Who I Am

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October 1940:

Charlies POV:

Once I got home from the recruitment center, I packed my belongings. I was almost done when my mother walking in the door, shocked.

"Just where on earth do you think you are doing Charlotte?" she asked angrily. Oh man this is going to be good.

"I have been recruited into the navy mother, I am leaving now my training starts immediately." I replied flatly not caring at all what she thought. My mother has never been there for me. She tries to hide me from her friends and acts like I'm not her own daughter. She may not be proud of me but I am proud of myself. I am going to save lives, that's all i need.

As I walked out of the door she roughly grabbed my arm "You are not going anywhere young lady, this bullshit ends now. You are going to start acting like a proper woman. You will learn your place."

I looked at her dead in the eyes and ripped my arm from her grip "I know my place, its out there fighting for what's right, standing up for those who can't. I am leaving with or without your permission." I said sternly. As I walked out of the house, I felt so confident, so sure of everything. I was going to do something, something important.

I climbed into Dr. Antoines car "are you sure you are ready for this? It won't be easy" he asked warily.

"Im ready to fight beside brave men, I am ready to end this war and bring everyone home. I am ready to do whaat is right" I said confidently.

He nodded and the driver drove off. This was it, no turning back. I am ready.

November 1940, Florida Naval base

Charlies POV:

It has been a month since i started my training. Every morning at 0600, I start combat training privately. Then I immediately go to weapons training.

It has been draining, everyday the same but everyday i am giving 120% into this. Sometimes I wonder if i made the right choice, but when i think about where I will be, i feel unstoppable. I wish I was there already helping but the other doctors and officials helping me don't feel like I am ready.

Dr. Antoines POV:

I have never seen someone put so much effort and dedication into this. I knew she was perfect for this since the recruitment center but i need to prove to the others she is the one. A few of Erskines helpers have agreed to assist me in secret, and today I plan to show them she is ready, more than ready.

My plan was simple, toss a grenade and see what she does. With the nod of my head, I signal for and employee to toss the grenade. "GERNADE, GET COVER" another yells.

As i suspected, Charlie doesn't cover. She runs over to the gernade and uses her body. It wasn't even a second thought once she saw it she knew what to do. After a minute of nothing going off she looks up, around the room then her eyes land on me. I smile, "She is more then ready"

Other scientists needed their heads in agreement, and before we knew it the lab was being set up for the serum. The transformation process would begin tomorrow.

Charlies POV:

After the grenade incident, I was a bit shocked. I was more then ready to give my life to save these innocent people. But i was more shocked how it didn't go off.... this was a test. After that, the decision was finalized and set into the last stages. Tonight would be my last night as me. I sat there staring at my food worried. I heard footsteps coming closer and knew immediately it was Dr. Antoines.

"How are you feeling" he asked softly.

"Honestly I'm terrified" I said openly.

"I know the needles and the process can be painful but it'll be w-..." he didn't get to finish before i cut him off.

"its not that, i am terrified that I will loose myself in this process, I will lose who i am." I spoke honestly while my voice cracked a bit. I didn't want to loose myself, I was the one who got myself through everything in life and I didn't want to change, I still want to be the woman who will put her life on the line to do what's right.

Dr. Antoines chuckled and I looked at him questioningly "From the moment I hear you in the lobby, I knew nothing could stop you or change you. The past 4 months I have known you, I have learned something significant and prominent about you. You are so strong headed so determined so brave, nothing could ever change that. I chose you for this because the serum will enhance not only your physical appearance, but your morals. You are every bit perfect for this, we could not have picked a better individual." He finished.

I teared up at his speech, I have never had a father in my life and he has filled that hole for me. I couldn't thank him enoug for giving me a chance.

"Now eat up, tomorrow is going to be an early and long day" he spoke as he walked away. "Oh and NO DRINKING."

I laughed and finished my meal. As i got into bed i reminded myself of one thing, I am who I am and i couldn't be more proud. And with the, I closed my eyes and awaited for the next morning.

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