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Charlies POV:

Day 22. I was now at a point where I could barley move. The lack of nutrition made me weak, and my injury made me even weaker. I saw my reflection in the window. I looked like a ghost. Ive lost all color, all my bones were visible, and black circles hung around my eyes. I didnt even have the energy to bring. I could feel the life leaving my body along with all the hope I used to hold.

I heard movement behind me but I couldn't even turn my head. I waited and saw Nebula lay a sleeping tony in the copilot seat next to me.

"Thank you for everything" I told her as I grabbed her hand. She has been so helpful this past month. She nodded and squeezed my hand and got up and left.

Although Tony was asleep, I knew it wasn't longer until we both succumbed to death.

"I remember the first time I saw your father in show. I though he was such a playboy know it all and I hated him for it. But having gotten to know him when after I was injected, he turned out to be an amazing guy. Just like you" I said as tear slipped my face "It was a pleasure knowing you tony" I said as my eyes started to close. But a bright light woke us both. It was a woman a human looking women. I sat up in my chair shocked but cringed at the pain. But I managed to look over to tony, hope shined on both our faces.

Steves POV:

After discovering who the knew woman was, we all seemed to have a question floating around in our heads.

"Are you able to search for someone in space for us" I asked turning everyone heads

"We may have a general idea of where they could be" Rocket spoke up "puzzling things together, they could be around Titan. I doubt they will still be there, you could check but more likely they are somewhere in space around there" Rocket finished, I could hear the hope he held that some of his teammates would still be alive.

"Ill search but I can't promise anything" Carol said taking off. We all looked at each other holding in our breaths Patiently awaiting any news. We all sat at a table waiting. But I wasn't sure how I felt. Im most likely confirming the passing of my wife. But could there be a chance? A chance she was alive and well? The moments passing were killing me. I needed to know more than anything. But sitting here was not helping. I didnt get the oppurtnuitiy to shave before, now is the best time. I made my way over and began section by section. My hands shook, I would soon be getting my answer and i really wasn't sure if I would like it.

Just as I finished the mirror began to shake, I immediately dropped the blade and ran outside meeting everyone else. Carol had arrived back with a ship. My heart rate picked up faster then it ever had before. I felt like it took years before she landed. I stood right next to Pepper, we both looked at each other with both hope and devastation. We would both get our answer now.

The entrance of the ship opened up, we saw a couple of people walking down. It was Tony and he was being helped my another woman. Pepper and I rushed forward and I immediately went and helped him. Pepper came over and both shared a reunion. I looked away as my heart sank when no one else was exiting.

"hey cap" Tony said, I turned to him tears piling in my eyes. "She is one stubborn girl, you better go help her out she's trying on her own" Tony finished, My face was filled with shock, before anyone could say anything else i ran onto the ship. I didnt have the ability to shout her name, I was lost for words. I heard a grunt to my left and turn and walked to find Charlie holding herself up trying to walk.

"Charlie...." I said so quietly I was surprised she heard me. She looked up to me both of us at a loss for words. I ran to her as she let go of the wall I cough her as she fell and held her as close to me as possible.

"I thought I lost you" She sobbed into my shoulder, hearing her like this made me squeeze her harder

"I have you back, your never leaving me again' I said pulling away and pulling her into a passionate kiss. We stayed there for a moment longer before we both pull away. I finally get a good look at her and my heart sinks. She doesn't look like her self. She looks like she was dying.

"What on earth happened" I asked her scared, this state was sickly.

"Steve, i dont know how long I have" She told me as tears streamed her face, before I could ask she fainted in my arms.

"CHARLIE" I yelled trying to shake her awake but nothing as happening. I quickly scooped her up taking notice to how light she had gotten and ran off the ship to banner.

"please she needs help now" I said and we all ran in to the medical room.

"Lay her here" Banner told me. I couldn't loose her I just got her back.

We heard the door open and turned to see a very weak Tony

"She was impaled by some sort of alient metal and her body isn't responding well, we removed what we could but there still may be pieces in her. It was too risky to do anything with the lack of supplies. She would have died sooner" Tony spoke. Bruce immediately started gathering tools, Before tony left he turned to be.

"Click the red flashing button. We kept logs everyday, you need to know everything that went on she made them for you" Tony said handing me his helmet then walked away to get treated.

"You may want to step out, I need to get out the rest of the metal and it won't be pretty. Ill get you once it is over" Bruce said. I gave charlie a kiss on her head and walked out with the helmet helmet held tightly to myself. I sat down trying to prepare for what I was about to hear.

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