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SHIELD Apartments

Charlies POV:

Mission after mission, it finally feels good to be able to relax. But i wouldn't trade it for the world, im out there saving lives and im doing it with a man of honor, courage, and integrity. Steve and I still have yet to have our second date due to the missions. But we have grown closer. Everyday I fall harder for him.

I never thought i would go on dates or feel this way but i do and i couldn't be happier. I never put thought into things like having a family and marriage but now I am. I was ripped from my thoughts when i noticed a small box and note on my bed.

I cautiously approached. I grabbed the letter and read it:

Ms. Williams.

I Know you probably wondered what happened that day. You know what you saw but you didn't se it from a whole perspective. This tape has been hidden since you went under. In order to move on, you need to see you didn't fail.


I hesitated to open the box. I stared at it for what felt like hours. Should i do this, would it help me? Or would it make the storm of failure and anger inside me build. I unconsciously reached for the box opening it and revealing the tape. I hesitantly inserted it into the box and began watching.

Steves POV:

I was headed to see Charlie. I wanted to finally take her on that second date but missions kept coming up. Our next one was in Washington D.C. and i needed to let Charlie know. Everyday i find myself falling harder for that amazing woman. I was about to knock on her door when I heard sobs. I paused, was that Charlie? Is she okay? Is she hurt?

I quickly knock, worry building up inside me. Charlie answers with poofy red eyes.

"Oh my god, Charlie are you okay?" i instantly rush to pull her in my arms. She sobs further as her arms wrap around me.

"come on lets go in and talk" i say ushering her into the room. Once i sit her down i squat down to be eye level with her.

"Charlie doll, what's wrong" I say uprising myself with the word doll, it just felt so natural.

"I-uh... Someone got footage the day i died or lived or i don't know what you call it. Fury gave it to me to watch thinking it would make me understand. How could i understand and feel okay about that when I failed Steve" She paused for breathe. I was about to interrupt but she kept going. "I could have saved everyone. I should have seen them coming, I should have put shields up sooner. I failed, im no hero, look how many died" She said replaying the video.

I couldn't turn my eyes from the screen. I was watching this brave woman save thousands and put herself through immense pain. I didn't realize i shed a few tears. Some tears were of sadness because of the pain she went through but others were because of how proud i am of her.

"Charlie look at me, one thing i learned is that you will never be able to save anyone in war. Thats why it is called war. Lives will be lost always, but what matters is that you pick yourself up and keep going. You did exactly that. You witnessed complete horror that day, yet you stood up and saved many more lives without second guessing yourself. You are a hero Charlie."She looked up at me with a small smile, i knew i finally got through to her. I took her hands in mine.

"Im sorry Steve, i just...along with those innocent lives taken I lost two people very important to me. Maggie, a nurse, was the family i never had and she was shot and killed while trying to bring wounded into the hospital. And James....I should have kept an eye on him, he was so young I told him to go help. i Failed to protect him and now he rests at the bottom of the harbor with many others." Charlie explained to me.

"I completely understand, I too had a best friend named James. On a mission I ran he fell from a train high up, I couldn't get him in time. I won't lie, every once in awhile i think what i could have done better to save him. But what's done is done, i can't keep getting stuck in the past especially when i know have something in the future to look forward to" I admitted honestly. Charlie had a deep blush and smiled with a tear.

"You will always think about them, I always think of bucky, but they wouldn't want you to sit here in sadness. Live your life Charlie, for them." I finished hoping she understood.

Charlie immediately wrapped me in a hug which i gladly returned. I am falling hard.

We both pulled away slightly but were still so close. I kept looking from her lips to her eyes. I felt an urger but before I could act, her lips were on mine. It took me a moment to register what happened. Her lips were warm and i felt like a war erupted inside of me. We moved in sync. We pulled away for air and rested our foreheads together.

"Thank you Steve, I honestly don't know what i would do without you." Charlie spoke honestly.

I smiled the biggest smile i could. This is my girl.

"Come one, we need to get packing. We leave for Washington D.C. tomorrow" I said not really wanting to move from my spot.

Charlie POV:

Once my lips hit steve, bombs were set off. I felt so safe and so comfortable. I didn't want to leave this ever. He is my something to live for.

Im coming to terms with what happened thanks to Steve. I may not have saved everyone but im alive and I can save more lives.

"Thank you Steve, i honestly don't know what i would do without you" I spoke so happy and content with this moment.

I Looked at Steve, this is my man. He couldn't be more amazing.

"Come on, we need to get packing. We leave for Washington D.C. tomorrow."

I was sad, i didn't want to leave his arms, but so happy that he is mine. Is this what it feels like? When you find the one?

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