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Charlies POV:

I had enlisted the help Of Nat, Wanda and Pepper to help me find a dress in only a day. I was looking for something vintage but modern, to honor my old life but celebrate this new modern one I was making with Steve. Nat had found me a perfect dress. It was hard, I'm never one to wear dresses but this day was more special than anything. We all sat in the room getting ready, I dozed off in my thoughts as Pepper did my hair.

I couldn't be happier with Steve by my side. Part of me wonders, what would we be like together in the 40's? would we have children right away? would we live in a small house in Brooklyn? Would Bucky be the fun uncle that disobeyed everything we said? Part of me wished for that life, but I couldn't be more grateful for the one I am given.

"Nervous?" Wanda asked me

"I couldn't be more ready, I found the one I will spend forever with" I told them all with a smile, it was true, this feeling trumped my nerves.

"You know, before you were awoken Steve was a mess. On the outside he was calm but you could tell on the inside he was lost and upset. When you came into his life it all changed. Not only did he have someone who knew exactly what he was going through but he found the perfect woman for him" Pepper told me finishing my hair. I couldn't hide the smile on my face.

"He's my everything, I never thought about my future till I met him. I never thought I would get the opportunity to feel what I am feeling. Its all a dream come true" I spoke honestly, I normally don't open up this much but I couldn't help but let it flow on this special day.

"Do you wish your dad was here to walk you down the aisle" Wanda asked me curious

"I never knew him, but I didn't need to. He walked out on us but I knew I could take care of myself." I told her, she squeezed my hand then went to get her dress on.

"SO who is going to walk you down?" Nat asked me

"Ive know for awhile now, you will see" I said giving her a wink making her laugh

"Time to get the dress on!" Pepper squealed. My heart rate increased...this is it im actually putting a wedding dress on, my only wedding dress. I slipped it on and Nat finished buttoning me up.

"Take a look Commander" She said as I turned around.

My mouth fell open, I couldn't believe the woman in the mirror was me. I felt so elegant, so beautiful. A new feeling of self confidence rushed through me. I was finally able to utter a few words "My god..." was all i got out. Everyone laughed and gathered their belongings.

"Time to go!" Wanda announced. We walked to the door of the compound, outside in the green field was where the ceremony was. The girls left my side and headed to their seats next to Betty and Peggy who amazing managed to get here. I waited inside nervously. I wasn't nervous to marry Steve, Ive never been more sure of it. I was just hoping I could give him everything he wanted in life, he deserved the best.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Sam.

"You look stunning CJ, Steve is a lucky man" Sam told me. I pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you for walking me Sam. Ive never had a father or people who I could absolutely 100% trust. I found that with this team, but in you I found a deep friendship. Im glad your here" I told him pulling away.

"Thats enough to make a grown man cry" Sam said wiping his eyes laughing. I laughed as well. The music began to play. It was time

"You ready?" Sam asked hooking my arm in his

"Ive never been more ready for anything" I told him. The doors opened and I was met by the sight of Steve. He looked absolutely handsome as always. My breath caught in my throat but in a good way. I was minutes away from calling the man in front of me my husband. This generous, courageous, smart, and kind man. He is my everything. And I will love him until the day I die.

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