New World

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Medical Bay 2012:

Third POV:
The Medical bay was a mess with the arrival of Charlottes body. Everyone was working hard to stabilize her and prepare her to be awoken.

The Avengers waited patiently in the briefing room for any word on her condition. They didn't know what to expect. How will she react to this new world? Will she help us? will she be upset that she was hidden for 70 years? What is she like?

Charlies POV:

All I could feel was a deep ache in my body. Then slowly my senses started coming to me i could feel a sheet under me, i could wiggle my toes, i could smell the strong sent of rubbing alcohol. Then there was a bright light, god that is annoying can someone please turn it off.

Then it hit me, Im supposed to be dead. I was under fire. Is everyone okay? Did we win...

All of a sudden I felt a shocked and I bolted upright. Everyone staring frozen on what to do.

Shocked, i looked around taking in my surroundings. Where am I? What is all this?

I heard a cough and looked towards the sound. I saw a man with and eye patch, i have never seen him before maybe he works with Dr. Antoines....

"Welcome back to the world Ms. Williams" he said straight.

I was at a loss for words still confused by everything that is around me. The technology, the people, the clothes. it was overwhelming.

The confusion must have been noticeable because eye patch spoke up again "My name is Nick Fury, If you come with me i will explain everything. but first get changed."

I was hesitant to go with this strange eye patch man but then again everything right now is strange, i want answers and he looks like the man who can supply them.

I quickly got changed into the oddest clothes I have ever seen. Tight black cargo pants, a black, tank top, and a leather jacket? what world am i in? but hey it is way better then a dress.

Following Nick I couldn't help but gaze at every inch of this place and the people. This technology is amazing, i thought we were years from this. Where the hell am i?

I was suddenly bought into a dark room with only a table and two chairs and a large window. I Knew right away people were behind it, but that wasn't my biggest concern at the moment.

"Ms. williams... Do you remember what happened last?" he asked cautiously.

"I remember shielding both the harbor and the hospital, i remember the pain from taking the fire, but so many lives were lost" i responded looking down. I should have done better, i could have saved more lives. I didn't deserve to be here right now.

"Correct, however that was 71 years ago. When your body was found you were put into cryofreeze and guarded by Howard Stark and Agent Peggy Carter. it stopped your aging but allowed your body to heal. It is now 2012 Ms. Williams." Nick said calmly.

I looked at him wide eyes. How the heck is that possible. This isn't real. It can't be real. I pinch myself to make sure it wasn't a dream. Unfortunately it wasn't. A million things were running through my head, but only one thing mattered to me.

"Did we win?" I ask bluntly.

"We did win that war" he replied.

"What did it cost" I asked not really wanting to hear the answer.

Nick was quiet for awhile before responding. "Ms. Williams, you did everything you could that day, you saved thousands. without you, thousands more would have died."

Is he serious? "Just because the living outwighed the lives lost doesn't mean i did my job. I was created to end the war, to bring peace, and most importantly to bring those men back home to their families. I failed, i don't deserve to be here right now." i was on the verge of tears "We may have won on war terms, but in my eye we lost" i said, done with the conversation.

Steves POV:

I stared at the woman on the other side of the mirror. I can't believe a woman from my era had morals and confidence like that. She sounded familiar, she sounded like me or more so i sounded like her.

The picture in her file doesn't do her justice, she is stunning.

I continue to listen to the debriefing with the others.

"Ms. Williams, we need your help. There seems to be another war brewing. His name is Loki and he holds the Tesseract which I believe you are slightly familiar with?" Nick asks her cautiously.

It took her awhile to respond "Yes sir" was all she said.

"Well he plans to use it to open a portal in order to bring his army the chitari over and take over earth. We had it hidden away in a secure location but Loki is smart and deceptive" Nick explains.

"You should have just left it where you found it. All due respect sir, but that thing wreaks of danger and destruction and people should not be messing with it." she spoke seriously.

I was taken back by her response.

"Well cap in seems like we have found the female version of you" Tony spoke while patting my shoulder. I didn't care to respond, i was too focused on Charlie.

"Yes we know, but we really do need your help. With your skills, we have a fighting chance." Nick responded almost pleading...almost.

"I will help because innocent lives are at risk here, not because i trust you or believe in anything you are doing here. Now, who is "we"." she asked.

I couldn't help but smile, you cannot find a girl like this not today or even in my time. Suddenly, Nick taps on the window signaling the team to come out.

We all line up and introduce ourselves.

"Natasha Romanoff, SHIELD Agent" she responds shake CHarlies hand while Charlie gives a nod.

"Clint Barton, Hawkeye, SHIELD agent"

"Tony Stark, Playboy Billionaire genius. Whichever you prefer." I rolled my eyes at his response, of course he would play that card with her. She rolled her eyes and resoponded "Just like your father" and kept walking down the line.

"My lady, Thor the god of thunder, pleasure to meet you" she nodded at him. Finally it was my turn and honestly i felt nervous. Why am i nervous? maybe because she is stunning inside and out and was the first true hero.

When she gets to me our eyes lock and we stare at each other for what felt like ours. Our trance broke when Nick cleared his throat.

"Oh uh-i Uh.. Steve Rogers Ma'am" I said taking her hand to shake. I noticed a slight blush creeping on her cheeks which made me smile even more. It gave me more confidence to elaborate on my intro.

"I am actually from your time. I was given the same serum as you and frozen in ice as well" i laughed awkwardly as i finished.

She smiled brightly at me "Well it will be great to have someone help me get through this, someone who will understand."

I blushed once I saw her smile. What is happening to me?

Charlies POV:

Once I saw Steve, my eyes couldn't leave his. He was.. wow. His eyes were so beautiful. Did i blush? I have never ever ever blushed. Guys were never my focus, i couldn't care for them they all wanted the same thing.

But i could see it in Steve, he was different. Something in him is special and I desperately hope ill be the one to find it.

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