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Charlies POV:

I woke up in Steves embrace, there truly was no better feeling than this. His arm held me and our little boy protectively. My stomach had grown significantly the past week. I looked like I was about a month away from giving birth. This was the happiest morning of my life, here in my husbands arms carrying my sweet boy.

"What are you thinking about Darling?" Steve asked groggily, I smiled yet again

"Just how i want this moment to last forever" I said smiling up to Steve. He smiled down to me and we kissed.

"We should start getting ready, its an important day" Steve said and I nodded, dreading today. Steve would be going back and replacing the stones to their original time lines. It wasn't extremely risky but I will always worry. I quickly got dressed and headed out to the forest while Steve got ready. I slowly walked dup to Sam and Bucky having a conversation.

"What are you boys talking about?" I asked as I walked in between them

"Just feels good to be back CJ" Sam said giving me a side hug.

"You look like you are ready to pop, my god how long have you been pregnant" Bucky asked as he stared at my stomach

I laughed at his response and hit his shoulder "You don't tell a girl that Bucky, your supposed to be fighting for the godfather position, Sam has a lead on you" I replied laughing

"Ive got this in the bag" Sam said confidently, they started to wrestle each other and all i could do was laugh at their behavior. Before I could say anything Steve walked out ready to go.

"Please, just be safe Steve. We need you to come home" I said as I pulled his hands to my stomach

"I will trust me. Once I get back that's it.We go live our own lives" He said kissing the top of my head. I nodded eagerly

"I love you" I told him

"I love you more" He replied before walking onto the platform. I walked over to Sam and Bucky and Bucky wrapped his arm around me in comfort.

"He will be fine CJ" He said. I nodded worry controlling me.

"Alright, ready to bring him back in 3...2...1" Banner said but Steve never came. I stepped forward.

"Try it again" I demanded, he did and still Steve wasn't back

Steves POV:

It was easy placing all the stones back in their appropriate time lines. But before I was ready to go back i had to do something, I had to see something. I quickly jumped to another timeline making sure i remained hidden, July 4th 1940...

I walked up slowly to the recruitment tent trying to seem normal. Movement caught my eye. The most beautiful woman in the world was walking in, determination dead set in her eyes. My wife...

She walked in and I listened closely to the conversation.

"Im sorry but we re not accepting little girls into the Navy" The reception said, I smirked excited to see how my wife would react.

"Are you kidding me? Why can't I fight! I am willing to lay my life on the line, I just want to help please is there anything you could do?"

"Listen lady, I'm sorry but only men can join why don't you go back to the kitchen where you belong" said the receptionist, I cringed at the comment. I hated seeing someone put her down.

"Ma'am, I need you to calm down and come with me" I heard someone say, it must have been Dr. Antoines.

"yes sir"

They moved to the side of the tent where I was standing outside. "Ms......Williams, what made you come here tonight?"

"For months I have been trying to join the navy, I know I am a woman but I want to help. Others are putting their lives on the line, why shouldn't I? I want to help my country. I don't necessarily want to kill, I just want to protect those who can't protect themselves. I want to stand up for what's right, even if that means i die in the end." She said softly but confidently, I was so proud.

"Listen, I am a part of a program that is meant to find an individual who is worth as far with in, one who embodies a hero. This program is painful and will change you, but it will get you out on the boats and you WILL save lives, maybe even end the war." Antoines told her. I wanted to see this, wanted to see the moment that put my wife on the same path, the moment she became a hero.

"Yes" Charlie replied without hesitation

"Ma'am you will have to give up everything, are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"Many others have given the ultimate sacrifice, Its my turn to do my part sir." She replied confidently. I smiled wide. She is the most amazing woman I have ever met. Anyone will ever meet. With that last bit I quickly Went back to my timeline.

I landed softly on the platform to see a distressed Charlie and Bucky. Charlie met my eyes and I could see the anger rising in them. I gulped...I messed up

"Steven Grant Rogers where the hell were you" Charlie exclaimed as her and Bucky walked up to me, Sam shook his head in laughter. He knew what my plan was

"We thought something happened to you! Where were you? Are you okay?!" I smirked at Charlies deviation from anger to worry

"Honey, Im okay I promise. I am so sorry i just had to see something important" I told her grabbing her shoulders to calm her.

"What was so damn important" She said with a pointed look


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