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Steves POV:

Charlie and I paced the room watching the signing of the accords. We hardly spoke a word, the situation being tense. She sat down and put her head in her hands. I looked at her sadly. These tased few days have been so hard on her. She lost someone who was her past her family and now she's loosing people in her new family. This is tearing me apart as well, but I need to be strong for her.

"Charlie" I starting sitting down next to her and grabbing her hand "I know its been a rough week, you have lost many people this week. I just want you to know Im here and we will get through this together." I finished

She looked up to to me "These accords...they have divided us. Im loosing people I've grown to consider family, good people. But I can't be too upset because I know their intentions are pure. Plus Ill always have you and that means everything to me. Whats tearing me right now is that every time i feel like I'm doing the right thing going in the right direction something stands in the way. I gave my life in the 40's to help save lives to stop hydra. But hydra continued to grow. We worked with them Steve and we didn't know it. We took them down and got back on track. we are being tied down. We can't make our own choices, we are being led blindly How do we know we are not being led in the wrong direction once again?" Charlie finished looking me in the eyes with concern. We have gone through so much we gave so much yet it doesn't feel like we did.

"I completely understand and agree. I know I put on a tough face...but im terrified. Terrified that we are doing horrible things but they are being disguised as good. This knew world is complex, but war is war. We just need to stand our ground and be careful with what we do" I finished, I noticed she relaxed more at my words. We fell silent for a moment with only the TV making a sound. I look over at Charlie and notice a smile creep onto her face

"What are you thinking doll?" I asked her with a smile, I haven't seen my wife smile in awhile and it was warming to see it again

"I wish I would have met you before the serum, we would have been great friends" She laughed

This made ms mile wider "Well we are friends now, and husband and wife which I would say is better" This made her laugh

"It definitely is, I just wish I could have been graced with your presence sooner" She told me causing me to laugh. I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. We broke apart and rested our foreheads together, for a moment all our troubles were gone and it was just us.

"I can't wait to settle down one day, to go on picnics and dance in the living room, to grow our family" She added

"I countdown the days until that can happen" I told her. I couldn't wait to start our family but we both knew deep down it would be a long time before that happened. We were interrupted by an explosion on the screen.

Charlies POV:

I couldn't believe the man sitting in front of me. He is truly a blessing, and amazing and wonderful human being and I have him forever. I was about to speak when an explosion went off on the screen. Steve and I hopped to our feet running towards the screen.

"Nat" I said breathlessly knowing my dear friend was there. Steve and I rushed to get disguises and left knowing what needed to be done. We walked close to the scene but stayed in the shadows. We spotted Nat talking to T'Challa on a bench. He got up and walked away, now was the time. I picked up my phone and called her.

"Yeah?" Nat asked into the phone

" Are You alright?" I asked her with concern

"Ah, yeah, thanks. I got lucky. I know how much Barnes means to your husband and you. I really do. Stay home. You'll only make this worse. For all of us. Please." She told me. I was slightly mad but I knew she was doing her job and what she thought was best for us

"Are you saying you'll arrest me?" I asked her in a joking manner

"No. Someone will. If you interfere. That's how it works now." She replied not taking my tone

"If he's this far gone, Nat, Steve and I should be the ones to bring him in." I told her honestly. We didn't believe this was Bucky.

"Why?" She asked curiously

"Because we are the ones least likely to die trying." I said hanging up the phone I turned to Steve with frustration and concern.

"He didn't do it" Steve told me

"I know, he's remembering and I know that because he's hiding he's finding who he is. Even if he was too far gone, the winter soldier wouldn't do something this high profile and chaotic. He's sneaky. Someone else is behind this. We need to get to Bucky before they do." I told steve firmly. I

"Thank you, for sticking by my side through everything. I love you" He told me pulling me clos

"I love you too Steve, more then anything. Lets bring Bucky back" I told him giving him a quick kiss and heading to the cafe to meet Sharon and Sam. We walked hand in hand avoiding any gazes. Once we entered we spotted them and sat down.

"She tell you to stay out of it?" Sam asked and we both nodded "Might have a point." He added, I know he did. Everyone is just looking out for us but we need to do what's right.

"He'd do it for me." Steve said

"1945, maybe. I just want to make sure we considered all our options. The people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me." Sam told us honestly

"You have a great kind heart Sam, we don't want you putting your life and welfare at risk for this. Once we do it, we will become criminals. Are you sure you want in" I asked him. Sam is a great friend, He deserves better

"You guys always know what's right and always do good for others. I trust you two. Im in" He told us. Steve and I looked at each other with a small smile

"Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter soldier goes to their gym. Most of it's noise. Except for this." Sharon says giving us a file "My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now . . . so that's all the head start you're gonna get." She noted to us

"Thank you." Steve told her

"For everything" I added

"And you're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight." Sharon added. Sam, Steve, and I gave each other all a determined look.

"Im with you Steve" I said looking at Steve

"Till the end of the line" He says back grabbing my hand.

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