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Charlies POV:

"What are you doing here" I asked Tony shocked he actually came.

"I owed a friend a favor" He said as Steve came to my side. He held me protectively though I am unsure why

"I was wrong with what I said. I dont blame you, I blame myself. I was just mad at you because I want to be more like you and I never will be. You protected everyone and yourself, i could only hold my own ground. I was wrong and I am sorry" Tony finished. I was shocked by what he said, he wanted to be more like me? Shocked was an understatment

"Thank you Tony" Was all I could say. I gave him a hug and we walked into the compound. Steve still held me protectively. I didnt mind, but this normally isn't like him and I was growing concerned.

"Steve what's going on? Your acting like im a porcelain doll" I told him as I turned to face him.

"I just... this is dangerous and way out of our comfort zone. Im worried" Steve finished. My face softened, ive rarely ever seen him this. There was something more but I trusted Steve to tell me when he was ready.

Third POV:

Everyone was either working on the machine or getting the team back together. Charlie was currently in the shower while steve laid in bed waiting for her. Charlie wanted to be helping Tony but Steve wanted her to rest in case she was pregnant. Charlie didnt protest too much, with the way she has been feeling she needed rest. She barely got any these days.

As Charlie stepped out of the shower she felt a sudden wave of nausea and dizziness come through. She slipped in the tub sending her head first into the tile floor she let out a scream but the floor never came. She felt warm arms holding her. She found Steve staring down in concern.

"Im fine" She said as she got back on her feet "How did you get here so fast?" She asked shocked he did

"I was coming to check on you and you fell as i opened the door" Steve said, though she was grateful she couldn't help but wonder

"Are you sure everything is okay? You have been watching me like a hawk and barley leaving my side. I dont mind its just you normally dont do that. Are my results back? Are they bad?" Charlie finished in a panic. Steve quickly pulled her into a hug diminishing her fears.

"No results back, i promise you im okay i just want to make sure you're safe." Steve finished

"Steve im in a compound with assassins and super humans. Im a super soldier and so is my husband. Why wouldn't I be safe? What are you not telling me" Charlie accused her voice raising slightly. She was past waiting for Steve to be ready. She wanted answers now.

"Ill tell you when you need to know" Steve said with anger in his voice too, why couldn't she trust him? It wasn't trust that was the issue here. It was the minimal amount fo sleep they both have gotten mixed with time traveling chaos mixed with charlies messy hormones. She didnt know what's gotten into her.

"We are a team steve. Partners for life! I deserve to know now" Charlie said putting her foot down

"just drop it Charlotte" Steve responded. She knew he was mad. He used her full name.

"So now we are keeping things from each other? Whats got you so turned around Steven" Charlie said throwing clothes on. Steve didnt respond. He couldn't tell her, he couldn't give her hopes up and watch her heart crumple.

"Your thinking about going back aren't you?" Charlie accused, though she didnt say it they both knew what she meant. She believed he would go back and live the life he was supposed to a life without her.

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