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Sokovia Mission:

Charlies POV:

We had just gotten to Sokovia ready to retrieve the scepter, I felt nervous that something bad could happen. But I put on a brave face. As we stepped off ready to attack Steve turned to us designating the plan.

"Charlie, Nat, and Clint I want you all to stay together" Steve ordered, I nodded ready to go. As we all began to walk away i grabbed steves arm "Please be safe Steve" I told him worried he may get hurt.

"You know I will, you be safe too" He said, we gave each other a nod and smile and went separate ways. Nat, Clint, and I were immediately under attack. I threw up my shields to get us to a safe zone. Once we got covered we began to attack. I threw my shields left and right but I felt as though the more we took down the more that showed up.

"Shit!" Tony said over the comm, I still wasn't used to the language of this time.

"Language" me and Steve said both laughing that we mentioned the same thing.

"I think we lost the element of surprise" I said into the comm, We were under heavy fire. Clint laughed.

"Yeah I think we did" Clint said laughing.

"Is anyone going to deal with the fact that the Capsicles said language" Tony said. I rolled my eyes at his humor.

"It just slipped out" Steve said sounding disappointed. I smiled.

"Old habits die hard Stark" I said into the comm. Nat, Clint and I kept on fighting. Suddenly I am knocked over by a force. I shook my head t clear it but couldn't see anything. Just then Steve answered my question

"We have an enhanced in the field" Steve said. I put my guard up high, making sure I wouldn't get hit again. I kept my eyes wide to catch him. I suddenly see him zoom by clint causing him to get shot.

"CLINT" I yell running to me teammate. Nat meets me there

"you take care of him, Ill keep a shield around you guys and fight off what I can" I told. She gave me a nod and tended to clint. I kept a shield around them as I fought with my other arm.

"Lints been Hit" Nat informs the team. I try to keep the shield up but the bunker was making it more difficult.

"Somebody want to deal with that bunker" I yelled trying to get help as i fought off more men. The hulk suddenly appears taking the bunker out.

"thank you" I said grateful it was taken out this way I could keep protecting Nat and Clint. "Nat how is Clint" I asked worridley

"He is hit pretty bad, we are going to need evac" Nat said.

"Thor, help me get Nat and Clint to the jet, he needs medical attention now" I said taking control of the situation. I put a shield around them as we headed to the jet for Clint. Once we got him there I went back to the field to help fight. After a bit, Nat showed up and helped me with the rest.

"We are locked down out here in the field" I spoke in the comm to Steve

"Great, Nat its lullaby time, Charlie be safe getting back to the jet" Steve said, but i wanted to help more.

"I am coming with you guys" I said heading towards their location.

"Charlie no, i need you with Clint and Nat" Steve said. I didn't reply, I was slightly angry. I can handle my own and I need to make sure Steve is safe.  But I headed back to the jet, knowing when Steve uses that tone he won't change his mind. As I reached the jet I attended to Clint trying to hold him over till we get back.

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