The Past

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Charlies POV:

Steve suddenly stopped in front of a building. Im still not familiar with anything so I was confused.

"Steve where are we?" I ask admiring the beautiful building.

"Its called the Smithsonian Museum. There is something I wanted to see." He said giving me a small smile and taking my hand.

I followed him up, I grew more confused but Steve seemed determined so I let him lead the way without questions. Steve began to slow down once we reached what i assume was the destination. I looked around, this was his section.

I couldn't help but read everything about him. I was so drawn into one section, how courageous and stubborn he was before he was given the serum. He was willing to risk everything, he still is. I smiled, this is the man I love. He is the person I always wanted to be. I didn't realize it but i was so unconsciously touching the picture of Steve before the serum.

Steves POV:

Charlie had wondered off, I got stuck at a section watching Peggy being interviewed. I gave a small smile.

"That was a difficult winter. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve...Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade that had pinned our allies down for months. He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would...who would become my husband as it turned out. Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life." Peggy stated.

If I saw this when I first woke, I would have been devastated. But I couldn't help but feel reassured, that I did at least one thing right. That she got to live the life she was meant for. I open the compass, to find the picture of Peggy. I left it in the exhibit. For awhile Ive been ready, ready to let go.Although this new world is a struggle, I have someone to help me through. Someone amazing, courageous, selfless, strong willed. Someone I love.

I turn around to go too Charlie, but i pause in my tracks. There she is touching the old photo of me before the serum, smiling.

"Like what you see? That wasn't me at my best." I said laughing.

'Steve, you are always at your best. Even before the serum." She looked at me smiling.

I had one question stuck in my head "Does it bother you that you weren't honored for what you did? Honestly, i could do without all this" I asked.

"I wanted the day to be dedicated to those who fought, to those who wouldn't be returning home. Its not about me, it is about the sacrifice those men made. I got the biggest honor of all, I was given the opportunity to save the world, to make a difference. That more than enough for me" She said honestly. I didn't think it was possible for me to love her more.

"Come on, there is someone I want you to meet." I told her grabbing her hand leading us out of the museum.

Nursing Home:

Steves POV:

I knocked on the door, leading Charlie to meet Peggy.

"Steve, how wonderful to see you. And who is this? My you look familiar dear." Peggy stated

"Im Charlie, you probably know me as Charlotte Joyce Williams. You looked after me." Charlie said jumping in before I could say anything. She took Peggy's hand shaking it softly.

"Oh yes I remember you, how could I forget. The female version of Steve I always joked. You are probably the bravest young lady I know" Peggy said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile at that, she couldn't be more right.

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