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Charlie's POV:

Steve, Sam and I all stood around Bucky trying to figure out what our next step would be. I was shocked, I should have known there were more soldiers, that's how Hydra runs. One is never enough.

"Who were they?" Steve asked

"Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in HYDRA history. And that was before the serum." Bucky added. I immediately tensed. This can't be possible.

"They all turn out like you?" Sam asked

"Worse." Bucky said bluntly

"The doctor, could he control them?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer

"Enough." Bucky answered looking me in the eyes

"Said he wanted to see an empire fall." Steve added to the conversation

"With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize, They can take a whole country down in one night. You'd never see them coming." Bucky added. I couldn't believe this but at the same time I could. This is hydra we are talking about

"If we call Tony . . ." Steve started, I looked at him wide eyed. He can't be serious, Tony will do what he thinks is right even if its wrong, while I admire that I know he won't be afraid to cuff us.

"he won't believe us Steve, we lost that trust when we went after Bucky" I told him honestly

"Even if he did . . ." Steve began, I was about to cut in when Sam did

"Who knows if the Accords would let him help." Sam added

"We're on our own Steve, we cut ties and this is the consequence" I said solemnly. We lost a family, but we did it because we did what was right.

"Maybe not. I know a guy." I looked at Sam curiously. Who?

Steves POV:

Charlie, Sam, Bucky, and I all waited in an underpass. We had gotten in contact with Sharon, we needed our things the government took. I look behind me to see Charlie and Bucky talking quietly to one another, this is not how I would have pictured my life.

I imagined how it could have gone, I would meet Charlie in the military, be stunned once again by her intelligence, selflessness and bravery. I would attempt to court her multiple times, she is stubborn. Eventually we would go on several dates and I would have her meet Bucky. They are a lot alike, always sticking up for the little guy. They would get along perfectly and we would be the best group of friends. Eventually I would ask her to marry me, exactly like how I did. Have a wedding, small and intimate like we did. The only difference, we would get the opportunity to start a family, to move into a smalll cozy place in brooklyn and be a normal couple. maybe even get a dog. This made me smile, although this isn't what has happened, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have my girl, and I love her to death, I always will. I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of a small laugh, one that makes my heart soar. For this first time in a long time Charlie was laughing and it was something Bucky had said. I knew they would get along

"What secrets are you sharing about me" I asked knowing that was most likely her reason for laughing.

"Just how you threw up at Coney island, Steve it really was not smart to eat before hand" She said in a sarcastic manner making me rolll my eyes and laugh. For a moment everything felt to peaceful and carefree. I think we all noticed this as the laughing died down and we all became stoic again. Our attention was immediately pulled when we saw Sharons car pulling up. I immediately got out of the car to retrieve our things

"Not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car." Sharon said eyeing me oddly

"It's low profile." I told her, it was the best we could do

" Good, because this stuff tends to draw a crowd." She said opening her trunk. Inside was my shield, uniform, sams wings and uniform, and Charlies uniform

I begin to pull the items out when Sharon speaks up

"How is Charlie holding up" Sharon asked

"Pretty well, why wouldn't she be holding up" I asked curiously

"Its no secret Steve that she wats a life with you, one outside the violence and chaos that follows you both around. This whole situation you put yourselves in almost completely pushes away that future she's dreaming of with you." Sharons words hit me like a truck, have I been selfish? I dragged my wife into this mess, when I should have left it alone. I should have given our relationship more attention then I have been. I looked back at the car and lock eyes with Charlie, she sends me a small smile and a nod.

"She loves you too much to say anything, no matter what she will always support you. Thats what she does.. always puts others first. Don't loose her cap, she is one of a kind" Sharon said walking back to her car

"Thank you, Sharon. For everything" I told her grateful for al she's done for us, and grateful for her opening eye eyes more. She nods, soon taking off. I walk back to the car with all of our gear, Charlie steps out to help me load it into the back of the car.

She takes some of the items and neatly arranges them so all will fit. I couldn't stay quiet any longer I needed to talk to her.

"Charlie...Im sorry" I told her, she looks at me confused

"Why on earth would you be sorry" She said brows knotted together.

"I put my needs before our needs as a couple, I chose to go down the path of most resistance without thinking about how it would effect our relationship, how it wold effect our future. I want to give you everything in life and I feel like I messed it all up." I spoke honestly, I felt terrible about what I did. Charlie reached up and out her hand on my cheek, causing my insides to melt.

"Im with you till the end of the line cap" She said leaning in and giving me a sweet kiss. Those few words let me know everything was going to be okay, that she was always going to be by my side. Thanks to this beautiful person my confidence was restored. We pulled away and both walked back to the car.

"Lets go meet the others" I said as we pulled away to another part of the parking garage.

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