audience's wishes, and released several extras one after another, each of which was interspersed with shots of the woman in the red dress, and some of them even seemed to turn their heads away soon, but At the last moment, the scene was cut elsewhere, and the hearts of the audience seemed to be on a roller coaster, constantly ups and downs in anticipation, tension and disappointment.

The angry audience complained about the snakeskin operation of the program group, and at the same time were drawn by these intermittent baits, unable to stop. In the end, the mysterious man never showed his face, but the audience and fans were suffocated. Looking forward to the show starting as soon as possible.

After the program team released the original high-definition video of the woman in the red dress, some "on-site" voices began to appear on the Internet. They vividly described the shock when they saw it with their own eyes, and expressed the pain that they clearly knew but had to keep silent for some reason, and had to watch the carnival on the Internet but could not participate in it, but as for the reason why they kept it a secret , They kept silent, but after a little thought, netizens knew that this was inducing everyone to associate with the program group. There are countless speculations about interviews, threats, buyouts, hush money, etc.

Some people believed it to be true, some took advantage of the topic, and some well-known big Vs took the lead in questioning whether the program group's move was suspected of manipulating public opinion and infringing on citizens' freedom of speech.

The program group is very rigid, directly highlighting the article in the federal confidentiality agreement that "in the case of interest, the insider has the right to keep the insider confidential, and the stakeholder has the right to hold the person accountable if the information is leaked within the confidentiality period without permission." , and jokingly said: "If these people really signed a non-disclosure agreement, with the strength of our company, how much compensation is more appropriate?"

As soon as this remark was made, those people disappeared immediately, and even their accounts were deleted Some of them had no choice but to come forward and apologize, saying that their account had been stolen, and that the inappropriate remarks they made before had nothing to do with them.

The program team came back with a big victory, and the netizens were completely amazed-it is indeed a top consortium, but it is rich and powerful. Some people diverged their thinking and thought: It must be very easy to do crisis public relations at Anderson Film and Television, right?

I don't know if Anderson's crisis public relations is light or not. In short, the assistant director of the show is very cool. Seeing the rising expectations of the program on the official website, he couldn't help laughing like a flower.

He picked up the thermos cup and took a sip, with a small calculation in his heart: on the day when this program is officially broadcast, after the audience sees the true face of the young lady they have been looking forward to, the topic will definitely explode again ! Ah, what a propagandist he is!

The author has something to say: I got the admission notice today, I was a little excited, and my thinking was too active, so I couldn't calm down to code. Well, a good night's sleep should be fine.

I wish all the babies who take the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination can receive the notification letter of their favorite school! mwah!

Today's Sand Sculpture Theater: "Auntie's Ashes Turned into Spirit" (officially renamed)


I am not unfamiliar with this scene. In my more than sixty years of life, I have seen and experienced famine years, wars, bandits, vendettas... large and small swords, lights and swords.

When I first met Song Chengye at the age of twenty, it was at the scene of such a bloody massacre.

He was only fourteen years old at the time, and his development was not good, like a bean sprout. When the enemy's family came, the servants hid him in a bucket and threw him into the dry well, and cut off the rope on the pulley, so that he escaped, but he couldn't climb up himself, and he was hungry and thirsty. It took three days for us to get him out.

At that time, my father looked at the rat meat he was chewing and said, "This rat is definitely not a thing in the pond." I didn't look that far at the time, but I just felt a little disgusted and a little scared. Afterwards, I often think of this scene. Even if I got married with him, I still refused to let him kiss me. I always felt that he would tear off a piece of flesh from me in the next second...Maybe this is also the cause of our relationship. One of the very important factors of discord.

The words are far away, let's get down to business.

The current situation is not so terrible to me who is used to seeing life and death, but to the girls who were chased outside, crying and begging for mercy, and running away with their lives, this is the real hell.

Years of life experience tell me that no matter what the situation is, it is best not to act rashly when you don't know the specific reason. In the past, I was too impulsive, so I was often used by the surname Song as a gunman, and I suffered a lot. Now even if the sky is falling, I may try to persuade myself to remain calm, think about whether we deserve it, and then consider whether to start self-help.

But if the person being pinned down is Song Chengye, I won't hesitate, I'll just cover his head with a shovel of soil and let him walk quickly and peacefully.

In the past, a Taoist priest gave me instructions and said that I am "the reincarnation of Yazi, jealous of evil like hatred, brave and ruthless, not invaded by evil, but punished by villains", I think it is absolutely right.

Song Cheng is also the biggest villain I have met in my life, and in the end, I planted my life in his hands.

My character is also like Yazi, I will repay my revenge and repay my kindness. When I was alive, all the kindness was repaid, and only the final revenge with Song Chengye was unable to repay, which became the biggest regret in my life. Therefore, I have no way to go to sex at present, so I have to curse him a few words to get over my addiction.

Why did my focus go to one side again? Hey, it seems that I am really old, and it is always easy to think loosely.

The most important thing now is to find out what is going on outside. So, I pulled up one of the rabbit's ears and whispered to it: "Tell me everything you know." The

rabbit's mouth moved: "Squeak—"

"Speak human.

" According to my aunt, the younger ones were ordered by their masters to eradicate the spies of the Demon Cult. On the surface, they look like harmless brothel women, but they are actually the Demon Cult's eyeliner and stove, collecting martial arts righteousness for the Demon Cult. Information."

I was confused, "Demon Cult?" I haven't been away from the Central Plains for two years, so is the martial arts world already in such a mess?

"Yes, auntie." Its red eyes shone with excitement, "there are all monsters who kill without batting an eye in the devil's sect, and among them, the twin brothers and sisters, the holy woman and the holy son, are the most ruthless. .Evil, they are cultivating the cultivating and mending kung fu of the evil sect. Countless young men and women in the city have suffered from their cruel hands. Even the son of the martial arts leader has been abolished and has become a useless person."

I was fascinated by it, and I wanted to grab a handful The melon seeds came knocking, the situation in front of me was obviously inappropriate, I interrupted its speech, and asked: "You say they are the eyeliner of the Demon Cult, do you have evidence?"

The rabbit was stunned, and gritted his teeth, "No, but my master will never be aimless. My master said that in the face of crooked ways, we must preemptively kill the grass and root out the roots, so as not to harm future generations. My master also said that some people may not understand him now. I think his methods are too cruel, but for the sake of the overall situation, he can only be the bad guy."

I almost want to applaud this "hero" who understands righteousness, and such a far-fetched excuse can be said To be so convincing, the thick-skinned and eloquent is enough to compete with those officials in the court.

The sarcastic smile on the corner of my mouth could no longer be suppressed. With "respect", I asked, "Who is your master?" You can kill whoever you want. The emperor is not as powerful as him. Now that I have this opportunity, I must get to know him. The rabbit refused with a face

full of refusal: "How can someone like me mention my master's name?"

I squeezed its fat buttocks and threatened it: "If you talk nonsense, I'll wring your head off."

There was a little red on it, and it seemed a little embarrassed. It muttered, "It's obviously a butt there." Seeing that my patience was exhausted, and the fingers pulling its ear tended to move to its neck, it begged for mercy: "I said I said, my master's surname is Song, the single name is Need, and the character is Chengye."

I shook my hand and squeezed its neck hard, "What are you talking about, what is your master's name? What are the words?!" The

rabbit was caught I squeezed and rolled my eyes, struggling desperately, I quickly loosened the grip and held it down. The rabbit was trembling with fright, but still scratched the mud with its front paws and began to write.

Seeing that those two words were not what I thought they were, I was relieved. However, the man surnamed Song dared to call the emperor the same name, and he really had some ideas.

I sneered, just for this name that I hate, I will take care of your matter today!

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