Chapter 64

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 What is the experience of the dean of the school being a handsome guy?

I believe that the students of Heshi No. 2 Middle School will be able to give a unified answer - "Love and hate, can't stop."

Love is because the new dean is really handsome - tall and long legs, elegant temperament, good looks Tall, with good quality clothes, I change a set of Blazers every day, and don't bring duplicates for a week. Standing at the door, even if you do nothing, it is already a landscape in itself.

What I hated was that such a godlike figure turned out to be a "conventional layman". His dedication to maintaining school rules and discipline and his strict requirements on students were unmatched by all school leaders.

The most typical example is being late.

In the past, this work was entrusted to the student union. Only on Mondays would the dean routinely stand at the door for a while, and leave within fifteen minutes.

But the new director was different. He drove the students from the student union back to study in the morning, and he guarded the gate every day.

Stay from 6:40 until 7:30, when the bell rings for morning reading at 7:00, everyone who enters the school after that will write down their names and classes. No one will give face.

Once the vice president of the student union and a minister were five minutes late.

If it was left during Lao Ma's tenure, they could just put on their work badges and stand by the door to pretend to be officers on duty. But now I can only obediently register the name, class, and class teacher information.

Looking at the column of positions specially marked for them on the registration form, both of them blushed. After finishing writing, he was a little bit unwilling, scratched his head afterwards, and winked to imply that Qian Erbai was "accommodating".

Qian Erbai looked at the two boys who had just begun to act like adults, patted the shoulders of the two meaningfully, and said: "Trying to bribe the teacher is a more serious crime. You should think clearly, don't get caught because of a small mistake. Big." Then in front of the two, he locked the registration book in the drawer.

The two felt their scalps tense, apologized and left.

However, the father of the vice president of the student union did not want any stains on his son's file. Through the principal's relationship, he tried to use both coercion and coercion against Qian Erbai, asking him to erase his son's record.

Qian Erbai looked at him with a sneer, and said unceremoniously: "Being late will not become a stain on your son's file, but you, the father, are discrediting your son." The

angry father was furious Furious, he threatened to make Qian Erbai, a young teacher who spoke badly, "too much to walk around", but the headmaster who heard the sound quickly pulled him out.

Qian Erbai didn't take this matter to heart.

Students are students, parents are parents, and the two cannot be confused.

He is responsible for the students by teaching and educating people. The attitude and character of the parents of the students cannot be used as the standard for evaluating the quality of the students.

But the vice chairman student was obviously influenced by his father, and looked at Qian Erbai from a distance many times, with very complicated eyes.

The students whose names were registered have not been notified of the disciplinary action.

While they were worried, they wondered if the director had forgotten, or was he just acting as a warning to other students? After all, I heard that there are quite a lot of people who are late, so the law does not blame everyone.

But how could Qian Erbai forget it?

In Qian Erbai's view of education, turning a blind eye to students' small mistakes is not tolerance, but connivance.

If a person does some wrong things but is not punished at all, he will form a distorted view of right and wrong, and even get encouragement from it, and he is likely to make more and more serious mistakes in the future. And when the cost of crime becomes negligible, it will be more expensive to sanction crime.

And the saying that the law does not punish the public is even more nonsense. In Qian Erbai's view, the law does not punish the public is a fig leaf to cover up crimes. Only the incompetent era will compromise with people who use such a cover. It doesn't mean that there are many people, and there is reason. At any time, a large number of people cannot become an accomplice to atrocities.

Qian Erbai wants them to remember this.

So, just when these students thought that it was over and the rain was over, and they were gradually relieved, Qian Erbai suddenly gathered them on the playground, took out the notebook and called them one by one, and the name was followed by the length of time they were late.

The faces of the students whose names were called were flushed, especially the girl who was 20 minutes late even lowered her head, her ears were bleeding red, and her face was embarrassing and hot.

Fang Tongtong was among them.

She was a little surprised when she was called out: she thought that her lateness had been let go.

But I also know that it is absolutely impossible - Director Lu is such an unselfish person, and the principal's niece - the girl who is 20 minutes late - doesn't give face, so how can he give himself special treatment?

She was eight minutes late, which is considered to be of average level. When Qian Erbai pronounced her name, she didn't feel relaxed at all. Instead, she was so ashamed that she wanted to hide in place.

After reading the list, Qian Erbai said: "You may think that being late is not a big deal, but details determine success or failure. In the future, if you enter a company, being late for one minute may lead to the failure of business negotiations; if you enter a scientific research institution, a one-second error may be as big as It will cause irreparable losses; as an athlete, one tenth of a second may miss the championship... The concept of time is an indispensable quality for a self-disciplined person and a successful person."

He looked at these silent children and said earnestly, "What is the most precious thing for a student is time and self-discipline. Everyone knows that the college entrance examination is a dragon gate and a fork in life. You are all walking on the road leading to this What does time really mean to you on the way to Daomen? I hope you can pay attention and think about what I said." He put away his notebook, waved at them, and said, "Now, run around a minute late, start Right ."

"Ah?!" The students who had just fallen into deep thought suddenly wailed, especially the girl who was 20 minutes late, with a look of shock and collapse.

Those who were only a minute or two late couldn't help but rejoice. Hearing the "sorrows" of other suffering brothers and sisters, they secretly patted their chests, gloated at their friends, and took the lead on the runway.

Qian Erbai glanced at them, and said: "Don't have any sense of superiority, you can pass the test, but you have to take the test of 59, shouldn't you think about it."

Several people shrank their necks, did not dare to laugh anymore, and hurriedly took it seriously Really ran.

Looking at the huge playground, Fang Tongtong felt flustered and out of breath—it was too hard. Eight laps! That's 3,200 meters, the legs are going to break, right? !

Some people think that three or four laps are acceptable, and they keep up with the team one after another.

Most of the people who were still standing still had more than five laps, and some felt that they were too delicate and weak to run for one lap. They all looked at Qian Erbai with pitiful expressions, trying to impress this gentleman who looked like a gentleman gentle man.

But their plan was going to fail after all.

Qian Erbai went into the equipment room and took out a folding chair, sat down, looked at them, with an encouraging smile on his face, and a sly light in the long and narrow phoenix eyes behind the lenses.

He said: "Come on, children, I will be here with you, when the run is over, when will you go to eat."

Fang Tongtong took a deep breath, set foot on the runway as if death was at home, and chased the sunset away, leaving a thin and stubborn figure stretched longer and longer on the reddish-brown plastic runway.

Watching Fang Tongtong run farther and farther, Qian Erbai looked at other people, the meaning was self-evident.

The rest of the people could only keep up, while holding Director Lu's villain in their hearts.

After the few laps were finished, Qian Erbai asked them to go back.

The one with the most laps was still running stumblingly, looking a bit embarrassed.

Some people looked back at Qian Erbai's reaction from time to time, stopped to rest when he was not paying attention, and then simply walked.

Qian Erbai looked at the time and stopped everyone. Penalty running is not the purpose, but a means of deepening cognition, ten laps and twenty laps are enough.

However, in order to ensure fairness, he did not cancel all of them, but let them pay off the IOUs, which will be paid off in batches in the future; and if there is another lateness during the debt repayment period, the number of turns will be doubled until the repayment is complete.

The exhausted and panting children left each holding an IOU, but Fang Tongtong was the only one who insisted on running eight laps.

The vice president originally wanted to get the IOU, but Fang Tongtong, a girl, insisted on it, and he was a big boy, so he was only two laps away, so he couldn't run down?

So he gritted his teeth and continued.

But the vice president is really no match for this girl.

After Fang Tongtong ran five laps, it seemed that she had opened up the two veins of Ren and Du. The more she ran, the more relaxed she was, her breathing was no longer short of breath, her lungs no longer hurt, and her steps were as light as flying through the clouds. She even had the illusion that she was not running, but walking fly. The next three laps were finished quickly, and she was still unsatisfied, and even wanted to run three more laps.

Qian Erbai hurriedly stopped her and asked her to walk around on the playground first. He got up and put the chair away and put it back in the equipment room.

At this time, the vice president ran over, he didn't know what he was thinking, he was only a dozen meters away, and he subconsciously wanted to sprint, but the soles of his feet got bumps and he almost fell. Qian Erbai reached out to catch him, with the vice president on the left and Fang Tongtong on the right, pulling them back and forth around the track for a few steps.

It was already six forty-five at this time, and the lights in the windows of the staple food in the student cafeteria were all off.

Qian Erbai took the two of them to the staff restaurant, and said: "In order to commend you for your attitude of finishing today's work today, I have invited you for today's meal. You can eat whatever you want." The

vice president even refused, but Fang Tongtong did not You're welcome, she sat down, beat her leg like a grandpa, and said: "Then I'm not welcome, I want to eat braised pork ribs, another pork bone, yam and corn soup, two bowls of rice, and a bottle of Coke. Thank you Director Lu."

Qian Erbai nodded, looked at the vice president again, and asked, "What about you?" The

vice president still felt embarrassed, after all, his father had just troubled Director Lu not long ago, he shook his head and said : "I'm not too hungry, so I don't need to bother the teacher."

Qian Erbai looked at him with a serious expression, "Student Shen, you don't need these formalities in high school for the time being, you can choose to be yourself." He tempted, "Now, Tell me, what do you want to eat?"

Student Shen raised his head in surprise and looked at him. After a while, he hesitated and said, "Same as Fang?"

Qian Erbai was very satisfied, and ordered a total of three points of Fang's set meal.

After finishing the meal, student Shen still couldn't recover, why did he have dinner at the same table with the dean? He went back to the classroom, sat down and thought about the turmoil of the day, feeling like a dream.

Thinking of Director Lu's words on the playground, he seemed to be enlightened, and his mind suddenly brightened.

He suddenly felt that it was ridiculous for him to pretend to be a privileged class to openly disrupt the school order by relying on his identity as a student union. In the past, he often used the excuse that the student union needed work, and the fact that he was late and left early to skip classes was actually a waste of youth and time. I am still complacent.

Vice President Shen couldn't help but regret it.

He looked at the books that had become a little strange, and made up his mind: youth is his own, and the future is also his own. He must start to find the balance again from today, be the best self, and not let the future self be like today's self. Regret the past.

Fang Tongtong was a little bit uneasy.

It was fine during the meal, and the legs were a little sore after the meal, but it was fine, but after returning to the classroom and sitting for a while, the two legs didn't feel any pain, no matter how much she beat her, she didn't feel any pain at all.

She was so frightened that she pinched Li Yiyang's neck and cried, "What to do, what to do, I'm still young and I don't want to become disabled!

" Comforting her, he said: "Don't worry, maybe you're just numb, I'll help you stand up and walk, it should be all right."

Li Yiyang helped Fang Tongtong stand up, and yelled at her to let her take two steps Look, the classmates in the class also surrounded her with concern, stretched out their hands to protect her, and asked her, "Is it better?

" At the base of her thighs, she trembled all over, and her uncomfortable hair almost stood on end, "No, no, help me to sit down quickly, it hurts me to death!"

Seeing this, the class leader hurried to call the head teacher. As a result, the homeroom teacher had something to go out and hadn't come back yet, happened to meet Qian Erbai who locked the door and was about to get off work, so he called him over.

At this time, Fang Tongtong's two legs have regained consciousness, but they are hypersensitive to pain, and they groan in pain when touched.

Qian Erbai asked her if she could go, she shook her head, her face turned pale.

So he squatted down and said, "I'll carry you on my back. First go to the infirmary for a hot compress, prescribe some painkillers, and then call your parents and ask him to come pick you up."

Fang Tongtong looked at the wide bed in front of him Her face was a little red, but the classmates around her urged her to go to the infirmary quickly, and her legs hurt so much that she really couldn't stand up, so she quickly dropped those girls' thoughts, and gritted her teeth and lay on Qian Erbai's back.

Qian Erbai asked the other students to continue the self-study class, turned them upside down, then supported the girl's calf, and walked downstairs quickly.

The class monitor only let Li Yiyang go to the infirmary alone to accompany him, and the others stayed in the classroom to study. After all, the monthly exam is coming soon, time is tight, and Fang Tongtong doesn't think the problem is serious, so there is no need to follow them all.

The school doctor prescribed some anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs to Fang Tongtong, and then told her to stretch her leg muscles more, and then went to boil water to fill the hot water bottle.

Li Yiyang looked at Fang Tongtong who was grinning in pain, and laughed very disrespectfully: "It's what you deserve, let you show off!" He already knew Fang Tongtong's feat of running eight laps.

Qian Erbai asked for the phone number of Fang Tongtong's parents, and went outside the door to dial.

"Hello? Are you Fang Tongtong's parent?" Hearing the sound, he asked first.

"Who? Fang Tongtong?" A deep magnetic voice came from the receiver, as if wondering who Fang Tongtong was.

Listening to this voice, Qian Erbai felt inexplicably familiar. Why does this voice sound a bit like Qiao Beisi from the previous world?

"Do you know Fang Tongtong?" Qian Erbai thought he had to ask again.

The other party seemed to be working or playing games, and the keyboard was crackling. "Let me think about it..." He took the phone away, tapped the screen a few times, and replied, "Yes, I'm her brother. What's wrong with her?"

Qian Erbai: "...She Excessive exercise, some muscle strain, you come to school to pick her up and have a good rest."

"Oh, okay." The other party nodded repeatedly, but didn't hang up the phone for a long time, and he didn't know what he was doing. Asked, "Excuse me, which school?"

"...Heshi No. 2 Middle School, the school doctor's office. After entering the door, go straight to the first floor of Shangjian Building. If you have any questions, you can call me." Qian Erbai felt that this My brother is definitely the most unreliable parent.

Thank you quickly over there, hearing the sound of the small wheels of the seat, it seems that you are about to start, the other party said: "Thank you, teacher," he hesitated, and then asked tentatively, "You give me a very familiar feeling, May I ask, does my voice sound familiar to you?"

Qian Erbai's heart moved, he frowned, and did not answer hastily, he said: "We will talk about the rest after we meet." The

other party responded readily and neatly hung up the phone.

Qian Erbai rubbed the phone, and asked Lu Liuliu in his heart: "Liuliu, will the person opposite be a little bit?"

Lu Liuliu was also undecided, and it said, "It's 50% possible."

It Comforting Qian Erbai said: "The host should not worry too much, the system has already issued a notice of missing people and cats, I believe the owner will see it sooner or later."

"Yes." Qian Erbai saved the string of numbers in the phone book, his eyes calm.

The author has something to say: 1. Blazer: A kind of suit, which can be considered casual or formal.

2. About the reasons why you can't sit down immediately after running:

When a person is running, the lower limbs will be congested due to gravity. To send the blood of the lower limbs back to the heart in time mainly depends on the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the lower limbs, squeezing the blood vessels to make the blood flow back. If you sit down and rest immediately after running, the muscles of the lower limbs will relax and lose their squeezing effect, causing blood to pool in the lower limbs, causing temporary insufficient blood supply to the brain, pale complexion, purple lips, etc., and even fainting in severe cases. This is called "gravity shock" in medicine.

At the same time, sitting down and resting immediately after running will cause the muscles of the lower limbs to congest and make the lower limbs thicker temporarily, which usually recovers after a night of sleep.

3. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me to overlord or irrigate nutrient solution during 2020-03-15 00:29:26~2020-03-16 00:44:37~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 20 The year started 1 year;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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