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Third POV:

Steve sat with many others in the cathedral head down knowing how hard these past few days have been on his wife. He and the others looked up on hearing the entrance

In walked Charlie and five other men as pallbearers carrying Betty's coffin. She held a blank face wanting to be strong for Betty but her eyes were blood shot, everyone knew she had taken this hard. They finally reach the priest and lay the coffin. Charlie lays her hand on the coffin staring at it for a moment before she takes a seat in the front next to Steve. She quickly grabs his hand in comfort. The ceremony went on but Charlie was not paying much attention she was reliving the happy memories she shared with betty.

Betty wouldn't want her to be this way, from the moment she woke from ice Betty wanted nothing but happiness for her and she saw that Steve was the answer she pushed her to step to him. Charlie remembered the conversation she shared with Betty when they reunited. She looked at Steve with a small smile at the memory. This warmed Steves heart to see a smile from his beautiful wife who had been lifeless the past few days

"And now, I would like to invite Charlotte Rogers to come up and say a few words." The priest wrote

Steve and Charlie shared a confused look, she had not been told to make a speech. Charlie walked up to the podium lost at what to say but one look at Bettys picture she knew exactly what to say. Steve looks at his wife confidently

"Betty was known to most as one of the founders of SHIELD, but to me she was my best friend...My family. We lived in a time where people were constantly trying to bring us down trying to direct how we should live. She stepped out of that stigma with me. She was braver than me always has been." she says. When she looks at Steve her confidence builds.

'During one of my visits to Betty I mentioned all the photos in her room. One with her and the president and other well known diplomats and it amazed me. I asked her how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage during a time when no one wanted a woman to succeed, where we were bound by house duties. She told me to compromise where you can but where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something is right even though it is wrong. Even if the whole world is telling you to is your duty to plant yourself and tell them no you move. Ill never forget this and Ill never forget her" Charlie finished. She felt pride after giving her speech, she felt she had done Betty justice. She gave a small smile and sat by Steve for the rest of the ceremony.

As the ceremony ended, Charlie decided to have a few moments alone in the Church. She sat there in silence, feeling the presence of Betty. Steve quietly waked up behind her making sure his wife was doing okay.

"When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone. Then I found out that she was alive. I felt like a piece of me came back" Charlie spoke honestly to Steve.

"She had you back, too. She couldn't be more proud of the person who became Charlie" Steve spoke as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"She wouldnt want me to back down, to be controlled. I dont want that either Steve" Charlie Spoke referring to he Accords "I know sometimes the path of least resistance isn't always the wrong one....but what are we giving up to do it?" Charlie finished. Steve looked into her eyes feeling immense pride.

"I won't sign it" Steve told her She looked at him

"Neither will I, Im by your side Steve"

"Till the end of the line" He finished leaning in and giving her a passionate kiss. Their love constantly growing.

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