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Charlies POV:
I could not stop smiling. The man I love with every bit of me proposed. We were walking back to our apartment enjoying the beauitful night. I started thinking about my life now versus when it was the 40's

"You know, I never ever thought I would get married when I was in the 40's. I always thought I would probably get a dog and live alone." I said as we both laughed and he pulled me closer.

"Im pretty sure no one women new I existed before the serum so that was also not in my plans" He said I laughed a little

"You know, if i had known you even before the serum I would have still fallen for you" I said making Steve turn to me slightly shocked. "What I love most about you is how brave and determined you are. You had those qualities before you were chosen. You always fight for what is right. I love you for that" I continued. Steve looked down to me with soft eyes. He pulled me in for a kiss and fireworks erupted in me.

"Your my girl Charlie, always will be" Steve said pulling away. I smiled as we continued to walk. Once we got into the apartment, we headed to the room to get ready for bed.

"Steve can you help me with the zipper on the dress?" I asked him struggling, how did i get this on earlier? I felt him fumble with the zipper. As his hands brushed my bare back I shivered but quickly was overcome with an emotion. In that moment I wanted Steve.

I turned to him only to find him staring back at me. I looked him in the eyes, it was like we had telepathic communication.

"Are you sure Steve?" I asked before

"As sure as I am about marrying you. Are you sure" Steve asked me. I pulled him into a heavy kiss answering his question. (You can guess where the moment went).

Third POV:

Steve and Charlie lay there cuddled up to each other. The whole day was absolutely perfect in both their minds.

"Thank you for everything Steve" Charlie told him

"You don't have to thank me doll, you deserved it and I wanted to ask you for awhile now I just had to figure out how." He told her kissing her head. They lay there in comfortable silence for a moment before Charlie fell asleep due to the rhythmic beating from Steves heart.

Steve looked down on her. He was never happier than this moment. He found the girl of his dreams and she loved him for who he was without the serum. She was absolutely gorgeous and he couldn't help but inspect every bit of her. He couldn't want for her to become Mrs. Rogers. And with that though he too drifted to sleep.

Steves POV:

I woke up to the sound of buzzing. I realized it came from my phone. I reluctantly removed my arms from around Charlie causing her to shift.

"Hello" I asked into the phone.

"Captain Rogers, we have located the scepter we need you to come in immediately" I heard Nick speak over the phone.

"Yes sir" I replied disappointed.

"Is commander Williams with you? If not ill call her" Nick said.

"No she is with me, I will let her know. Be there soon" I said hanging up. I turn seeing Charlie still asleep. I took a moment to admire how beautiful she is. I gently shook her and she woke immediately.

"Hey doll, Nick said he located the scepter, we have to head in immediately" I told her. She gave me the smile she uses when she is slightly upset. "Whats wrong" I ask her.

"I just wish we had a little more time you know to enjoy this time in our lives, a little more time of normalcy" She said, i couldn't agree more I loved this life. "But its our duty to protect" She said.

I Gave her a smile, always so brave. "Ill make sure we get time after this mission, we can plan our wedding, watch movies and whatever else you wish" I told her giving her a kiss. It always amazes me how it feels to kiss her.

"We better start getting ready, we need to get that scepter" Charlie said pulling away with a smile on her face. I nodded in agreement as we got ready together and headed out for our next mission.

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